Saturday, September 24, 2005



Many people were disgusted of the fact that Rogers only televised question period in the Legislature during the past two years.

I was told that Rogers will cover the whole session from now on.

This is VERY good for New Brunswickers and the MLA’S in the House especially the ones in the opposition.

I remember the LNG debate.


Roly McIntyre, Abel LeBlanc and Stuart Jamieson spoke for hours against the LNG deal.


I walked into the Hansard office and asked for the transcript of the debate?

They told me that it would take months to gather all the information.

I was surprised, I received all the details of the debate in a matter of days.

They took into consideration that there’s no way in the world that the Irvings newspapers will print all the details and my blog was the only way for the public to know what was said.

You can read the debate attarget="_blank">Charles

Many MLA’S feels it’s very important to show the whole session in the Legislature so the voters in their riding know they are indeed fighting for the voters.


So? I say to Rogers - Good work!!!!

Now New Brunswickers will be able to see their MLA’S in action!!!!

Speaking of Rogers? I received this email this morning.


here is what my son found this morning

[Talk News] Rodgers Saint John New Brunswick - Testing
Now Playing: Various News And Talk Shows 0/32 24 MP3


Anonymous said...

That is a good news indeed but another step towards Lord's political death. People will be able to see what a jerk he is.Lord's government will be further exposed.

Anonymous said...

Keep in mind this isn't necessarily the 'wonderful' thing that many expect. While obviously it is a very important step it's going to take some political savvy on New Brunswicker's part. A politician KNOWS when the camera is on him and so I expect the debates will be a lot more 'theatrical' than other sessions.

Anonymous said...

You believe they are less 'theatrical' now. You must be joking. Cameras were there for many years and Lord got rid of them. It is good for public to see politicians in action. At least you do not have to go through the maze fo hansard.

Anonymous said...

It is better to see the devil than let him make decisions behind closed doors. Politicians will be always theatrical. It got Reagan to the Whitehouse.Did it not?

Spinks said...

4:33pm - Lord didn't get rid of them...Rogers did. It's good to see them making the right decision to bring them back.

Anonymous said...

Keep in mind virtually nobody will watch them. Who wants to spend time watching boring politicians. Anybody watching should post the good quotes.

Anonymous said...

9:28 PM lot of people watch those proceedings. Not good news for Bernard Lord.
Bernard Lord was very much party to getting rid of cameras. I remember those long discussions in the legislature when Lord was questioned about it and he would not provide straight answers. Rogers did not do on their own. Of course CRTC was used as an excuse but Lord was fooling no one that he had his hand in it. At that he had little bit credibility which is all gone now.

jwmcq you hit nail right on the head. You are a very objecitve observer.

Spinks said...

Sorry folks. Lord does not control Rogers. I'll buy into the theory that Irving has influence on Government but Lord does get personally involved with decisions at a place like Rogers.

Anonymous said...

Define 'lot of people'? The ones who post at this blog? The ones who watch Rogers? What's that, ten people? Statistically that's nobody, so those here need to watch and tell others what is said-don't take anything for granted. Most people I know don't know what a blog is and don't pay attention to politics even when there is an election. Anybody have a VCR? Don't 'assume' that things happen naturally, they happen when people DO something. The Irvings, McCains, Chamber of Commerce are doing things ALL the time, namely lobbying your representatives. Get active, or get obsolete.

Anonymous said...

People started watching long before blogs became available. Proceedings of the assmebly were considered best comedy in town. You heard people talking about it in offices and even on the streets. When COR was in the opposition there were daily gaffes and jokes about some of the proceedings. I do not have hard data for you but proceedings are watched. I cannot be more specific about offices then I will be giving away anonymity. Also I heard people musing about it at Tim Hortons.

However, with all these new reality shows there is a real competition. These shows can be pretty hillarious too.

Anonymous said...

To influance Rogers decisions you do not have to be on their Board of Directors. And Premier does not have to be there in person or call directly and say take your cameras away. He has large staff which includes numerous communication people spread all over the place. It is done in a very subtle fashion. Let us not fool ourselves and assume that Lord will send a memo to Rogers under his signatures saying remove the cameras from here.

Spinks to earth, Spinks to earth.

Anonymous said...

9:28 AM. People watch proceedings by issues. When LNG was being discussed many from Saint John would have tuned in. When hospital closures were being discussed many from Upper Saint John River Valley, North, Miramichi and from many other communities would have tuned in. May be Lord did not want public to hear those debates. Now LNG and hospitals out of the way, in Lord's mind, perhaps he thinks it is ok to broadcast the House proceedings now.

Those who lobby tune in too. All the lobbyists you mentioned above keep tabs on these proceedings. However, the powerful lobbies have many means to acquire the information which ordinary folks, like you and me, do not. You cannot lobby blind-sided as to the ongoings in the legislature.

You have already indicated that politicians become conscious that they are being watched. That is not necessarily all negative but a good thing.

Anonymous said...

amonymous 10:46, you are right about Lord's people having influence. now why do you have to ruinn a good comment by going after spinks again. this spinks this and spinks that stuff you're writing is stupid.

Anonymous said...

