Saturday, May 20, 2006


STB_3153, originally uploaded by Oldmaison.

I was there last year and enjoyed their fine food. This time around, I missed the food by minutes. My God? They sure make good food!!!!


Anonymous said...

It is not Indian culture it is Asian culture. Can you get anything right. It is Asian culture month.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

I had Indian food last year...thanks for the info...I didn't know....

Spinks said...

You're still partly right Charles despite your naysayer friend. Last time I checked India was still in Asia. :)

Anonymous said...

India is a part of...

Oh nevermind, Charles. You're hopeless.

Spinks said...

Say it with me 9:15. India is a part of...ASIA. Charles, I think if you said the sky was blue, your naysayer anonymous "friend" would disagree. *Sigh*

Anonymous said...

Spinks, you are generally sensible guy. India is one country in Asia. Asia is a huge continent. China, Japan, Iran, all the Arab countries including half of Turkey is part of Asia and many other countries. Asia in itself is not a country. To say it is India food or month is like saying Canada day is Fredericton day. What is wrong with you?

Jammu said...

In the photo, they are Indians and the headline says "Indian culture." What's the problem? So much ado about nothing...

Any rate, when you say Indian food, you make me salivate like Pavlov's dog. I love the stuff!