Hi Charles, I find your site interesting…I can’t say I always agree with your opinions however freedom of speech is alive in Canada. Be careful with that character who is running your rooming house….sounds like he is not dealing with a full deck.
I just wanted to let you know that when my 18 year old was 6 years old the school system tried to pressure me into putting Adam on Ritalin. Adam has cerebral palsy and learning disabilities. He marked his early milestones later than most children:
Started walking without walkers and leg braces at 5 years of age
Only began to zipper and tie his clothing on his own in grade 4
Due to his hard work and fighting physical limitations began to ride a 2 –wheel bike at the beginning of grade 6.
Adam does not write, but prints, but despite all of this we REFUSED to put him on Ritalin as I was concerned about the long-term affects. I felt that this was nothing more than a babysitting tool for the teachers. They tried to guilt me by saying it would make life better for Adam.
Well, on June 27th, 2005 Adam graduated from Simonds High School. He graduated from the regular program (with the only modification in Math). Adam may not have been at the top of the class, neither was he at the bottom! He works and is well liked and respected by all. He thinks of others before himself and is caring and compassionate and we didn’t need Ritalin to get him to this point in his life!
Keep the fight...
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