This is my prediction 14 hours before Bernard Lord news conference at 10:00am!
I didn't try to get some info but I will make a prediction.
I say that Point Lepreau will not be refurbished!!!
If they go ahead with it? It will be triple the price they say it will cost.
Bernard is going to go on a rampage against Paul Martin and I don't understand why? Could it be that he truly believes that he can be leader of the Federal Party one day?
What's your prediction?
They'll refurbish. They've no choice, really, IMO.
Most probably Point Lepreau refurbishment will go ahead but without Bruce Power.
Lord screwed up negotitions with the feds and it is going to cost NBers dearly in terms of power bills. Another fiasco after Orimulsion.
There is something else in the news. Harper came to Atlantic Canada but not to New Brunswick. He was in PEI and Nova Soctia. May be he is avoiding Lord. Last federal election he befrieded Lord and lost in N.B. With falling political fortunes of Lord who wants to associate with him. You got to avoid him if you want to survive politically. Don't you?
Here is something from the Sleuth of Times and Transcript about Point Lepreau and an early election. Is this his usual blabber or can one attach some credence to it??
Sleuthh says:
Word circulating around Fredericton is that Premier Bernard Lord is contemplating calling a snap election over the failed Point Lepreau deal.
This is how the story goes: Lord thinks he has a lot of traction, or public support, over the federal Liberal government's sudden decision not to contribute to the refurbishment of the Point Lepreau nuclear generating station.
The Tories think an election campaign built around that issue would paint the provincial Liberals and their leader Shawn Graham into a corner. Guilt by association, you see.
Lord is also counting on the inner turmoil in the provincial Liberal camp to contribute to their woes. It's no secret the knives are still being sharpened behind poor Shawn's back, with a showdown expected at a big Liberal meeting planned for this fall.
No snap election. Tories are too far behind in the polls. Lepreau will likely get refurbished because there a) isn't sufficient replacement power available in time and b) to mothball the plant is a totally unknown cost which could be double or more what it cost to refurbish it.
Here are news from CBC.The best source of news for New Brunswick. Ok this blog too, may be.
Province decides to refurbish Point Lepreau
Last updated Jul 29 2005 10:59 AM ADT
CBC News
Premier Bernard Lord said Friday morning that the province will refurbish the Point Lepreau nuclear generating station.
The province determined that refurbishment made more economic sense than building a new coal-fired plant and paying to de-commission Lepreau.
The refurbishment has been contracted to Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. (AECL) at a cost of $1.4-billion. The contract includes a fixed price, and penalties for AECL if it can't get the refurbishment done by 2009.
The government decided against partnering with a private company from Ontario, Bruce Power. NB Power president David Hay said that a deal with them would have cost an additional $450-million.
The premier said this announcement showed the government's commitment to diversify the energy supply in the province. He said that one-third of its supply will come from nuclear, one-third from renewable energy, and one third from other sources.
INDEPTH: Sources of Energy
Lord also said that the decision helps solidify Saint John's position as an energy hub for the region.
Critics said refurbishing the plant could go way over budget, and push the price of electricity through the roof.
But people who earn their living at the plant say that won't happen.
June Connell has worked at Lepreau for four years as a technical specialist, and said it hasn't been easy for the 700 workers as the nuclear plant nears the end of its life.
"It has been challenging because you hear there's going to be a decision and there's not, and there's another decision and there's not, and it's a bit of a yo-yo," she said.
Connell said keeping the plant open makes sense because it would provide jobs in the long-term and a steady supply of cheap energy for decades.
Lawyer Rod Gillis, a long-time critic of NB Power, said refurbishment is too risky because it's never been tried on a Candu Six reactor before.
"It has the potential to bring the province to its financial knees if it doesn't work out," said Gillis.
The province has been weighing the best possible arrangement with two potential partners — private firm Bruce Power and Atomic Energy of Canada.
Gillis said keeping the plant open is just politics.
"It's a gutsy move," he said. "But who's going to be there to pay for the disaster if it does take place?"
I was wrong on this one but it's going to cost New Brunswickers dearly for this political decision. The way that I see it? It's just a way for the P.C.'s to get their elected officials re-elected but it won't work because the people will never forget the LNG deal! Now? As for the Sleuth story? I don't pay attention those that section because the Irvings are using that section of the people to spread their evil views! They will cruficy anyone who goes against them in that Sleuth section! As a matter of fact, I bought this to the attention of the Senate in April!!!
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