Many would tell me face to face that prostitutes have around for centuries and no Government is going to stop it!

Many of these females are addicted to heavy drugs or alcohol.
I agree with that issue but today’s drug problem is totally different than 20 years ago.
It’s prescription drug!

The days that people go into a rehab centre for months to get cleaned out are long gone because of Methadone.
Many good law abiding citizens got their lives turned upside down because the doctors prescribed the oxy-contin and they got addicted.
It’s not like in the old days that a lot of youths took magic mushroom, acid or cocaine to get that extreme high!

Hey? I tried them all and I must admit that Cocaine was the best high I ever had!

I read stories about it! Especially the story of a couple. One was a doctor and the other a lawyer. They had the million dollars home and tried cocaine.
The next morning, they would sniff the carpet to see if some cocaine fell on the floor.
At the end, they lost everything!
I wanted to know what the hell was this fantastic high????
So I gave it a try!
I was on cloud nine!
If everyone could have the same high? Every thing would be perfect! I loved it so much that I never tried it again!!! < That’s what happen to me!! > …lol…

That was 25 years ago but these days? It’s a total different ballgame!
I’m a very curious person but I will never try Dilaudid to see what this high is all about????
A couple of years ago, a youth came to me and told me not to knock Dilaudid until I tried it!!!

I quickly replied- Thanks but no thanks!!!
So what are we suppose to do?
Someone told me that the Provincial Governmen put 1.2 million dollars so far towards Methadone clinics!
From what the numbers shows? This is definitely not enough!
So? What do we do now? Do we lobby the Federal Government for money for Methadone clinics only???
It would take close to 10 million dollars to grab the prescription drug problem under control!
We really need professional councilors in the addictions centers and not amateurs!!!
There’s no way in the world that the Federal Government will donate this kind of money!
At the end, this could be a very good investment in this province because if you look at the long term?
The Government are going to spend more than 10 millions dollars in the long run!
Am I far off? Total all the money from crimes, court cost, prison, health care cost, welfare and the list goes on and on!
What should happen in the Saint John area?

The police should have a huge undercover police stint following these prostitutes around so they can crack down on the drug dealers!

But what do I know? Nothing!
I guess we New Brunswickers will have to live with the prescription drug problems for many decades to come.
What really bothers moi is that when someone dies from Dilaudid in Nova Scotia?
They whole province knows!!!
It’s public knowledge but here in New Brunswick they tell the public that the cause of death is heart failure!
Why? Why don’t the Lord Government let the public know once someone dies from Prescription drug???

Good question??? Do you have a good answer??? Please let me know!!!!
I really feel sorry for our future generations. They are going to learn that we had a Government who totally ignored the prescription drug problem in this Province.

