There is one exception to this story and I believe that to be Able LeBlanc. For years he fought in the trenches for organized labour and continues to do so today as an elected representative in Fredericton. There are many who can attest to his dogged determination in battles with the Workplace Health and Safety Commission, whether one was in a union or not. One simply had to ask. His door was and is always open.
I don't believe Mr.Graham really knew who he was inviting on board the good ship Liberal when he dropped the gangway for Able but I bet he wishes Able was walking the plank right now! LOL.
Able knows who sent him and why he was sent to Fredericton. To fight for Saint John and all the people, small and big.
Too bad we don't have a clone of Able, to run in Saint John Harbour!
Things might actually get done.
# posted by Anonymous : 9:08 PM
Abel LeBlanc has helped so many people. He has never turned people away. It is so rare to have someone so committed to help and truly care. If only we had ten more people like him. Yes if only Lord or Hooten had some of his qualities we may have a chance in Saint John to more forward. The Lord government let the people of Saint John down, with the 25 year LNG deal,lost billions with Ormulsion deal,down grading of St. Joseph's , gave $6 million to Molson's and let the health care workers down. There are many more things but right now it escapes me. Please if someone knows or remember what the Lord government did or didnot do for the people; make that list. I'm sure it would be long. It is election time so help us out. Thanks if you can.
How much did you get payed to write that???? And Abel may not be a Liberal next election, Mabye Independent? Abel you have to learn to let Shawn be the leader and you have to follow so don't fall out of line or Shawn may replace you real quick.
Not a nickel and I am not a Liberal, Conservative, NDP; but I vote for the person. Unfortunately I live in Saint John and they put us in the Grand Bay riding and I asked for assistance with a problem and the person said I have to help the people of Grand Bay first. I live west and went to Abel's office and he never turns anyone away. He helps people in NB not just in his riding, I know people thrive on the negative and hate to hear anything positive. I met him for the first time last spring when I needed advice. Felt like I knew him for years and I have sent several people to him whether it is a small problem or big. If he can't help he makes sure they know what has to be done.
I am one of thousands.
Shawn Graham should be given a chance "Lord" knows we gave Premier Lord two chances and it is time for Graham. The papers will never print anything positive because they back PC. Besides be brave for once we were stupid to vote Lord in. I voted the first time but I never fell for his lies this last time. Has done nothing but cost us Billions and we will never recover feom the energy crisis.
7:56 your facts are wrong cost us Billions?? what the hell are you talking about our debt is the lowest it has ever been. We have a better lending rate for money and the PC government has balanced the books 3 years in a row now. Can you say Balanced or has the liberal Minority brainwashed you so bad that all you know how to say it Defecit and CUT CUT CUT???
I am glad the the Liberal party has such a weak team. They have no clear leader and it seems everybody is pulling out knives to stab Shawn in the back. As for Abel don't make me laugh if you want some "hick" who just yells and rants in the legislature then you found your man S.J.. Remember when the liberals didn't want to refurbish Point Lepreau?? that could have been anyone's job who reads this and this is the type of government you want?
N.B. is far better off with a Lord Government. People don't seem to realize that you need small business to pay for your services provided by the government. They pay taxes then in turn give back to the government. Who ever doubts what we give money too should look back at what Mckenna brought to the province, nothing but call centres and you see where those are going. SO be proud of your SJ hick Able because he sure as hell won't bring nothing to S.J. for you, he actually if you can read the votes has voted against government everytime on the budget which has made my hometown S.J. a better place to live in.
Yes Bernard Lord has cost us billions. Over $3 billion just on the botched up orimulsion deal. Then $125 million in tax breaks to Irving. $6 million to Molson. List is too long. L in (Bernard) Lord stans for lies, loser and leech. Let us get rid of this lying losing leech.
# posted by Anonymous : 9:17 AM is a jerk!!! I have known Abel for 15 years . Trust me!!!! This man had helped a lot of people in need. These are the people that I know. Who truly knows the numbers he helped? He's a very good person and there should be more people like him!!!!!
What's going on in here anyway??? Are these workers from each politcal parties spending their time in here???? Please use a nick~!!!!!
Charles i don't know what is in your ciagrettes today but you are smoking something.
here is another new blog sent to me Charles check this one out
What happened to Frederictonbrick. He was very enthusiastic. And this eartotheground stuff.
