Thursday, June 16, 2005




Anonymous said...

niether one it's dying a looong and slow painful death we the people want to make sure we give bernie a lot to think about and hear about long after he and his party are dead and gone just as he is doing to us at this point. New Brunswick was known as the doorway of the Maritimes but the shame of it is we now have the biggest KNOB of all times hanging on that door!

Anonymous said...

It may look alive but Lord Gov’t died sometimes ago. Died morally when it decided to ignore or play politics with social issues which are near and dear to NBers. Some of these issues are:
Ritalin-indiscriminate prescription & dispensing the drug to kids
VLTs and social toll it causes. Lord Gov’t removed highway tolls but has to collect money somewhere and guess what? From poor. So tolls for the poor.
Disabled issues are not being address fully.

And many more.

Anonymous said...

Very true this comment section would not be large enough to hold all the things he has done wrong or has completely destroyed and that's not counting the neverending list of double back lies he has performed.

Anonymous said...

The scary part is that Bernard Lord is the only turkey in the country in a leadership positon who seems to endorse Supreme Court decision for private health care. This guy gives me creeps. He is not only attacking New Brunswick values, now he is going after Canadian public health care system. What is next?

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

That is the scary question??? What is next???