
Tim could you please bring this to Charlie's attention for me??
Tim Horton's policy on Christmas...May be offencive to some of our
Hey buddy an annon friend wants me to send you an email so here it
is....Tim Horton's Employees are not allowed to say...Are you ready??"Merry
Christmas!!"--UNLESS the customer says it first and only then they are
allowed to respond with the same...But they cannot say it first this is
the case here in Saint John but you can verify it there in fredtown and
if it's true for New Brunswick then you should blog the hell out of it
because that is just not right and should not be tolerated here in our
Christmas Picture Perfect Province.
Tim & Charlie, here is where you should call for Help from all the readers of your site, To Ask Management Or Staff Members just in casual conversation, along with a Witness, state the Date, Time And Store Location.
Some of this Political Correctness Studd has just gone way Tooooooo Far.
Be rest assured later today I'll be asking. This could be a story of the year, so to speak.
= Stuff
Here's a solution-how about if YOU just say 'Merry Christmas' first? "picture perfect province"-where is that?
It's going to be a lot harder to take the christmas spirit out of Canada than it is for our friends to the south.
Even as the debate ended last night all four leaders along with the host wished this country a very Merry Christmas and a great holiday season which is in keeping with Canadian tradition.
I don't know how we could see it any different than for what it really is.
(Christ-mas)-The masses celebrating the birth of Christ and a renewed sense of joy to the world of hope and good will toward our fellow man,woman,and child.
To give to those who are less fortunite than others at this one time each year with no expectations of getting anything in return.
An unselfish act of good will and the undenyable heartfelt goodness and warmth we feel in sharing and caring for others through the word of God's Son Jesus Christ for a better tomorrow.
A more conjoined effort to equalize prosparity through the generosity of our own self worth with no personal gain but to show compassion through the word of Christ that we are and always shall be equal at this time.
When we move on to appear before his greatness and review ourselves and the history of our behavior toward all his children to see where we had been when those in need have called on us to bring peace to this land and an unselfish act of putting a little food in the bellies of the starving and a little joy in the hearts of the suffering but only once a year to show our compassion.
As Christ himself did for those he did so love unconditionally.
Then and only then will we truley be judged and understand clearly our true role in this world that we were born to take part and be sentenced accordingly.
Remember that Tim's is now an AMERICAN company.
Yes You're right 11:40 AM, point well taken indeed, but their selling their product as well here in Saint John as Stateside, if indeed they are ? I haven't been stateside in awhile, despite having Dual Citizenship.
Wendy's bought them out if I'm not mistaken ?
We've shown Bernard what we can do, from the Saint Harbour Bye-Election. Start or getting to Boycott Tims { even though it'll never happen LOL } or even to rattle their cage, that up here We Still Want Merry Christmas And Happy New Year.
In closing MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL, even the Politician's, because we're always getting the Coal In The Sock Deal from those Suckers
{ lol }
Merry CHRIST"S MASS! The point was that Tim Hortons is american so that is who is setting corporate policy. Good luck trying to change that.
Want to REALLY change that, stop giving your money to an american company that claims to be some kind of beacon of canadiana. There are plenty of other coffee shops, most have better coffee, many have FAIR TRADE coffee, which Tim's does not. And best of all many are OWNED LOCALLY.
Stop going to TIMS-keep your money in the maritimes. Plus, as a local owned company where there are hardly any other religions but christian ones, I have no doubt you'll get a hearty 'Merry Christmas' from them.
PS: Tim's coffee tastes like ???? anyway and their food just makes you fatter and kills you quicker.
This goes to prove my point on this issue which I've brought up before. I've in fact grown suspicious of anywhere which doens't say Merry Christmas because I know there's a conscious effort being made to eliminate the word. Someone at Tim's had a meeting about this, discussed and made the conclusion that the word Christmas is offensive. Has ANYONE ever heard a story of someone going into a store at this time of the year, being wished a Merry Christmas by an employee and then going off the deep end about being offended. No, of course not. This issue is just plain ridiculous.
Hey Spinks??? I agree with ya 100%!!!! It must be the holidays spirit,,,oppsss I mean Noel or Christmas spirit!!!!...lol
Well I went uptown to buy our (CHRISTMAS TREE) with my daughter this afternoon which by the way is a beautiful day at that.
The people selling the trees were more than curtious to us as well as giving us a very good deal!
He knew who we were he also wished us a very (MERRY CHRISTMAS) of which I must confess made us feel very good to hear.
