Thursday, May 18, 2006


STC_3198, originally uploaded by Oldmaison.

I was there last night and everything is moving forward. I won't blog what was said because I'm certain the Irvings and other high class dudes are following this blog. I enjoyed the meeting because it was the first time that I played with a lap top computer while listening to the concerns of the people. They were lucky that I had this little toy because I was very picture inside.....You can visit their site at < just click here-




Anonymous said...

I'm not sure 5 exclamation points is enough for this headline.

Perhaps 6 or 7 would be more appropriate?

Anonymous said...

You had a laptop? Lucky group otherwise they must be shaking in their boots that the greatest blogger was there amongst them. More bull from you.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

Is there a blog that I can write that will make you people happy?

I don't believe so....

c'est la vie!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy? Write like a normal person and ATTEMPT proper punctuation. Some people might actually start to take you seriously if you did.

It just looks childish and uneducated to constantly end sentences in multiple punctuation marks and type too much text in uppercase.

You want some constructive criticism about your blog? (Who knows, you might actually listen for once in your life.) Don't put so much on your home page - it takes forever to load even with fast internet connections. Only list your headlines and let people visit the "Read More" to see all of the graphics and rest of the text. Even better, categorize things - put politics in one category, put religion in another category and have another category for everything else.

Anonymous said...

I look so sick in these pictures. Damn allergies!

Anonymous said...

The guy/gal who keeps on insulting you in every blog must think that
he/she is the best, the smartest,you know, Mr./Ms. know it all and only
his/her opinion counts.

He/she is entitled to that but why do you share the insults with all of us.

Once a week would be suffice you know.

He/She has so many opinions of you and what you should be doing and where and when that maybe he is looking for a job on your blog.

I think that he wants to be the editor lol.

You could create a comic section and put him/her in it with a cartoon of what you think they look like and their insults.

Whoever it is sure doesn't know you because their insults just adds gas to your fire.


Anonymous said...

You should stop posting the negative persons e-mails because quite
they are very boring. He says the same thing daily and its been going
long enough. If I were you I would either get rid of the comments
or I would stop posting the jealous persons negative e-mails. You are
making a difference and that is why you are being attacked and you know
You obviously posted something real good that got his goat and now he
out to get yours. Get rid of the idiot for the rest of us can see
in your blog.

Anonymous said...

If Charles really wants a press pass as a political blogger, then he needs to consider helpful advice from people on how to improve his blog. He/she wasn't commenting on his content - they weren't trashing any of his topics - they were explaining that the organization of the things on the site could be better and easier for people to read - how was Charles attacked and how is that person an idiot for trying to help?

Anonymous said...

I am not the one who put comments above about his grammar mistakes but they are fair comments. Why insult such people. By insulting people you are marginalizing yourself daily and you are considered lunatic.

People who give helpful hints are constantly being insulted. It is ridiculous that people are jealous. Jealous of what that he lives on welfare and others earn their own living. Jealous that he lives in rooming house which quite frankly is not quite habitable partially because of poor laws for slum landlords. Or jealous that lot of people think he is a lunatic.

Certain people wish him well and want him to amount to something. Right now if you think he is making a difference then you are crazy. No one is taking him seriously mostly because of self-conceitedness and self-glorification which is a further proof of his lunacy. Accept the good advice and act on it.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

I repeat....If you don't like it???? Why bother coming here??? I'm just going to continue bloggling away!!!!

Anonymous said...

Whoever you are 1:52, hats off to you. You should have been a comedy writer for Jay Leno or the likes, no less. I couldn't agree more with what you are saying, and, although I don't care for Charles LeBlanc personally, I come on here strictly for the entertainment (when I'm very very bored, which isn't that often)...
I will hand it to Charles in one respect, he DOES appear to print each and every comment he receives, as far as I can tell, even when it's putting him down. Not too many bloggers would do that.
I visited a blog about good cuisine recently where the guy was crucifying the English language and I made my comments and they were never printed. So there you go.
So if nothing else, I guess I have to give Charles credit for not being afraid to print all comments.
Susan Toner
the filthy city of Stink John

Anonymous said...

No matter who you are or what you are writing about, you really DO appear more credible (and sane) if you use good grammar. That's a fact.