Thursday, August 18, 2005


I just came back from the library at the Legislature and I saw a guy from CBC sitting in front of a computer. They are now blogglers now!!!! Maybe they went up a notch!!!! Check out their site



Anonymous said...

"3" Days until talk-of-the-town goes on air!

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

I got a uestion for 9:02AM??? Are you a regular caller or a listener?

Anonymous said...

This site is becoming a forum to discuss gay and lesbians.
What happened to its objective of ADHD, abuse of prescription drugs, VLTs, and indifference of provincial government. If I want to read essays on gays and lesbians then I will read books or those interested in the topic should have a different blog. This blog is losing its theme and objectives.

Anonymous said...

The site is for ADHD, it says so on the banner at the top, NOTHING else should be discussed!

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

you better read it say OTHER ISSUES!!!!

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

I tried to leave a comment on the CBC blog site but I got this note-

Comments on this blog are restricted to team members.
You're currently logged in as Charles LeBlanc who is not a team member of this blog.
To login as a different user, fill out the following:

Why bother having a blog if you vannot leave a comment???

My comment was this- I like Robert Jones, Alan White and Jacques Poitras but that Roy < what his name/ > I can't stand!! They're paying that guy $70,000 an year!!! UGH!!!!!

Anonymous said...

"2" Days until talk-of-the-town goes on air!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Remider, I'll be sure not to listen to same old never changing Topics, by the same old people.

I listen to Real Talk shows here in the Good old USA. We defend Canada, you people don't even have a coast Gaurd.

Let alone good radio talk shows.

Spinks said...

I don't place huge credence in polls but both the Macleans and Canoe websites have polls regarding the CBC strike. The majority of those voting could care less that CBC is on strike, which is at least indicative of what I've said here many times before. There's a real problem at CBC when Canadians aren't tuning in.

Since most who visit this site, appear to live in NB, I use our CBC has an example. CBC TV's shouldn't have the pathetic ratings it does given that its the only NB based newscast and they do have enough reporters to pull off a half hour show each night. CBC employees and management would be wise to put the microscope on themselves for a change to figure out the problem. BN/CP are still putting out news so its unfortunate those sites the above poster mentioned aren't tapping into that in the absence of CBC. News is still happening and is still being reported on.