It certainly helps keep your spirits alive and well to know you're sharing in a tradition that dates back to the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ of which I am not ashamed and also to know the warmth in your child's heart awaiting for such a joyous day to approach of giving and sharing with those whom you love that we do and always will call CHRISTMAS Morning.
God Bless you all and have a very Merry Christmas from all of us and may your day be merry and bright
Religious Belief wise, I'd have to Classify myself as a Nuthinarian`, Don't know what to believe.
But as crazy as it may sound, to me there is something Special or Magical to hear, The Phrase from somebody else, " Merry Christmas "
Maybe I sould change my Monicker to Doubting Thomas, but Merry Christmas sure does have a Special Ring to it.
Carry On Troop's & BTW
nothing surprise me anymore in a country where the people agree to let homo mary they will agree to anything non christian
I think Jesus would be more than happy to see our great nation letting gays marry. Jesus was all about inclusiveness. Too bad that catches in your craw, it's too nice a time of year to be grinching all the time. It's the FESTIVE season. At Tim's the policy probably came from California or some such place, so just stay out of Tim's. Griping without action is about as useful as peeing into the wind. Happy Hanukah and Merry Christ's Mass.
PS How long til they stop calling it 'easter'. Will it become a national holiday on 'pancake tuesday' instead of easter?
5:28, I'll have to disagree with you on that one. Considering the bible is pretty clear on homosexuality. It's the only sin where a whole city was destroyed by God, (Sodom -thus the word sodomy),I doubt God's own Son would advocate it. You certainly don't have to agree or like it but the Bible is pretty clear on homosexuality being a sin.
I said JESUS, I didn't say the bible. In the old testament just about EVERYTHING is immoral, including just LOOKING at people with lust and killing your sheep wrong. And of course who 'plucks out their eyes' just for looking at somebody?? Remember, Jesus said if you just THINK sin then it is the same as committing it. So like He says, are YOU gonna cast that stone?
The guy hung around with hookers and bums, and forgave theives, you think he cared about such things? Show me where!
Keep in mind that translations of greek show that in the new testament the writers were talking about pederasty, which is sex with boy prostitutes, NOT homosexuality which is between two equal partners. It was taking advantage of other people that they were thinking of, because of course this was ancient Greece so practically EVERYBODY practised homosexuality. Of course, how many people know anything about greek, they just know what our puritan history tells us. Open your eyes, there's a reason Jesus said not to judge, its a judgement on YOU.
Life's too short to fill our heads with such nonsense, as Jesus knew full well. Which is why He hardly ever consorted with the 'middle class', He knew that all they did was sit around judging people (which of course they eventually did to Him)
Yep, Jesus hung around with everybody and I'm always disgusted if I hear anyone say their church wouldn't let homosexuals in because we're all sinners. However Jesus never condoned sin. It's interesting that you bring up the case about "he who is without sin cast the first stone". You'll also recall that Jesus said to the woman following the incident "Go and sin no more". Jesus would have forgiven the homosexual just as he would everyone else but he would not have condoned it. The New Testament also has many references regarding homosexuality as a sin. It is not solely an Old Testament issue so the argument about Leviticus that homosexuality is okay today since other things in the book are now okay doesn't wash. However sin is sin, and homosexuality is no better or worse than cheating on your wife. However the Bible doesn't condone either one.
How did the original Topic end up being a theological and bible debate ?
Gay Marriage and What is Sin stuff ?
I referenced how they were talking about gaydom in the NT, it was pederasty, NOT homosexuality. Just because Jesus said 'go and sin no more' means nothing about 'condoning'. Jesus didn't JUDGE, that's the point. And He told US not to judge, THATS the point. You can dress up your judgment any way you want, but Jesus didn't practise it, He discouraged it, and if YOU feel you have to do it, that's YOUR business, but don't try to dress it up like you're doing Jesus work.
As for the rest of us, vive la difference, and Merry Christmas to EVERYBODY.
So what's your point Unknown ?
This Canada, the last time that, I checked, people from other countries should not be allowed to come here and be able to change our laws and customs like changing the head dress of the RCMP and not being able to wish someone a Merry Christmas , Just because we did it to the native indians,and [NO] Tim's should not be telling us Canadians what to say , as they are in OUR country .
