Yes! Monday is a great day!
It’s a provincial holiday! It’s my birthday!!!
This is the reason years ago the Government made it a recognizes day!..lol…
I have debated the issue of the Lieutenant Governor Hermenegilde Chiasson on the issue of his comments that the Acadians should forget an apology and move on!
Many are not too please with his remark!
We know that Bernard Lord is born in Quebec so therefore he doesn’t have too much Acadian pride.

Myself, I always been touchy with this issue.
I remember when the C.O.R. Party with Brent Taylor announced that the Government should remove the Acadian flag from the Legislature. Also my bigot buddy Jimmy Webb said the same statement.

I crashed that meeting with over 800 members of the C.O.R. Part present to denounced their bigot views? It was just like a black person disrupting a meeting of the KKK!!!
I went further by asking then Governor Romeo LeBlanc face to face if the Queen will grant an apology to the Acadians?

I was certain this would have been done in 1994 during Le Congres Mondial! The Queen just happened to be in the area but it never happen! He told me that some person was working on it but it never happen!!!
The Government of Canada apologizes to the Japanese people of the way they were treated during the second world war.

So why not the Acadians?
Good question and I don’t pay attention to the media on this issue!
Tomorrow I will see the Lieutenant Governor face to face and asked him my questions?
Will his Royal Highness have me beheaded for speaking out on behalf of the many thousands of families who went through a lot of hardship so the Acadian population is very much alive today?
Am I doing something wrong?
The Lieutenant Governor should have kept his mouth shut!
He got appointed by who he knew and therefore shouldn’t have never gave his views on this very emotional issue!
Stay tune!
When I’m done with this appointed individual? I may spend my birthday in Jail???..lol….
Is Hermenegilde Chiasson a royal bigot????

