Monday, October 24, 2005




Anonymous said...

Well you never KNOW, people can easily be lead. Don't forget she says we complain too much and she knows what is best for us. Yes like Premier Lord she thinks we can pay more and tax concessions for 25 years is the best medicine for the common people. There will announcements like never before, Lord has forgotten Saint John but now because of a byelection he has time for us. After November 14th we will lucky to see the dust fly.
We are Rooton for Lord and Hooten
to get

Anonymous said...

Charles your scraping the pot for stories now? How can you compare anybody to princess DI?? But i like how you can get a story for people will read it. Good Stuff

Tells of what went down on the weekend and lots of Provincial gossip.

Anonymous said...

Yes that is in poor taste to compare Hooten with Princess Diana. Don't makes us ill.

Anonymous said...

We must all make sure we are on the list to vote so it is up to you to find out where to vote and verify that you are on the list.
Take responsibility and be sure you can vote and go to the advance polls or vote November 14th. Bring a friend or neighbour who needs a ride or calling the riding offices and get a lift from them.
Give Hooten the Booten!
The enumerators are also going door to door get your name on the voting list. Answer your door.

Anonymous said...

Michelle Hooton has to be one of the best candidates in the tory cacus. she looks REAL composed and she wants it more then anybody,I hope that SJ realizes that and doesn't vote for Ed. I mean c'mon the guy is a doctor why would he want to be MLA backbencher? He will produce nothing for the city being in opposition and even worst if he gets voted in he will be workig at his office getting payed and at the sametime we as taxpayers will be paying him to keep his eye shop open, make any sense to blue collar workers???

Anonymous said...

She is more like princess dyed. One good washing and mask will go away.

Anonymous said...

Your own conservative doctor Mr. Hamm did well in Nova Scotia. Do not talk from both sides of your mouth. Typical of Lord conservatives. Moreover, Lord,Robichaud, Huntjens need an an eye doctor in the House. These idiots have hard time seeing what problems new brunswickers are facing. Eye doctor will come in handy. Please! eye-doctor needed in the House.

Anonymous said...

Charles you shouldn't put up emails with dead peoples names in it trying to get a story. Why don't you put one of shawn and little louis? now that is a story princess di has never met Michelle Hooton so it makes me mad and sad at same time that you use the former Princess then compare her to Michelle. SHame

Anonymous said...

Hooten must be booten(beaten)on November 14.

Anonymous said...

okay now you are talking about N.S. politics and this is a N.B. political sight, get the facts. This is just like liberal bull that we have had to endure in the past. Thank "Lord" that the day is over that we don't have to see CUTS in every department. Remember when Mckenna was in CUPE????


that is all the Liberals know how to do to blue collar workers.

Sure vote a eye doctor in then you have a medical doctor (Larry Kennedy) a Window Salesman(Scott Targett) a washed up lawyer (Mike Murphy) and these people only sit in the house 30% of the time and they get a full MLA'S pay??? No wonder Mike Murphy gave his money to a shelter when he received a raise he is never at work so why should tax payers pay him?

Anonymous said...

10:05 AM trying to revive a sinking ship. Too late. Lord has done a good number on it. No hope. Only the bottom of the sea.

Just like Bernard Lord you live in the past. What Lord has done? I supported the idiot. I am not a Liberal. I know many conservatives who are completely disilliosioned. Remember the annual Tory meeting in Fredericton when Lord was asked to resign. More of that is comming.

Anonymous said...

sure who in the opposition office is writing this? better get C.B. to make your letters better. See this is what the opposition does on taxpayers money STEAL just look at Ottawa and your cousins which you hold so high in the spotlight. Was there sponsorship scandal in the past??? N.B. REMEMBER THAT LIBERALS STEAL

Anonymous said...

You are deluding yourself. Problem is with Lord. No political party will take him anymore. Forget about politics. Be honest. Has Lord screwed up or not? He is a dead weight.

By the way I do not even know who the hell C.B is that you keep referring too.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

You're right! I'll change the headline,,,,sorry about that...hey? If I'm wrong? I'm wrong!!!!

Anonymous said...

at least your not afraid to admit you are wrong. Unlike Liberals who try to talk there way out of something. REMEMBER THE SPONSORSHIP SCANDAL??

Anonymous said...

lmao that is a good one Charlie.

Anonymous said...

This guy who keeps talking about Liberals has serious problems. For God sake put your own house in order. Good old Tory party is being decimated by Lord. There must be a way to save it. Bring back the caring compassionate Progressive Conservative party. Get rid of this jinx Bernard Lord.

Anonymous said...

Yeah because the problem is Liberals they lie, cheat, and will steal your money right from under you. We see it now when they are in opposition look at Frank should that scare NB voters??? i think so and look at Ottawa, just remember flock of feathers stick togethor and this is true for the libereals

Anonymous said...

This is doing you no good or Tory party. You have to look what Lord has to offer. Can you name one thing. Please make sure it is truth.

If you think someone is writing stuff from Liberal office then think again. It shows your bunker mentality. Wake up. Smell the cofee. People are pissed with Bernard Lord indifferent to Conservatives or Liberals.

