I took these pictures last week and I always said that as Premier? Shawn would meet the voters. I believe that he would do like Frank McKenna and confront any protesters in front of the Legislature. What do you think? These future voters will not forget this little greeting. That's for sure. It sure reminds me when I was a kid and visited the House.

Hope so because Bernie is petrified of people. He continues to build forts between him and the public while talking about accessibility. All talk no action.
I'm sure Charles when Shawn is elected in the next provincial election, he will indeed have an open door policy to One And All.
Wouldn't that be quite a contrast to what we've had before. I believe Mr. Graham has seen first hand the power and the voice of the people, and unlike some others, has to come to realize the People indeed are the Government.
As this example was proven in the Saint John Harbour Riding election, people unified can be powerful.
Keep up the great Job, a regular reader.
Politicians have a way of being very accessible while they are in opposition, that it will CONTINUE is far less certain.
It is a question of style, no doubt, personally I do not share Charles respect for politicians who will put on a smile and listen to you only to ignore you once in the legislature.
However, Frank certainly didn't ALWAYS meet protestors, and he called in the cops as often as not to do his dirty work.
Personally, I couldn't care less whether Lord met protestors-so long as he actually had legislation and acted on their concerns.
Just take a look at the Saint John protestors who are for 'fair taxation' regarding the Irving deal. The only difference between the two parties is that Graham says that the Province should pay for the tax break. That's hardly 'fair taxation', so having him come out front to the protestors and say 'thanks for coming, but we're really not going to do anything about this' is hardly a welcome political change.
Lord is afraid of people. His every action attests to that. Then he is blinded by ambition and only one who matters his him. Rest of the people are just means to get ahead as far as he is concerned. Too self-centred. Too bad.
Well first of all 4:57 PM -" The Saint John protestors who are for 'fair taxation' regarding the Irving deal." are all Crazy in my opinion.
It was the Municipal Government who cut the Deal, not the Lord Government :
Beside's Saint Is nothing but a sewer hole anyway, half the people who work in the City, live outside the City, leaving you folk's to fork over all the Jingle.
And more power to them I say:
Well, fortunately we don't really need to pay attention to the people like the above poster who doesn't know anything about politics. Municipalities AREN"T ALLOWED to make property tax deals, municipal governments are creations of the province. If you paid attention you would know that that's when the provincial government brought in the legislation that would allow them to make the deal, and actually went even further than what Saint John asked for. Of course adolescent remarks shouldn't really be expected to be taken seriously, but we'll oblige this time.
Of course you don't have to pay attention to what I wrote:
But you still read it didn't you !!
And that's good enough for me !
You don't know Saint John; we have great people who live in Saint John; reality is that the people who live outside are trying to run our city and have more say than the people who live here. We are paying our taxes but some do not pay they are gives tax concessions, breaks, grants and special deals so they don't have to pay their fair share of taxes.
We have a Mayor and some Councullors who want to please the Billionaires and their friends in high places. Finally the average person is paying attention; enough of this kind of taxation. Watch and see what deal will be made with our water problems with Harbour Cleanup with has been polluted by large corporation not just the people of Saint John.
We will have to pay for the mistakes made by all levels of politicians. We have a lot of nice people who have been patient long enough.
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