Friday, June 02, 2006


Fred-Pol, originally uploaded by Oldmaison.

Someone sent me this one. Anyone out there who wishes to do their own little piece of work on any issue? Send it to me and I'll blog it.


Anonymous said...

It is despicable what Fredericton police did. Chief of police should show some guts and suspend the officer involved in this hideous action until the investigation is completed. There is no place in democracy for such acts of barbarism. It sure is not going to promote tourism. Shame on the police officer. It is also time for Brad Woodside for a swift action that such a barbaric act does not happen again and further damage is not done to the reputation of our capital city.

Anonymous said...

What's cathing on mean??!

Anonymous said...

DO YOU MEAN "CATCHING ON"?....and if not, what does "cathing on " mean???

Spinks said...

Fredericton being compared to Beijing?!? I don't think so.
This just doesn't seem quite so cut and dry as the media would lead us to believe.

Anonymous said...

Police officer's asked us to, next time, get a permit for our democratic rights as citizens to protest.

This seems to be at odds with the goals of democracy - at least how it is stated in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Any democracy, by our charters measure, must ensure that individuals are able to publically influence decision-making and public opinion. Given this, it must at least seem strange, and maybe even perplexing, that protesters must be given permission by those who's policies they oppose to oppose them. What if protesters wish to democratically display their distrust in the manner the way that we must ask permission in order to demonstrate? We ask permission so that we can protest against asking permission?

Anonymous said...

It's a shame that the police officers played the protesters' game. Obviously the whole plan all along was for the guys to antagonize the police into arresting them and then scream racism about it and sue even though 3 of the 4 were white. Then when the media wasn't around they sulked and quickly called everyone they could think of to get that precious media coverage. There's no such thing as bad publicity and that's exactly what those protesters wanted and received.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

too much in a hurry Susan..great to have editors..

Anonymous said...

That's just stupid. Protests are designed to get public awareness out, these were carried on across Canada. They didn't 'antagonize' anybody, they walked down the street. The racism response was because only one of them was thrown to the ground and handcuffed. There was no cause to arrest anybody, as we saw at other demonstrations, the police don't act like this all the time-only for certain groups at certain areas.

Anonymous said...

Police protecting capitalism. It's tourist season remember..

Spinks said...

Given the evidence I think 10:24 had a pretty good analysis of the situation.
It's not quite a permit but if you're going to gather a lot of people together and potentially spill over onto roads or take up public spaces, a courtesy call to the police makes sure this happens effectively. They'll usually give you an escort which is great in case you come across those who MIGHT target you because of your views.
The one police officer might have overreacted but was this racism? Not likley. However, Mr. Rashid decided to play the race card anyway despite the fact that as the above poster pointed out other people who were white were also arrested.

Anonymous said...

10:24 PM your comment is absurd. Protestor planned to get his ribs broken and he planned to pay fine according to you. And he brought his father with him so that his father can witness all that and suffer. Your statement is absurd.

Fredericton police is known to be racist. There are many incidences in the past, this one just got publicity. Also when it comes to racism New Brunswick gets the highest marks. Socially we are 20-30 years behind rest of the country.

Protestors did not expect in their wildest dream that day that they will be facing police. Thanks to an idiotic and racist commissionaire at the city hall who fuelled the fires. She must be investigated too.

This is Brad Woodside's Tianamen Square you like it or not. Only difference is that Chinese police targeted its own Chinese citizens and Fredericton police targeted minorities. Shame. This sure should promote tourism

Anonymous said...

Spinks, you are truly an advocate for the devil so to speak.

That Commissionaire at the city hall must have thought who the hell these dark colour people were who were distracting the tourists and police should come and remove them. By the way they were not huge crowd, Spinks. Just a small group.

Anonymous said...

White english people never think racism exists-theyre too far from their irish roots to remember it. The fredericton police force has a long history of racism, just ask any african student. When it happens its always 'they asked for it' or 'they shouldn't have been there in the first place'. If it was a beaten woman they'd of said 'she shouldn't have mouthed off' or 'she shouldn't have married him'.

Even the police chief says they have 40 internal investigations per year. That's horrible in a city this size, with only 100 officers. There should be a citizens group which automatically has power to do investigations-not leave it up to police to decide whether the heat has died down or not and they can sweep in under the rug.

In fact, there should be a citizens group which is trained to provide the escort for protests, not police. Anybody who thinks police are there to be an 'escort' is just dumb. You can have thirty people in a bar, that doesn't mean you have police there to watch them.

Spinks said...

Sure racism exists but not in this case. He was arrested for not obeying the law not because of the colour of his skin. If Rashid has said "I was treated unfairly," I could but that but throwing out the race card is inaccurate and s disservice to his own cause. It only breeds contempt among visible minorities living in the capital against the Fredericton Police. Some times people of colour get arrested and sometimes white people get arrested. When you break the law that's the risk you run. He wad fined so clearly he broke the law.