Sorry! If we have to put up with some stupid remarks all the time then there is going to be some response to put them in their place. If someone has good defence put forward or spare us from lot of bull. Why it irks someone so much? Many have said on this site that Spinks comes from another planet. 12:48 PM are you sure that you are not Spinks? How do we know? Especially the way you are so rude. Moreover if you do not want to be called stupid and idiot then do not use those words for others. Apparently it was very idiotic and stupid of you to make those remarks.

Spinks said...

Nice try 12:48pm but as you can see you're wasting your time. Most of the folks on this site are very respectful of others even when the opinion differs such as Draken, Mike and Charles. One or two others are not. They enjoy attacking me for some reason. They've attacked others with different opinions from theirs as well, unfortunately those people have apparently just given up visiting here. They used to insult Charles, now they have me. That's fine. Whatever gives them their jollies. Some pretty good discussion takes place here from time to time, arguably more than anywhere else on the web when it comes to issues that affect NBers, so stick around.

Anonymous said...

Cheap shot that we used to attack Charles. Quite the contrary. I do not know who you have in mind. I have seen numerous people question your outdated and irrational views.

Spinks, you are just thin-skinned that you feel attacked.

You and your sole supporter, anonymous (or that is you too) who started name-calling. Pretty shoddy. When you cannot give solid argument then start calling names, very sad state of affairs. I will never do that first, rest assured.

Spinks said...

The best I can do for names is write that anonymous used to make personal attacks on Charles. After I started posting, anonymous started personal attacks on me. I'm not speaking about disagreeing on a topic. There's nothing wrong with that at all. This is about making things personal. If you're new here, you may not have seen it. If you're not, you know EXACTLY what I'm writing about.
To be honest I have no problem with being the target instead of Charles. He provides a valuable service by giving us a place to talk about issues. He deserves zero grief for taking the time to provide this forum. I'm glad to see he rarely takes any grief anymore.

Spinks said...

By the way, glad to see anonymous is my sole supporter. I have more than I thought since anonymous is the #1 poster. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Just one anonymous is your supporter. We will call it alter-Spinks or phantom-Spinks just in case you are on automic pilot when you write those.

As far as someone getting upset at Charles, I believe it was one of his cousins from his home town or someone from his hometown.

Spinks said...

If you say so. Seems suspicious that whenever I stop posting for a few days, the attacks start on Charles, but we'll see. Maybe we can more together in a respectful debate from now on.

Anonymous said...

Spinks, what are you trying to prove that same people who criticize you also criticize Charles. You are dead wrong there. I find your views mostly repulsive but never felt that way towards Charles. You are just trying cheap shots trying to prove something which does not exist.

As far as most of your views are concerned they have been roundly condemned by many. Especially when you play know all and you are condescending. Grow up.

Spinks said...

If you say so and I'm pleased to hear you yourself have never condemned Charles. Some have and that's my point that people should put a name to the comments instead of anonymous. It helps maintain consistencey so those writing here at least know where things are coming from. You disagree with my views and that's fine. Others don't. We're all going to disagree here from time to time. If we didn't, it would be a pretty non-productive discussion. Again I would prefer you simply disagree with my points instead of using phrases like "grow up". It's disrespectful to any type of "adult" conversation but that's your choice. I would prefer a truce but I leave it up to you.

Anonymous said...

Signing the name? You do not sign your name either. Spinks is assumed name. You do not sign Jody or Bernard and identify yourself. And how we know you always sign Spinks. Quite often there is a phantom Spinks aka anonymous, the only one who agrees with you.

As far as seeking truce? I do not think there is a war. However, as long as you are condescending and self-righteous then you will get all kinds of strong response and you have. Overcome that because one of the sign of being adult is that you must understand diverse points of views. You should post balanced veiws and not the extreme kind, which offend many, and you will see there is no war to start with.

Spinks said...

Sorry to hear that you don't want a truce. I'm also sorry you can't accept that people have different views and that some do agree with me. I'm probably the most diverse view you'll find here so I'm not sure what your problem is if you do indeed embrace diverse views? I don't see any balance with the people who attack Lord on everything so I'm not sure why you're not after them as well if diverse views is indeed your goals. Diverse views is the reason I'm here. I like reading different opinions and of course throwing in my own take on things. However, like I've said, feel free to ignore me if I bother you that much. That's the reason for putting my name at the top.

Anonymous said...

Let us face it. Spinks is not your real name. And you do go anonymous under heat. You heard from many that your views are repulsive. What more you want? All I said that once you stop giving your repulsive views and be more balanced then you may get some respect.

Spinks said...

I'm curious. What's been so repulsive lately that has you bothered?

Anonymous said...

Just read the comments people made about your views.

Anonymous said...

Just read the comments people made about your views.

Spinks said...

Yeah, but they're from you. Like I asked what has you so repulsed lately? The only thing I can find is you have a different opinion (which is fine by the way) and you're perplexed that someone disagrees with you.

Anonymous said...

I am one of the many who posts comments here. There are dozens and dozens responses to your views. For a change read them.

Spinks said...

You didn't answer my question about what specifically has YOU so repulsed lately but hey I tried to reach out. Sorry you don't care for my opinions on well...anything but that's your right.

Anonymous said...


Many have responded to you telling you how repulsive your views were on various issues. Why do you not read them to get an idea that how much your "wisdom" is being appreciated? Do that instead of playing these silly little games.

Spinks said...

Okay, I tried. Fair enough.

Anonymous said...

Put your efforts in the right places. Good start will be to start reading others' feedback to you.