The way things are going? Maybe they will be too spaced out to notice!!!!
Another issue that I found very distrubing? It was mentioned in this blog was that friends of the workers who works at the addiction centre could bumped people who’s been on the waiting list for months!
Is there someone who closely watches the waiting list so favoritism will
not happen?
If this happen once? This is a darn shame!!!!
Why not kick the junkies down one more time eh? Only in New Brunswick. Same as the boarders or roomers? They people have absoluty no where to turn to for help! They’re the outcast of society and no one wants them!!! It's very sad indeed!
Please excuse the style of this blog because I just write the darn thing and send it along the information Highway!!!!
Isn't it typical of the Lord Government to ignore the problems that
are facing. They are heartless! This morning in the paper Daryl
says that the government will spend more then 60 million on early
retirement packages(For who? He didn't say) and they have only spent
million on Methadone and they are complaining. Well as a citizen who
my share, I am complaining, I am the one who wrote to you in the
saying that the good company that I worked for gave us a 2.5% raise and
when I opened my check stub I lost the whole raise plus more then
I can't say too much right now about the government because I was one
the idiots that voted them in, it will never happen again thats for
I have regretted it more then once and I have learned a hard lesson
from my
mistake, so has alot of others.
Talking about Daryl Wilson. Here is what was in the Telegraph Journal today:
"Service New Brunswick consistently under-assesses the value of apartment buildings, commercial and industrial properties, homes worth more than $250,000, and waterfront properties, says auditor general Daryl Wilson.
Mr. Wilson estimated municipalities lose about $1 million annually in property taxes just on homes worth $250,000 or more - called superior homes - due to incorrect and low property assessments."
Sooo let the poor pay all the property taxes and rich and the business get the break. That is what Lord and his government stands for.
"Why? Why don’t the Lord Government let the public know once someone dies from Prescription drug???"
Maybe they wouldn't even if they could Charles, but the Privacy Act doesn't allow them anyways. It's up to the Police to let the public know and even then it's only if the next of kin approve.
They do not have to give name, gender and age. Just how many people die of such drugs in a given month or year in different regions and the province.
If a person of means dies of prescription drug then it will be all over the media and court case for malpractive but for poor no one knows.
Agreed. That's easy enough. Any reporter or any citizen can get that through freedom of information. It just takes forever.
The only problem I see with this is that often the cause of death is a tough one too determine. Example : someone who was on drugs killed themselves. In reality, the drugs probably contributed but the autopsy might not reflect that. Still, I'd be interested to see whatever numbers were provided.
I don't think I'd agree that only the rich are covered by media. In the United States most definately but not here in Canada. I've read and seen plenty of stories in the media and they're often poor people who are featured.
I can not help but write you a little comment on how things are for the people and their families on methadone and the way that they are treated.
First of all my partner was injured and developed a major problem with the pill that his family Doctor prescribed improperly.
I will call his Methadone Doctor, Dr Powerhouse because that is what he/she is and pushes.
In our Province we have very few Dr's that will even take that few hour course to help the addicts for Methadone but they didn't mind
prescribing the pills without the course.
So that leaves a few Dr's responsible for all of the addicts and in my opinion they are overworked and are personally taking it out on the patients that they see.
My partner went in one day for his appointment and the Dr had a piece of paper and wanted him to list the names of the dealers where he got his pills, my partner refused
for his and our safety, and ever since that appointment things got much worst for him.
He use to go to the Dr once a month and now he/she makes
him go 2 times a month.
He use to drink one dose at the pharmacy and take 4 carries home and now he has to go to the pharmacy 10 out of 14 days.
He asked for carries since we wanted a vacation together because we haven't had one in more then 5 years and Dr Powerhouse said that he/she doesn't get vacation so he didn't either.
I can go on and on and after talking to others on the program, he/she does the same for them.
I shouldn't put this Doctor down because he/she did take the course to help but I also know many
that have quit the methadone program because of this Doctor and are now dying.
So on the other hand how is that helping.
There is no watchdog over the program and who really cares, that's what it really boils down
We live more then 2 hours away from the Doctor's office and more then 1 hour away from the pharmacy.
They have methadone pills, suppositories and a liquid that last in the system for more then 3 days and none of these methods are used because Dr Powerhouse says that they are afraid of diversion, I could only wish that they would of felt the same for the
legal pills that they prescribe.
More and more interesting!
Your problem Spinks is that you have to give your opinion on every issue whether you know anything about it or not. If government agencies put their mind to do it surely can be done. There is a major branch of the Department of Finance called Stat New Brunswick (not Stat Canada) whose sole purpose is to collect information on many such subjets. They might have changed the name of the agency under Lord but it does exist. It can be done. Governments spend our tax dollars for what??? For travels and other luxeries???
You just play the role of an apologist for about everything.
Hey, every post serves a purpose, and Spinks is at least informative, and more information comes from those criticizing him. For example I never would have found out about Statistics New Brunswick. Any ideas out there on how to find it? Spinks hit onto a big issue there which was covered in a blase way by the press which was just how bad the access to information in New Brunswick is. On the news I saw a piece where an MP from NS wanted info on a federal building in PEI and was told it would cost him 20 grand. They've since lowered it to 7 grand. When you've got no information it's tough to know what's really going on.
You are right. That is why Daryl Wilson said that Lord government is very secretative, more so than any other jurisdiction in Canada. Going by your example at least feds are willing to provide information at a cost(which is ridiculous also)but in case of Lord government no such luck.
As I've stated before, if something interests me I offer an opinion. It's your choice to read it or not. The only difference between me and many here is I choose to put a name to it. I would suggest many people post on a variety of items but you'll never know because they post anonymous.
As for the Freedom of Information Act, I agree it's a major problem not only in NB but in Canada as a whole. You're supposed to get an answer within 30 days at least telling you that they need more time to find the info. Even that courtesy rarely happens.
am I the only one sick of the spinks bashing it's getting old and serving no purpose. i don't agree with everything but he's not far off on a lot of his comments and at least adds something different. leave the personal stuff out of it.
Spinks needs no bashing. He does a good job on himself.
Why don't we just discuss the issue in hand??? I really don't care because I just blog away! It's your blog also!!!
For everybody listening here, don't begrudge anybody their opinion, I was at several 'conservative' (the party) blogsites, most of which are run by young people, and they don't allow anonymous blogs and if you ever offer a good rebuttal to their arguments they will just delete it and lock the discussion.
Every opposing viewpoint should be cherished in a free society. As a final thought, while access to information is bad all across the country, it is best in Alberta, and WORST in New Brunswick, so it's DEFINITELY an issue that needs to be attended in this province.
Did you read the SJ paper yesterday, there was a big write up from the
owner of Wasson'/Shoppers Drug Mart about Prescription Drugs. You
paste it for all of the readers to view. You should also try to find
how many of the pills have been prescribed since 1996?
people here are complaining they're taxed too much but at the same time they want all these great things done which cost money as long as its somebody else's nickel. make up your mind and put up or shut up you bunch of babies.
Something that really caught my attention yesterday was the fact that
Doctors received a hefty raise. I think that the governments money(our
money) would of been better spent on tracking the prescription drug
problem, and find out what Doctors are causing it and having them
Instead the prescription drug crisis is fuelling the money to give to
Doctors. They are causing the problem and getting paid very well for
its getting sickening!
no your not the only one who is sick of spinks bashing or the bashing of anyone's 'opinion's' for that matter.
i hardly ever post reply's but i read everyone's 'opinion's' on hear & i can decide for myself who's are right & who's are wrong WITHOUT BASHING THEM!.
opinion's are like assholes,everyone has one.
that does not mean in your own little world inside your head that your opinion's are any more right or wrong then anyone else's. that is up for the individual to decide.
the constant personal attacks here on other people's personal opinion's is getting very sickning IMO.
please note: IMO = in 'MY' opinion. TY.
To 10:41 AM: you are right more taxes are needed. Bernard Lord needs that money to travel, give tax breaks to Irvings, $6 million to Molson etc. More taxes better he can carry out his agenda to help the big business, look after himself and his cronies.
Also to 10:41 AM: first we were retarded and now we are babies. That is how Lord government deals with those who differ with its blundering ways?
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