Spinks said...

By the way 9:52 as I mentioned in a previous post, 40 investigations isn't high at all because anytime a complaint comes forward it counts. That could include someone drunk and stoned, who resist arrest, ends up with a black eye, wakes up the next morning not remembering the two cops he kicked the night before and he files a complaint. Ultimately it becomes unfounded but the police are obliged to investigate, as they should. However it is a non-event but still shows up as the 40. I doubt many of those 40 are legitimate. The same 5% of people are doing 95% of the crime. They tend to not like the police very much.

Anonymous said...

Spinks, you surprise me. How do you think Rashid broke the law? For asking the badge number of the deviant cop. Come on now. I thought you were more sensible than that.

If by exposing blatant racism makes police angry then be it. Those subjected to racism have been angry too long. The deviant cops must be fired.

Anonymous said...

Spinks, you surprise me. How do you think Rashid broke the law? For asking the badge number of the deviant cop. Come on now. I thought you were more sensible than that.

If by exposing blatant racism makes police angry then be it. Those subjected to racism have been angry too long. The deviant cops must be fired.

Anonymous said...

Spinks, you are using scare tactics. Do not say anything. Grin and bear because otherwise police will get angry. Is that the advice you are giving? Shame on the cop. He is giving bad name to the city and he is the black spot on the city and New Brunswick.

Spinks said...

Rashid was admittedly fined, at least that's the story in the press which means he broke a law. As I said, an overzealous police officer? Perhaps, and if so he needs to be called on it, but racism? Not in this case. Rashid is doing a disservice for even trying to play that card in this particular situation. He had a great opportunity to talk to media and get the points of the protest march to a larger audience. Instead he played the race card which looking at the known facts simply wasn't true.

Spinks said...

It sounds like he broke the law by resisting arrest.

Now 1:14 if you are one of the folks who are pushing this so called "racist agenda" of the Fredericton Police, I'm not surprised by your comments.

However, the facts are pretty clear, three others were arrested who were white. Obviously racism was not the motivating factor here. If Rashid had come out and said "hey I was falsely arrested", that makes some possible sense, but "I was arrested because of the colour of my skin"? The facts show that was not the case given the other folks arrested. Again, he's doing a disservice to the FPF, the people who marched, visible minorities in Fredericton and himself by making such an outlandish claim. It is within his right however to make whatever claims he wishes and file a complaint, however I'll be surprised if it's proven to be true. Wisely on FPF's part they've asked an outside police agency to come in and investigate. At least there can't be claims of bias.

Anonymous said...

re your 11:08 p.m. comment Charles, you got to the the busiest unemployed person I've ever seen in my life !!

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Spinks all the way!

Anonymous said...

Rashid asked for the badge number of the cop. That was too much for the superior race. He knocked the person to the ground, banged him in the ribs and put handcuffs on him. If that is not racism then only Spinks you know what it is.

None of the others were knocked down or handcuffed. It was after thought to justify the racist actions.

No one resisted arrest which was uncalled for to start with.

By the sheer fact that the deviant cop knocked down the gentleman, beat him up and handcuffed him and then fine him does not prove that he broke the law. It was an unlawful act on the part of the cop and if an objective investigation is done then facts will prove it.

In the meantime the deviant cop should be suspended at least and if proven guilty of the charges then fired and punished accordingly.

Anonymous said...

Spinks: I agree with you that the incident does not necessarily reveal institutional police racism. However, I strongly disagree that just because Rashid and the others were fined they broke the law. They got a ticket. The evidence may or may not prove beyond a reasonable doubt that they broke the law. All the ticket means is that a police officer alleges an offence.

And even if they did violate a City by-law that makes it an offence to "fail to disperse" on police demand, I question the constitutionbality of such a by-law. We have to get police permission to protests? Or obey police commands to "disperse"? Not in a democracy, no sir!

I hope the officer involved is punished, and the victims get an apology, AND that this by-law gets repealed.

Spinks said...

Good points 10:39. My opinion is based on the evidence that it it appears Rashid and the others were asked to disperse and did not, thus you're getting into the "causing a disturbance". Throwing the guy to the ground was probably over-the-top for the cops but then again so is asking for a badge number. Someone has been watching too much CSI. Sticking a tape recorder in somebody's face and getting antagonistic as it appears Rashid did doesn't suggest to me that he was all that interested in not causing a scene thus the causing a disturbance. Both parties could have been a lot less confrontational and probably achieved both of their goals. However, no matter how you slice this racism was not a motivating factor. A white guy could have pulled the same stunts and would likely still have been kissing pavement.

Anonymous said...

Spinks, you indirectly admitted about racism here. Rashid was within his rights to ask for the badge number. It bothered the superior race so much that the cop reacted in a violent way towards a minority. There is no other way of looking at it. The cop is racist if not the fredericton police in gener