They have no rights in New Brunswick. They can be ordered evicted in one hour and there's no Government officials to turn for help!
But after all this?
They are still cheerful during the Christmas Holidays!
May God Bless these poor souls during these holidays.
Hey? Maybe I just described myself and I didn't noticed?
Joyeux Noel!

Great Blog Charles :
Really makes one think :
Cute Santa Pictures as well.
You know there is a him that I think of at this moment, it goes the Lord hears the cry of the poor. blessed be the lord. He hears and sees all that is happening to the Homeless and those who are less fortunate in our Community and Society. and he is keeping records of how we treat our fellow man. and here is a word of advice for all of us. If we claim to know Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour and don't try to help the poor, Homeless, and those in our society who the forgotten among us. then We really and don't know God and we certainly are not Christians. Remember this all of you politicians who attend your church and partake of the Lord's Coommunion Table. Your profession of faith is not only on Sunday morning or, any other day you attend Church. it is also in the way you reach to those who are in need of fair treatment under the law. It is also in Recognition of the right of Human beings of their Dignity as a person Created in the Image of God. Remember that the next time you use Governmental Policy to denie an individual person the equal protection and rights under the Law.
Hey Mike? I'm not knocking what you're saying? Trust me! I'll never do that but shouldn't this be in the God's minute blog???? I know what you mean but I'm just asking...Keep the faith....
Hey Charles, I am glad you like our Christmas tree at 75 Carleton. We all got together and sang Christmas Carols. It was nice to share this occasion as a Superintendent with the needy who live here. I will also put on a supper for 30 people for Christmas. Some superintendent's do care, and I am caring to each one, on an individual basis.It's nice to put a smile on their face. They are all special to me.(Give and you shall receive) I have helped alot of people out here.I am proud of my job and would like to wish all A merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2005-2006 which is my Right as a Superintendent.
Superintendent reading my blog???? My God? I forgot about knows who reads this blog site!!! It could have been much worse,,,it could have been Maurice from 114 Brunswick't write anything bad about this new building....I'll be served papers in seriously? She's a good Superintendent and she understands my battle. There's a lot of Maurice's in this Province and Bernard Lord must act on this very emotional issue.
I put the comment right where it needed to be, and that is why I put it there. the word I miss spelled is Hymn not him. but I think that readers got what I was trying to convey. Sorry if I was a bit veigue on exact wording. but When it is the extreme poor that are falling throgh the preverbial cracks of Society they cannot afford the Cost of the rental fee and damage deposit. Do you believe that a Damage deposit that should not be charged unless the person signs a lease. they should give the Air headed Cabbage brain Character reference who dreamed that one up an exploding cegar. Lol.
I agree with you Charles, Mike should have posted his response in God's moment. I was happy to see something good for a change thought. The pictures of the Christmas tree was nice. Yes there are a few supers who do care and go above and beyond what their job entails them to. Thank God for those few. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,Charles and everyone else who reads this. Keep up the good work in the new year.
If the God's Minute refered to this subject I would have put my comment in the God's Minute area. But since I was commenting on this particular topic that is where my comment was meant to go. In conclusion, I would like to take the opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a peace filled New Year in 2006. Joyeaux Noel Et, Bonne Anee I hope that I spelled it right.
Not to grouse too much, as this IS a happy thread, but I just had to respond to the christian theme-and it IS christmas after all, as Spinks will tell us.
I'd just like to say that I tried to email and call as many people as possible about the roomers and boarders issue and I got a far more favourable response from politicians than from PEOPLE. So when lecturing others about charity I hope people will look in a mirror. I could get VERY few people to actually DO something. Most were sympathetic, thought it too bad they have no rights, but would not even take the time to write an email.
However, this issue only came out in August, and now we have politicians in both parties who are setting it straight-both in the throne speech and with legislation. Charles deserves credit for keeping this up, but MANY New Brunswickers really need to examine their OWN christian ethics this holiday season, and a good many of those were CHURCHES (you know who you are-although you probably aren't reading this anyway).
So in this blog which is usually about people grousing about their politicians, I think some emphasis needs to be paid that the politicians are doing something-but the same couldn't be said for a good many New Brunswickers.
I would like to say that my comments that are leaning to the Christian emphesis are not meant to intimedate anyone. I am simply stating a fact concerning the various politicians who claim to be of the Christian tradition, but are conveniently using Government policy to deny the homeless and roomers their inalienable God given right to the same protection that is accorded to those in our Community who rent apartments and homes This is the only Province in the entire Nation of Canada that denys its most vulnerable citizens in our this Province the rights that they are entitled to under the law.
I understand that Mr. Mackay, I just wanted to make sure everyone knows that NOW they are in the process of righting that thirty year wrong. And my comment was for those of the christian faith who only read what was happening and did nothing to ensure that this wrong was righted. This is a democracy where the will of the people would have had a huge effect. This obviously isn't meant to refer to everyone, although many readers of this site have extra to answer for since they KNEW the importance of this issue. Most New Brunswickers have no idea it is even the case, ignorance isn't a complete excuse, but only a partial one. I am not being preachy, though I am not a christian I didn't do enough and it was Charles and Tim and many others who worked during the election to bring this about. We should do more to support people like that and not simply be spectators of 'the right thing to do', especially at christmas. But perhaps I'm just lashing out because I am being hardest on myself. Either way, this Christmas, do whatever nice thing is in your power to do. Perhaps even an email to the MLA's who pushed through this legislation so quickly. You may have to swallow some bitterness, but its that time of year.
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