At the very last minute, I decided to wear my Acadian sweater just like this picture.

Once at the Justice Building, I walked down the stairway and you should have seen the look at the police officers faces once they saw me coming down with an Acadian sweater? …lol…
I noticed Matthew Glenn with three of his friends sitting on a bench.

I approached them and said - Hey Bigots? Isn’t this equal to 20 cups of coffee????…
Matthew was glad to see me but the Acadian guy who laid these crazy charge wasn’t present.
Matthew pleaded not guilty and his trial is stated for Febraurary 9th < I believe > but there was a lot of action in that court room.
Most of the people present were there because they couldn’t pay their fines.
We’re talking about huge fines between $800.00 to $2,000,00.
They all had till the month of February to pay the fine.
The female judge seems nice about it but I believe in the month of February? There’s going to be a lot of people in jail.

I know - If you do the crime you must pay the fine.
It’s really hard not only for the people on welfare but also the working poor.
People just don’t have the extra cash!!!!
On a different note. I noticed this 20 year old sitting in the prisoner box with shackle on her ankles.
I guess the young girl broke a trespassing order at the King’s place mall.
She didn’t show up for her court date and I might add this was her first offence.
She showed up in court.
While she was in the hallways, a sheriff approached her and asked her to step into a room.
Once there, he place shackle on her ankles.
It’s not like they had to hunt the girl down but that’s the law I guess.
It’s a very thin line between the social outcast and the socially accepted!
I find it funny that the Union Jack isn’t flying outside of the Justice Building in the Capital but the Acadian flag is there.

It must drive those bigots crazy walking by this dreadful or discriminating site before walking into the hall of Justice.

I would love to know the true reason the Union Jack isn’t flying in front of the Justice Building?
I wish someone could answer my question?
They should give you and Mathew Glenn a Union Jack each and then you two can march on Queen Street.
Don't try to be stupid. Remember this is Canada, not England, and we fly the Canadian flag.
I think the New Brunswick flag was designed to replace the union jack, not the canadian flag. It was under little louis that they designed the flag. Personally, I think they should change it, what does a lion have to do with New Brunswick? And the ship is just salt in the wound. It was some guy who designed it just before the canadian flag came out while the Premier was on vacation.
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