Monday, March 20, 2006


L-Next-election, originally uploaded by Oldmaison.

With an election just around the corner. I say these hearings are just a big waste of time.

I say the rate will go up 6%!!! Not 11.5!!! It's just like the GST???

Large amount at first and downward afterwards. Here's the story

PUB hears final arguments on power hikes
Last updated Mar 20 2006 11:42 AM AST
CBC News

Closing arguments began Monday in the hearing into NB Power's application to hike power rates next month.

The company is asking the Public Utilities Board to approve an 11.5 per cent rate increase for residential and industrial customers. NB Power has said it needs additional revenue to cope with higher fuel costs.

* INDEPTH: UNEVEN GRID - How energy prices are regulated across the country

But public intervenor Peter Hyslop says his closing argument will focus on the government's decision to break the utility into separate generating and distribution companies.

"We're going to comment extensively on the reorganization that took place, The Electricity Act, the purchase power agreements and what that means for all ratepayers in New Brunswick, and what it means for the transparency of knowing whether or not we're paying appropriate amounts for electricity."

* FROM MARCH 15, 2006: Small power users object to industry subsidies

The hearing is taking place in Saint John and the summations are scheduled to finish on Tuesday.

NB Power's rate hike request comes on the heels of an extremely successful revenue year for the company.

The company has dramatically increased its estimate of the money made by its hydro dams this year. Income from the dams has become the big issue at NB Power's rate hearing.

NB Power has taken most of the money for itself, but power users want it returned and used against next year's rate increase.

Mactaquac Dam is the largest of six hydro dams in the province that together produced more than one billion kilowatt hours of electricity this year more than expected, a large windfall that has offered late hope to power users at the rate hearing.

During hearings last week, the value of the extra hydro generation was believed to be about $46 million, which power users began pointing to as a source of money to keep rates down. But late Thursday, information filed by NB Power showed the actual benefit to be more than $70 million, money that all sides will be fighting over during final arguments this week.


Anonymous said...

The right thing to do right now is to leave the cost just where it is; they are making billions.

They should look at the price gouging at the pumps for fuel; next tax the refineries more and get some kind of dividend for the people here that are sick and many dying of cancers that are related to these hazards.

Anonymous said...

NBPower is shafting the residential customers and others..The message
got out last week, that over 5000 customers have had their power cut this past year.

I think this is just horrendous in this day and age that people
are left out in the dark and cold by this government.

As a tax payer, my dollars go to support this Utility and I say enogh is enough. Start cleaning out at
the top, as no one is entitled to $100,000+ in salaries and then topped off by a bonus or a severance package to ghet rid of someone that made a mistake and to keep them quiet.

After all what "IDIOT" says I have a contract and nothing on paper to prove it!!

The idiot that made that so called
statement has been quietly silenced with a severance package and a pension and told to get out of town....I say bring him back and make him pay this back and
pay for the court costs the province is wasting in suing the Venezualan
company that Irving now owns 55 %...

Another aspect of this rate hike, is
NBPower is over due for this atrcious rate hike, so you watch and see, the customers are going to get hit with a 3% in late April and probably late August to make up the difference the PUB shorts them, so that we will pay anyway...

I think it is time the top people are gone....