Anonymous said...

What happened to Frederictonbrick. His site disappeared again.

Anonymous said...

one thing that lord has to offer?? how about "THE TRUTH" he doesn't lie or run the province into a defecit. We remember the Mckenna days

Anonymous said...

So he did not lie?? What about in 2003 when he said in the legislature that there was a surplus. He was told there was a deficit. Later Auditor General confirmed that it was a deficit. Lord has made career out of lying. Too bad so sad.

Anonymous said...

ya and let's think who that auditor was?? A Mckenna appointment hmmm sound like Libereal bullcrap??? i think so

Anonymous said...

For your information the auditor general was a Conservative last I checked. He might have been appointed by Frank. Frank is no longer Premier. Let us concentrate on Lord. He lies on daily basis. News of his lying on budget made national news and there were jokes about it.

Anonymous said...

Let's talk about Frank we know by Proof that he is stealing is that the type of opposition we want in office??? Already dipping into N.B's hard earned taxpayers money to get ahead. What a oppositon it is ah?? And not to forget that the Libereal party doesn't even have a clear leader when 3 people want the job ohh my how the liberals will do anything to get power remmeber the the the L's in the liberal pary: liars, losers, and leeches.

Anonymous said...

So L in Lord is for lying then.

Why waste time on Liberals? Lord is in power. Every sector of society hates this man. What are we going to do about that?

Anonymous said...

Sorry correction. L in Lord is fro liar, loser, and leech. Good one. Thank you. That does describe him quite well.

Anonymous said...

Hey folks remember big L in (Bernie)Lord. And read 1:01 PM post above.

Anonymous said...

LOL is for Liar Old Lord.

Anonymous said...

I think that you may have a reading problem but that would be due to funding from the Mckenna Era when he cut all education can you spell CUT CUT CUT by Mckenna the L is from liberals and it means losers liars and leeches what is the problem do you ah speak ah no anglais?

Anonymous said...

hey that is a good one Liberals are Liars and Losers makes sense LMAO.

Spinks said...

I still think "liar" is inaccurarte to describe Lord. I just haven't seen any blatant lying coming from the guy. Sure, the AG and Lord had a differing opinion on surplus and deficit. Personally I have to go with the AG's version but I don't think Lord lied. I just think they saw the accounting different. Business often does the same thing. I don't agree with it but lying isn't accurate. I'll go with "cook the books" though.

Anonymous said...

I remember when Mckenna cut out physed for god sakes from the elementary schools. What type of government was that oh ya there are a few deadbeats still in the liberal cacus that wants to do that and i don't blame them because some people like to show up at work in nice shiny red BMW's

Anonymous said...

I wonder who is going to end up paying for these BMW'S?? TAXPAYERS that's who. Mike Murphy has to showboat his car to all the hardworking people in N.B.? makes us feel good for taking the bus doesn't it? And when he gave his speech to the throne about green energy i was wondering if he had thought about his car that sucks down a gallon a mile while on the highway?? think green my ass the only green he is thinking is how much he can steal from taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

As far as Liberals are concerned you will have to ask them. You can call them names it does not bother me. I am not a Liberal. However, no question about Lord lying. Even the blogger of this site said Lord lied to him about Ritalin. What more proof you need?

Lying about budget is a public knowledge.

Anonymous said...

Mike Murphy has a BMW??? never knew that. How can he afford it being a MLA?

Anonymous said...

Spinks' friend here. Wish washy Spinks you have no credibility when you say it "cook the books". A lie is a lie. It was a lie.

Anonymous said...

just like a liberal will do try to change the subject. Mike Murphy supposely a full time MLA has a BMW still practices law while the house is in session and 5 race horses worth millions of dollars. Why would this guy want to be a MLA??? cause there is more money for him to tap into just like Frank Branch did

Spinks said...

I have a friend? IN HERE? LOL. Gee and I've been told so often in this blog that I have no friends. Will wonders never cease.

Anonymous said...

You do not get it Spinks. Do you? Friend? You should figure that out.

Anonymous said...


You are making a big assumption here. Hooton appointed minister? Not a hope in the hell that she will win the election.

Anonymous said...

Charles make your next story should be about Frank branch or Mike Murphy. Franks can be him ripping off taxpayers money or mike's can be about how he is suppose to be a fulltime MLA but only shows up around 30% of the time and collects a full MLA's Pay for it

Anonymous said...

Charles would never write a story about Frank Branch and his problems because that might be the truth and make the Liberals take some heat. It seems to me that Bernard Lord made promises to the province and has done exactly what he said he would do and that is the truth that we will never read on Charle's blog.

Anonymous said...

"It seems to me that Bernard Lord made promises to the province and has done exactly what he said he would do.." Says Diane. It sounds like joke of the day. When did he say during election that he would close hospitals, and he slept on the wheel when it came to Orimulsion. True, L in Lord stands for lies.

Anonymous said...

To Diane:

Didn't Bernard also Lie about VLT's did he not put Minister Blaney on the file??If he had no plans whatsoever to look it over or to make changes or to look at Responsible Regulation then why the big smoke screen??

