Friday, December 16, 2005


Picture 033


Anonymous said...

Bernard is going to create a new cabinet position just for him.
He will be the new Minister of
"I don't Know" His job will be to basicly take over answering all questions aimed at Mr.lord.

Anonymous said...

I get it. The great deflector.
Good one.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

If I'm not mistaken a few years back, a Chap in the Fredericton area and was also working at a Fredericton area Rado Station, Also did a TV Talk Show on Rogers TV from Fredericton, Was Fired After Complaing About The Rogers Internet Service, Not being all that great due to all the Technical Glitches they were having and so forth.

And Basically stated that the Rogers Service Sucked { lol }

Rogers is always saying on their new radio stations here in Mnocton and Saint John, how great and fast they are with Breaking Local News.

Rogers are like Political Parties, say a whole of Stuff, Like How How Great We Are, And We Care For You, but the bottom line is this.

If you don't tow the Party Line You're Out !!