The City of Brotherly Hate
by Nedd Kareiva
We typically associate it with China, North Korea, Vietnam, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Iran and Cuba. We rarely, if ever, see it to this magnitude in America. In fact, it is likely an unprecedented event in American history. However, if it holds up in the courts, it may set in motion a domino of events to come with serious negative implications ahead. It would mean perhaps the deepest desecration of the Constitution ever. What is it?
Give up? I'm talking about 1st Amendment persecution.
Back in October, 11 individuals from Repent America, a web site devoted to restoration of morality in America, picketed a homosexually sponsored event titled Outfest. According to reports from World Net Daily, the American Family Association and Men's News Daily, all the protesters were peaceful and obeyed all orders from law enforcement to stay on public property while some were holding signs and preaching from the Bible. A video shown on the web site of the AFA verified the members of Repent America were non-violent and not prone to violence, even when members of the Pink Angels from Outfest surrounded and harassed them.
Nonetheless, Philadelphia police arrested them and charged them, among other "crimes", criminal conspiracy, riot and ethnic (how is being gay ethnic?) intimidation. 7 of the 11 had charges dismissed, 4 of them had charges retained. A municipal court judge found the 4 guilty with the prosecuting attorney calling Bible passages "fighting words". A federal appeals court declined to hear the case and an expedited appeal is being made to the U.S. Supreme Court. A combined total of up to 47 years in prison is at stake in what may be the first clear evidence of persecution of Biblical proportions.
Ironically, the municipal judge in this case previously ruled in a separate case that no protest may occur within 100 feet of a homosexually run event. Yet despite one police officer's view that the protesters were in compliance with the law, the 11 were charged with, among other items, violating the judge's order in that other case - as if such information was common knowledge.
And I thought pro-lifers had it bad with 10-20 foot buffer zones imposed around abortion clinics in some parts of the country.
Whatever happened to that thing in the 1st Amendment regarding freedom of speech? And where are the so-called protectors of the 1st Amendment, the ACLU? Oh, I forgot, they don't defend those who oppose the homosexual agenda, only those who support it. The North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) and same sex marriage candidates and supporters get preferred treatment over the Boy Scouts and traditional marriage defenders. So it only makes sense with Anthony Romero, an avowed practicing homosexual, at the helm of the ACLU and James Esseks, their director of their Gay & Lesbian Rights Project who recently stated that parents in Boyd County, Kentucky have no say so with regards to the homosexual agenda in public schools.
Certain members of the gay community like to piggyback off of Dr. Martin Luther King with claims of their civil rights being denied. So what about the Philadelphia 4? And unlike Dr. King who rightly protested at the Woolworth lunch counters in the 60s, the Philly 4 were on public property when they were arrested. I think Dr. King would be spinning in his grave if he could have seen the homosexual movement claim a civil right to their sexual preferences while the Philly 4 get hauled to the big house for peacefully protesting immoral behavior on public property.
Opposing the homosexual agenda has become a risky proposition in this day and age in the world. This year has already seen a pastor in Sweden serve a month in jail for preaching against homosexuality in his pulpit (so much for an historically neutral country) and the Canadian Parliament pass a law that would punish those openly speaking against the homosexual agenda two to five years in prison. And an activist for www.samesexmarriage.ca has promised on its web site to report any "violations" this Christmas season to Canada's Human Rights Commission. And believe me, they will. Just ask Hugh Owens who was forced to pay three homosexuals who were "offended" as a result of an ad he took out in a paper opposing homosexuality and Scott Brockie who was fined for refusing to do a printing job for a homosexual organization.
Despite overwhelming segments of the American electorate opposing same sex marriage this past election which resulted in states passing their marriage amendments, the march towards forcing the homosexual agenda has not evaporated. In fact, it is staring churches of America in the face. The Becket Fund, a public interest law firm for religious liberty, told Pennsylvania churches earlier this year they may face litigation if they speak out against the homosexual agenda in their pulpit as a result of hate crimes legislation passed and signed into law two years ago. Becket reported some religious leaders were taking out liability insurance to cover them and their sermons. Perhaps there was a prophetic element from what was said back then to where it is now. The Philly 4 are charged with hate crimes towards homosexuals as a result of this legislation.
We in America live in what could be arguably termed as dangerous times. People are being branded as hateful, bigoted and even criminal for exercising their 1st Amendment rights against completely changeable and unnatural sexual behavior. Churches are facing the prospects of "violating" the law by preaching on this issue by lawsuits which could result in fines and/or revocation of their tax exempt status. It's not far beyond belief that ministers in churches in the near future may even be sued for not performing same sex marriages.
Bernard Lord, Premier of New Brunswick, one of three remaining provinces where same sex marriage is not yet acknowledged, was quoted earlier this month in www.macleans.ca as saying "we will bring in legislation in this province to protect those who perform marriages against any lawsuits if they refuse to marry individuals of the same sex." Gay communities in Canada and the U.S. have repeatedly stated they would never force churches to marry them and that all they want are civil ceremonies. However, judging by Premier Lord's comments, the volatile situation in Pennsylvania and continual ACLU suits to force same sex marriage upon the states, many religious leaders aren't so sure. After all, liberalism works in increments.
Joseph Farah, president of World Net Daily, wrote in a commentary earlier this month that if the Philadelphia 4 are convicted, Christians should come to the city of brotherly hate to launch a Jericho march, similar to what happened in the book of Joshua in the Old Testament. I totally agree and would go one step further. Boycott Philadelphia's Bureau of Tourism and every Philadelphia business that supports such persecution and the homosexual agenda. Like any other city, the City of Brotherly Hate knows money. Stopping the flow of money does what no legal or political action does - it sends a clear message to public officials to stop the persecution of those who peacefully and legally exercise their 1st Amendment freedoms.
Christian children and teachers who are denied the right to read the Bible or pray during break times in public schools or who are prevented from celebrating the Christ of Christmas may think the attacks on them are persecution. Christians in both the public and private sector who are impugned or ridiculed for living by their Christian faith may believe such is persecution. David Limbaugh, brother of Rush Limbaugh, is the author of Persecution and documents such events. But while I love David and appreciate all he does to expose the agenda of those opposng Christianity in public life, as offensive as all the previous examples go, I do not believe as he does that the above examples stoop to the level of persecution as I firmly believe the arrest, potential conviction and serving of jail time of the Philly 4 do. What the Philly 4 face here in America is similar to what goes on in the likes of China or Cuba.
Now it's time for those of the Judeo-Christian heritage, conservatives and anyone who values their first Amendment rights, regardless of political views, to take action. If this dam is not plugged quickly, the floodgates will open and it will be open season on anyone with a politically incorrect view or action. America does not need any more cities of brotherly hate.
The opinions expressed in this column represent those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions, views, or philosophy of TheRealityCheck.org, Inc.
Poor excuse to post this that Bernard Lord is mentioned. Bernard Lord has no firm belief on anything. All that matters is how he gets re-elected. He also said that he will not stand in the way of federal legislation on same-sex marriage. Not much comfort for Christian Right.
Then there was an interesting site, Bernard Lord.com, which was quashed because it mentioned Bernard Lord's love interests in the legislature.
Odd article, it must be old, since NB does have gay marriage rights now. They seem to be a little behind the times, who says journalists aren't lazy?
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