I’ll let you know in my next update after I asked the guy some questions?
Will he ignore moi?? Stay tune!!!
A person has to love living in the Capital!!!!
I think that this thread has gone on long enough. I think we as individual Canadian Citizens need to make an apology to the Acadian people if indeed we have caused them any serious harm or severe disrespect. but we must remember that this is a British commonwealth nation and asx such Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, is the head of State in canada, I was not born under the Maple Leaf and there fore I don't recognize it as my flag. I recognize the flag that flew before February 15, 1965. that is the one I was born under.
I pay tribute to God, the Pope, and Her Most Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
I say again that I don't believe that an apology would be accepted by the acadian people who are asking for it. I will say this in closing. if you want to live in my Country, then live according to our laws and standards, don't try to change them to suite yourselves. This is not a French republic it is a British Commonwealth Nation and Her majesty the Queen is the Monarch and Head of State.
right on the money Michael McKay,100% agreed.
& as a part acadian no matter what happened hundred's of years ago i am very proud to be Canadian & would not hold people alive today responsible.
I am first Canadian,then new brunswicker,then scotish/acadian. in that order.
anyone who does not feel the same should go back to whereever they came from IMO.
this is CANADA,if you dont like it pls leave.
Gosh yes, I hear the romans said the same thing to the carthaginians, then they remembered-oh right, they ARE home. God almighty didn't 'ordain' this land new brunswick for the british, it was conquered. In a few years if you were born under a british flag before 65 they'll say the same: this is new brunswick-not Great Britain, if you don't like it, I'm sure jolly old england will take you back. It takes little effort to make an apology, it is ENTIRELY symbolic, which means that you face the reality: YOU ARENT SORRY IT HAPPENED. As long as you can live with that, just remember, the past is never forgotten, in fact it isn't even past.
"this is CANADA,if you dont like it pls leave." Post of 3:20 pm
Where you plan to send people of first nation? Quite an attitude.
When will the French (Acadian or Quebec) apologize to the Irish for assimilating a whole generation of their children; please see the Heritage Canada commercial on CBC TV to get your head thinking on this one. Not only did the Irish children lose their parents but, over time, lost their heritage as well. Today many French and/or Acadian speaking citizens still have their Irish names as the only remaining link to their true heritage yet today believe they are truly Acadian. I am so tired of having our hard earned tax dollars going to protect somebody's language or culture. Get off the soap box! A lot of cultures, languages and religions survive and thrive in this country because (1) they choose to have it that way on a personal level and (2) our Charter gaurantees it. Apparently this not enought for the French and Acadians who, having assimilated Irish children, continuously complain about losing their identities. There is a saying for this: the pot calling the kettle black. The Irish, Scottish, and Welsh desendants of this great country are not English, we are British! But today we speak English because it JUST MAKES SENSE. Today the world does its business in English, tomorrow it may be Chinese and we will have to adapt. When Christ walked the earth the international language was Greek even though the Romans held the empire. Why? Because it was working so "why fix what ain't broke". I am glad you French and Acadians have your culture and language but you are not the only show in town. We all got over it and moved on, why can't you. How far back must we go to make amends? We all go back much farther than just a few hundred years; we go back thousands. Maybe my uncle in Damascus ripped off your uncle from Egypt for a camel in 738BC; do you want an apology for that too? Me thinks you have international insecurity issues to resolve. I love the tapestry of cultures and languages the world over but I am reminded of a Bible story called Babel. In it God said he would confuse our languages because we were progressing so fast and, in turn, becoming quite arrogant at our accomplishments. This tells me two things: (1)we are still confused today and accomplishing very little outside of technologies and (2) God was correct when He said with one language we can do anything. Like I said the only progression we have really made is with technologies because the science community typically uses one language worldwide to communicate; today it is English, tomorrow it may be Chinese, but as long as we all stay on the same page, in the words of God, "nothing which they purpose to do will be impossible for them", (Genesis 11:6, NAS Bible)
I'm not even weighing in on this one. I think my thoughts on the issue have been made very clear. However Charles make sure you get to the Lt. Gov's house early before all the ice cream and lemonade is gone. 2-4pm. I might see you there.
I was going to be there in the morning...you know ruin his royal highness day!!!!...lol
Question to Bible-thumping person.
Which language did Christ speak? How come he did not know English? Or why do we not speak his language, the language of God?
This by far is the most comical blog I have ever read on your site Charles. I mean come on! "Go back to where ever you came from" and ... "this is Canada if you don't like it then leave". First of all, everyone excluding First Nations are intruders to this Country. To hear go back to where you came from would be hard pressed to know exactly where that is, since most Euro-Canadians have no idea of their own ancestry. Charles, you have stooped to all time low by allowing this form of bigotry to be published on your website. You have become the biggest hypocrite know to New Brunswickers. Why is it that you denounce racist remarks and actions allegedly made by the NB Human Rights Commission but allow this form of nonsense to be published on your blog? You should think before writing and read before publishing!
Good comments. Charlie is makinng ass of himself. First he made the most stupid remarks about Chinese students(they should be happy that they are in Canada even if they are victim of racism) For those remarks he brought bigots and racists out of the woodworks.And now this sh*t. This guy does not know which side is up when it comes to racism. He is full of it.
Ohh..are we leaving Spinks alone now??? Isn't it nice to have a spot to debate issues! Did anyone go way out of line in here? Tell me and I'll delete the message but you can tell Bernard lord to hold hearings on any issues but you only have 4 minutes to speak! So? Waht do you want? If you people don't like it? Don't come back! It's as simple as Bonjour!!!!
If you continue your current foolishness and show no sensitivity and common sense then your readership will drop. You will get your wishes.
Charles believes in free speech.
I don't know what you're talking about but I write as I always did! I leave the blog alone and people debate the issues? What's wrong with that! Just let me know which blog offended ya???
"First he made the most stupid remarks about Chinese students(they should be happy that they are in Canada even if they are victim of racism) For those remarks he brought bigots and racists out of the woodworks."
Did you read 12:47 P.M remarks. That offended me too. You have not apologized yet. Now do not tell me I am touchy. When you have no other defence that is what you say.
When it is directed to you then it is racism. When it is directed to others then they are lucky. Have you heard something called credibility. You lost it. No one believes you.
Are you not lucky that despite your rotten attitude NB Human Rights Commission entertained your complaint. They should have thrown it in the garbage.
Hey bureaucrat 8:17pm??? Do me a favor? If you don't believe me and my word is not good? Please leave and don't come back! It's all BS in here anyway!! < From your point of view > Be happy!!! Go read an Irving's paper somewhere!!!!
Grow up, be a man and apologize for your blunder instead of losig your temper.
You are LUCKY that Human Rights Commission entertained your complaint.
Apologizes to those racist members of the New Brunswick Human Rights Commission?????
You said Chinese students were lucky, despite the harassment, that they were in Canada. You should consider yourslef LUCKY that N.B. Human Rights Commission entertained your complaint. But instead of feeling LUCKY you get upset. Now you know how some felt about your ignorant comments.
Apologize to Chinese students for your insensitive and ignorant statement.
Charles you never owe an apology for speaking the truth.
Whose truth? Yours or the real truth. You are doing him no favour by saying that.
apologize for what????
You said Chinese students were lucky, despite the harassment, that they were in Canada. You should consider yourslef LUCKY that N.B. Human Rights Commission entertained your complaint. But instead of feeling LUCKY you get upset. Now you know how some felt about your ignorant comments.
Apologize to Chinese students for your insensitive and ignorant statement.
Boo hoo. They can return to China if they don't like it.
In that case let the First Nations have their land back and you must get into a boat and go back where ever you, your daddy or whatever came from.
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