No Way Dude, I think 1:06 PM is 100% correct and has is all figured out, and I agree with the Dude on all
I am so sick and tired of hearing that the Canadian people are being denied our traditional celebrations, observences such as the Celebration of Christmas or any other Holiday that we have held as a Tradition for many years since this Nation was born. This Nation was founded by those who were of the Christian tradition, not Muslim, Not Budhist, and not Hinduism, or any other Ism. if you want to Celebrate or not that is up to you, but don't deny those of us who were born here and are of the Christian Tradition the God given right to Celebrate the Burth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Itf you don't like our Customs, then go back to where it is you came from.
Tell it the way it is Dude, your right George:
Amen to that
Who is telling you you can't celebrate christmas? Who has EVER told you you can't celebrate christmas?
and I"M sick and tired of griping malcontents who think the province should be run the way THEY like it. They've never even seen a sikh before but think they should all do as we tell them and quit griping about it. Of course that's what it's like in Irvingland where everbody is taught to 'take it and don't complain'. It's not enough to not go to Tim Horton's, It's not enough that they celebrate christmas-EVERYTHING has to be run the way they like it and kept the way it was in the 1800's. Of course they didn't even celebrate christmas when the 'country was founded'. And if the country was so christian then why are there only two religious holidays. What about All Saints Days, Michaelmas, etc.
Grow up, the country is filled with other religions who have an equal right with yours. How about if christmas is celebrated like chinese new year-everybody will say it, but it won't be a holiday.
Nobody even knows when christ was born, its celebrated in December because it was a pagan celebration. So you're just making god madder and madder.
Merry Christmas and who cares if it bothers anyone! No one cares about people today. If you were smart you would stop buying from Tim Horton; sad to think you could pay so much for the drink of coffee, idle your vehicle, hold up traffic and cut people off just for something that is not good for your health and taste gross. Yes thankful I don't have myself held up for a drink that is only worth a few cents. I laugh when I see grown men and women so attached to their baby bottle of coffee. Sad to see people so pathetic; some can't afford much but will waste money on that disgusting drink that they say is good for you. I guess people will believe that because they are addicted. Coffee is not healthy for you and you could do your health and pocket book some good. Instead of taking baby's off a bottle they should switch them to coffee; people look like babies on the their Tim Horton's Coffee! Merry Christmas!
Listen up 8:20 AM & 8:58 AM
I personally think both of you are full of it, and not from Turkey.
8:20-AM, I don't think anybody is debating anybody's right to practise any Certain Religion, but Non Christain's should not be allowed to try and put down or Interfere With Christain Tradition's.
And non-christain minorities are sticking their Big Noses into people who like to be able to hear or say Merry Christmas, without being Labelled Politically In-Correct !
Personally I dig the Hari Krisha Dude's, they mind their business and leave everybody alone.
And 8:58 AM , you talk about or use the Phrase Pathetic. The only thing Pathetic on this Blog, Is you opinion about everything.
I bet your a Dictator deep down underneath all the Merry Christmas Blow Hard stuff you like to throw around.
And I bet yout more than likely, on the Christmas Card List from Juan Valdez himself from all the Coffee you suck back.
And don't expect us to believe for a Second. You Don't Drink Coffee, Ohhhhhhhh My Goodness, your a Tea Tottler, that's right I forgot.
Welllllll Excuseeeeeeeeeeeeee Me.
Tea has more Caffine than Coffee.
"Oh that one has Gotta'Hurt, Gotcha, Gotcha` on that one one Didn't I ! "
How do ya` like me now, You're Both Suckers on a stick.
"Hi 2:44 PM"
I actually never acquired the taste for tea or coffee; thanks to not trying it until I was in my teens. Like cigarettes I gave it a try and felt at the time it was disgusting. I compare it to medicine that tastes bad I take it if it helps but I don't see any benefit so far after trying coffee or tea a few times. It tastes terrible to me. I don't expect you to change your ways but I can't help wonder if you knew what it really does to your body system if it would matter. I didn't just say these things to piss you off; I have thought about this subject before and really lots of things are not good for us and I won't give up the things I like but thank goodness I don't like that terrible tasting stuff. Just because people question things or state how they feel doesnot make them idiots nor do I think you are an idiot just not willing to accept that coffee is not good for you. Merry Christmas! (Pop is not good either but I have an occasional drink because it taste good.)
I have gone to many stores this year and I believe just bringing the subject forward this year in the news, radio, blog and on the street has made people more vocal and state Merry Christmas more than ever. I think it is like a smile it can be contagious and a good thing to wish happiness and that is all we want for people; Merry Christmas.
I also dislike coffee and understand that people are addicted to Tim's; wonder what extra chemicals are in the drink?
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