What would you call that Misleading the public?? Just another phrase for I'm lying right to your face if ever I saw it..

Anonymous said...

Why do professionals run for office?

They do so because they have credibility!

The little guy who may only have common sense going for him is too timid to run for fear of being ridiculed by those of supposedly higher intellectual ability.
The little guy is too busy working his fingers to the bone trying to put food on the table and clothes on his kids back.
The little guy couldn't possibly under normal conditions gather the support of the moneyed and educated elite that runs this province.
It is a rare individual (little guy) who can get past the gatekeepers of the Liberal or Conservative parties.
And it is because of the total lack of self esteem that the Little People (us) allow ourselves to be herded like sheep along life's road working to pay our taxes and be good citizens while the Moneyed and the Powerful squander and misappropriate the very wealth we entrusted with them to look after our well being.
Welfare is a weapon used by the powerbrokers to mitigate or lessen the possible backlash from the overtaxed and overworked middle class. Nowhere is that more evident that in the riding of Saint John Harbour. Fuel oil rebates, subsidized housing are just some of the goodies being dangled by the two primary opponents in this contest.
The poverty rate in Saint John is atrocious and even more so in the City's South end where the battle for the hearts and minds of the electorate is being waged.
Neither Hooten or Doherty are hurting for cash and I doubt that either will amount to more than a cloud of dust blowing up the highway to Frederiction after the 14th of November.
I just wish there was a 4th option.

Perhaps we could call it the R.O.D.

There is one exception to this story and I believe that to be Able LeBlanc. For years he fought in the trenches for organized labour and continues to do so today as an elected representative in Fredericton. There are many who can attest to his dogged determination in battles with the Workplace Health and Safety Commission, whether one was in a union or not. One simply had to ask. His door was and is always open.
I don't believe Mr.Graham really knew who he was inviting on board the good ship Liberal when he dropped the gangway for Able but I bet he wishes Able was walking the plank right now! LOL.

Able knows who sent him and why he was sent to Fredericton. To fight for Saint John and all the people, small and big.

Too bad we don't have a clone of Able, to run in Saint John Harbour!
Things might actually get done.

Anonymous said...

I agree that it is too bad we could not clone Abel LeBlanc. Still Dr. Doherty one chance Lord has had too many chances deflate his ego. They are spending so much os our money backing an air head; who never listens to the people because she says we complain too much. She lives in a fantasy world. Give her a reality check and give Hooten the Booten.

Anonymous said...

Michelle was also composed when she decided to give Irving , a billionaire a 25 year tax deal. Saint John does not have the municpal dollars but keep spending like we have a money tree. When that opportunity came to collect fair taxes they turned on the people and allowed a law to be changed to help the rich. This is what Michelle was doing to get to this point; give her the Booton. We would love to see her long face at council, she cares so much.

Anonymous said...

Lord is a professional , he has kept up his end of it he gives a impression of a liar. Now he says believe me you can pay more.

Spinks said...

9:58 - On taxes you have some good points. Saint Johns' tax rate is by far the highest in NB but I'm still convinced if it weren't for Mario Charlebois, Saint John would be at least mildly better off financially. I'd love to know how much translated stuff gets tossed in the garbage in Saint John these days. It sounds like a great idea on paper but it's big dollars in reality to translate everything even when you know you're never going to use it. Businesses would never print equal amounts of things in both languages because it costs too much. Governments, ALL LEVELS, haven't figured that out yet. Some common sense when it comes to offocial bilingualism would go a long way. Making sure French in a place like St. George would be as high on my list as making sure English was in Maisonnette. Just doesn't make sense. IMHO.

Spinks said...

Oh yeah before my anonymous shadow pipes in, YES the LNG deal costs Saint John taxpayers dollars too. The Irvings don't need taxpayers dollars for anything anymore and really no Government should give them money whether through grants or taxbreaks which don't jive with what everyone else is getting. Hope that heads it off at the pass.

Anonymous said...

Michelle goes off on her own again, trying to change the way people vote for Councillors. She doesn't listen to the people we don't want the ward system and don't want her for MLA either. People want to be able to vote for the best person not the person assigned to your area. Please are you thick you said you consulted with 400 people now it's 200, well was there just your friends. I personally wrote in a never got the chance or even knew you would decide for us, thanks for nothing. This will always be the open form, Michelle knows what is best for everyone.

Anonymous said...

We are not falling for Hooten for MLA. These are not days the everything is just peachy. Polly Anna days are over and looks, smiles, good composure can be had by the devil himself. We need someone who at least cares enough to listen, she doesnot what to hear any complaints, just how happy or how elated we are paying taxes and giving billionaires a 25 year tax break. All of a sudden after giving $125. million away they are showing their concern. Let's tax the cash strapped, struggling,fixed income people of Saint John. We will tell them whatever we have to, to convince them we care and then we will get back to gouging the people and stay away and hide. They won't know what hit them we will bring up new issues and throw them off track. Give Hooten the Booten , vote Dr. Doherty, give him a chance. Vote anyone but Hooten Please.

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness Hooton got the Booton!