It makes me happy that everyone wants to advertise their blog in here....SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!!! SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!!! SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!!!....lol...how about in exhange of a second hand digital camera so i can continue driving these mla's and bureaucrats crazy!!!! I believe this is a fair offer??? please me send an email at
to discuss your advertissement fee.....lol
11:34 PM it won't be very long that you will be asking Bernard Lord the same question. He will be out of job and no one will want this sleezeball anymore.
I will send you an email tonight we may be able to make some kind of deal meanwhile look at the new stuff that is on the site all facts no bull
This new site is a big yawn.
this fellow cannot make up his mind. First Frederictonbrick and now this. Must be Lord fan who cannot make up his mind either.
who is this guy anyways? I never seen the brick or do i mean.. pri.... lol okay i will have a look at it.
Tim what are you holding up your Liberal card or gamblers annoymnous card?? makes me laugh that you flip flop just like shawnie does
2:32 PM it won't be very long that you will be asking Bernard Lord the same question. He will be out of job and no one will want this sleezeball anymore.
9:37am is right about the billions. The blames lies with NB Power but it happened on Lord's watch so he's accountable.
On the flip side 8:28am is right too, the other Atlantic Provinces wish they had the relatively low debt NB has.
As the author of the first comment on this particular thread I think you need a little education.
Able Leblanc is without a doubt first and foremost ABLE!
He may not speak with the tone and syntax of a university educated scholar but make no mistake about it, he knows from whence he came.
He was not succled at the breast of some rich lawyers wife. He is and always was a lone wolf. He's fought for the poor, the sick, the injured, the dying, the alcholic lost with no family and nowhere to turn. He knows what it is like to be down and out and he knows what it takes to raise yourself up!
Able is a seasoned negotiator as anyone who has sat across the bargaining table from him can attest to. He takes no crap!
Hick! You make me laugh. Able is what this city has needed for years.
It goes back to self esteem. Saint Johners have none! If they did they would not be taking the crap that is being foisted upon them by the clowns who sit in City Hall (excluding Ivan Court) and Bernie's puppets that sit on the fence like pidgeons nodding their heads in agreement even though what they are agreeing to is decimating the pocketbooks of the average Joe trying to put food on the table and clothes on his kids backs in Saint John.
You state that small business are paying the taxes! What about the BIG businesses. Yea, that's right. You know the ones who get all the nice big fat, low interest or non repayable loans from me, the taxpayer.
You obviously don't like call centers. So let me give you a little different spin on the subject.
Why do you think that Walmart, Home Depot, Costco etc are either coming to or expanding in Saint John? I'll tell you why.
Not because of Bernie Lord or Michelle Hooten!
They are coming because they see $$$$$! Where do you think a lot of these $$$$$ are coming from?
Most definitely not from Irving job creation!
Do the math! I'll make it simple.
Sugar Refinery closure 350 jobs lost. Dry Dock closure, 2000 jobs lost.
2000 + 350 = 2350 jobs lost! Ohhhh. The sky is falling!
Looking at it another way. 2350 quarts of milk or 2350 loaves of bread per week purchased.
Call centers must account for at least 6000 additional jobs in this city! Translation. 6000 loaves of bread or 6000 quarts of milk. You can spin it anyway you want but call centers have created, not destroyed purchasing power in this city. Employees may not be living high on the hog but they are living and they are receiving benefits to some degree.
Back to Able. You think he is a Hick! What the H*ll is a Tanker O'Mally. Oh That's right! I forgot! He's a Conservative!
There's one in every crowd. Right?
Wrong! Able know's what he is talking about and who he represents.
Never get upset with Spinks. He does not know which side is up. He is fools' fool. He got all kinds of feed back and still feels his opinions are valued here - yes, like rotten eggs.
Gee, 9:39 you're being especially nasty at me tonight. Bad day?
Very well said 9:29 PM
I made the first comment and I meant every word, Abel is the Best.
Lord has to go he has done enough to Saint John. Let's deflate Lord's EGO. Give Hooten a Booten this Byelection.
9:17 good points; please give me more on job losses and endless spending of our tax dollars, I know Premier Lord thinks it his money.
Excuse me I meant 9:29's comment.
9:29 PM
Maybe that Liberal membership card is what kept Tim out of SJ High during the CONSERVSATIVE riding association meeting.
anyone can attend these meetings...
Yes I do wonder if all questions will be looked at by a select few and if someone will get an opportunity to prepare their answers; after all the paper has been bias from the start. Saint John wants to know is she had the opportunity to get more municpal dollars from LNG deal would she?
Give Hooton the Booton!
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