Yes, the Provincial Liberal Party should be ashamed of themselves!!
The information Highway is quite a tool.
It came a long way during the last 10 years.
I wanted to write a blog on the great Lou Murphy.
For you newcomers? Lou Murphy was the greatest politician Saint Johners has seen for a really long time!
Elsie Wayne don’t even come close to this great elected official.

I googled Lou Murphy name but couldn’t get any pictures.
By the way? It will be 10 years ago that he died on October 2st, 2005!

I visited his death bed a few days before he died! He was a great man! My final words were - You were a great man Lou! You helped a lot of people! Good bye!
Anyway, I asked the Liberal Party if they had a picture of Lou?
After a few weeks of bugging them?
I didn’t get any! There were no pictures to be found of the great Lou Murphy beside the pictures of every elected on the wall of the Legislature.
Finally, I made my way to the Library and asked the Liberian if they could help me?
The staff at the Library of the Legislature are very good to me!
They’re a fine group of professionals.
MLA’S come and go from the Legislature but these government workers are always there!
We walked in the back of the room and in the back of the file Cabinet were these pictures of the great Lou Murphy!
They were newspapers clippings of his death!
Finally, I could post his pictures in the information Highway!
Lou will be remembered for the rest of times beside Murphyville.

Pictures are from MurphyVille and this is Donny Coholan!!!
Donnie runs MurphyVille during the Christmas Holidays!

Great work Donny!!!
The reason the Liberals should be ashamed of themselves?
Once you go into their building? There should be a huge picture of the great Lou Murphy at the entrance.
It would be a good reminder to our future young elected Liberals of how they should act on behalf of the people!
Yes, Lou Murphy was a great man and I’m very honoured that I had the chance to meet this fine human being!

If Lou could see me writing this blog? He would be proud of me!!! Therefore the Liberals should do the same action!!!

Hi Charles:
I happen to think the world of else Wayne, she is not afraid to let her Christian witness shine through, she does not beat anyone over the head with it like a baseball bat either, but she also dose not put those Traditional and decent moral family values on a shelf. She speaks her mind. and that is why I like her.
May Lou Murphy rest in peace. However if Liberals or Conservatives start putting up pictures of every individual MLA they ever had then all the walls in the government buildings will not be enough. Be realistic.
Now, Lou Murphy was a real Christian, someone who really lived a humble life and worked for others and had no ego.
Elsie Wayne? Puh-lease!
To me, Christians don't hate other of God's creatures, and Elsie is a old-fashioned bigot who would prefer that french-speaking people remained in the inferior position occupied until Louis Robichaud provincially and Pierre Trudeau federally came along. And her contempt for gays and lesbians is without question. (I understand Christians having a problem with same-sex marriage, but she's waaay beyond that. She wants gays to "shut up about it", as in, get back in the closet.)
To me, real Christians don't belittle others, and she does it constantly. They also don't have a massive ego, and she does. (How many other people do you know who constantly refer to themselves in the third person? "Well dear, Elsie's retired now, but I don't know about a comeback. People keep calling, and they want Elsie to run again.") Christianity isn't about "speaking your mind" on every issue no matter how ignorant you are. (Flouride is unhealthy: remember that one. Marijuana makes people insane, etc.) It's about living a humble life of service to God and others. "They'll know we are Christians by our love." That describes Lou Murphy to a T. Not Elsie Wayne.
Christianity is first and foremost about accepting Christ as your personal saviour. I never heard Elsie say she hated anybody, just that she disagreed with things. Although her style was admittedley iver the top. Maybe she did say she hated somebody, if so that's wrong. Only she and God know if she's a Christian. I don't think Christians are meant to just sit in a corner and never say anything because someone might not like it. She won every election by wide margins so she did something right.
Lou Murphy was a very respectable man. He lead his riding for the
and thats what mattered to him. He was honest and sincere and could be
trusted with his word alone. Not too many Politicians today could walk
his shoes as far as I am concerned but they could learn alot from him
his legacy. Lou Murphy should never be forgotten instead he should be
role model for the future Politicians. We always remember Lou at
Christmas time when we visit his little shrine, it has become a
in our family.
So Spinks is a fan of Elsie. That in itself reveals a lot about the man.
Your comments reveal a lot about you, you knob.
Yes agree. They do reveal a lot about Spinks.
Get over yourself Spinks-Basher. Either add something to this or go get a job and a life.
Spinks you blame others to hide behind anonymous. You are doing it yourself. You are desperate now.
Why don't we keep it on the issue of Lou Murphy???? Pleaasseee????
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