Sunday, November 06, 2005



Since the Irvings refuse to do a poll? We decided to try one of our own. Mind you, we set it up so your computer can only vote once in a 7 days period. Lets see that the results will be and what's going to happen on Election day? Don't be affraid to vote!!!!


Anonymous said...

One vote was casted by mistake to Michelle Hooton. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

How can one vote for Hooton when she doesn't know what 'her' party stands for??

Anonymous said...

And she does not know what she stands for.

Anonymous said...

looks like a horse race???

Anonymous said...

Don't you feel sorry for Hooton? She's caught between a rock & a hard place. I mean, if she loses this by-election then she has her role with the city. And, if that happens, she's already shown her true colors in that she chose the PC banner as opposed to supporting the city that she pledged to do so for 4 years (not 16 months).

She won't get much support then & I would think being a deputy mayor after losing the election would be very difficult for her to remain in council. After all, it is her second choice in the political arena!

Too bad Hooton wasn't thinking straight or given some political guidance as to possible consequences when she decided to run for the PC party & keep her deputy mayor title. If she had resigned from her position, she might have kept some sort of respect from the voters who put there in the first place. Gee, where was her campaign manager in all of this? Nice advice! Hope you didn't pay too much for his/her advice!

Already a true politician.......keeping her options open in case the first doesn't happen.

Anonymous said...

The poll would be good if and I mean if people actualy from the riding voted. This poll will be nothing more then out of the riding people voting.

Anonymous said...

This pole expresses very well how people in general feel. It is hoped those feelings will materialize on the day of election.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully..voters will be sharp enough not to vote for the 'PLASTIC PRINCESS".

Anonymous said...

Plastic Princess, that is a great title for the Irvingette, at least after her LNG discussion with Ken Irving and her subsequent conversion to the Party Line.