Friday, June 02, 2006


IMG_3766, originally uploaded by Oldmaison.

I don’t feel like writing a blog but I must after a very hectic day. I didn’t even send a update today and there’s almost 300 visitors to my site already. we go....

Before you read this blog? Read this old story that I blogged in April.


I found out last evening that Bigot Minister of the Environment Trevor Holder signed papers for the racist company Gulf Operators to destroy the Valley of Memramcook.

What is very scary in this issue is that Le Comite Beaubassin de Memramcook told the Irvings that they couldn’t built a Rock Quarry in the Valley.

I might add that a lot of people put in a lot of money and time to fight the Irvings.

Once the decision was announced?

Everyone jumped with great joy that the Valley would be spare from another Gravel Pit.

You can read some past blogs about this issue at


Well? This morning, I got up and quickly phoned the talk show in Saint John.

I told Rick Mantle that it happen again!

The Irvings bureaucrats in the Capital have won again.

The first instance was when under a Liberal Government, the Government granted the Irvings the right to expand their refinery in Saint John without a environment impact accessement.

Months later, the individual who gave the permit from the Environment department quit the bureaucratic job and joined the Irving team!

The next issue was the LNG! We know what happen there.

Now this!!! After the citizens of Memramcook told the Government that the Irvings are not welcome in the Valley?

Bigot Minister Trevor Holder signed papers giving the Irvings the ok!!!

All this after telling me in March that there’s no way he would overrule the decision of the Committee.

What made him changed his mind?

Well? I was going to find out. I told Rick Mantle that if the Liberals didn’t raised this issue in the Legislature? I was going to be very upset.

I met a friend at Tim’s Horton and while chatting on a bench, I noticed three Liberals mla’s walking by. I was stern about this issue and they knew it.

After chatting with my friend, I noticed five Liberal mla’s sitting down at Tim’s and being the agitator political ADHD activist that I am? I took this photo.

I made my way to the New Brunswick Conservation Council headquarters.

I was surprise that one of the worker was reading the story in L’Acadie Nouvelle. This is the story-

Une troisième carrière de granit sera exploitée dans la région : Memramcook ne comprend pas
Philippe Ricard - 1 juin 2006

MONCTON - Le ministère de l'Environnement renverse la recommandation de la Commission d'aménagement Beaubassin et accorde à Gulf Operator, une filiale de JD Irving, le droit d'exploiter une troisième carrière de granit dans la région de Memramcook.

En mars, la Commission d'aménagement Beaubassin avait rejeté la demande de la compagnie Gulf Operator en raison de l'opposition des résidants de la région, ainsi que des facteurs environnementaux tels que le bruit, la poussière et les émanations de diesel. La Commission d'aménagement Beaubassin recommandait aussi au ministère de l'Environnement d'effectuer une étude pour mesurer les impacts que pourrait avoir une troisième carrière de granit dans cette région. De plus, les commissaires ont demandé à la province de résoudre les problèmes de pollution qui existent à l'heure actuelle et qui proviennent des deux autres carrières (Modern Construction et MacDonald Paving). Le ministère de l'Environnement a pris la décision d'octroyer un permis d'exploitation à Gulf Operator en catimini, le 18 mai. Ce n'est qu'hier que les médias ont été mis au courant de la nouvelle. Le ministère de l'Environnement indique dans ce communiqué que le permis d'exploitation de Gulf Operator contient «certaines modalités et conditions», mais sans en préciser la teneur. Nous avons tenté à plusieurs reprises d'obtenir un entretien avec Kim Hughes, un porte-parole de ce ministère, sans succès. Quant au ministre de l’Environnement, Trevor Holder, il n’a pas voulu s’expliquer devant les médias, hier.

Victoire d'Irving

Le porte-parole du comité de citoyens, Paul Doucet, a beaucoup de difficultés à comprendre la décision de la province. «C'est clair que ça va amener plus de poussière, plus de bruit et plus de circulation de camions lourds. C'est loin d'être un scénario idéal pour nous autres. Ce qui est choquant, c'est que les Irving ont eu ce qu'ils voulaient, et nous, on va rester avec les problèmes sur les bras», affirme-t-il, en précisant que son groupe tentera de rencontrer le député de Dieppe-Memramcook au cours des prochaines semaines. «Nous pourrions contester la décision devant la Commission d'appel en matière d'urbanisme. Mais il faudrait embaucher des avocats et nous n'avons pas les moyens», ajoute M. Doucet. Le porte-parole des citoyens se dit très déçu que le ministère de l'Environnement n'ait pas respecté les opinions exprimées lors des audiences publiques tenues cet hiver, ni la recommandation de la Commission d'aménagement Beaubassin. Surtout, continue-t-il, que la pollution qui émane des deux autres carrières de granit empoisonne toujours l'environnement des habitants de la région. Le 12 mai, le ministère de l'Environnement a procédé à des modifications des permis d'exploitation de Modern Construction et de MacDonald Paving. Mais pour l'instant, spécifie Paul Doucet, cela ne change rien. «Tout ce qu'ils font de plus, c'est de mesurer le niveau de poussière dans l'air. Ça ne règle aucunement le problème», croit-il. - PhR

There was nothing in the Irving newspapers and New Brunswickers should be concern of this issue!


After today bigoted decision by Trevor Holder? I don’t expect too much from the Senate especially since Irving lawyer Senator Joe Day is in there.

Ok..never mind that!!!

I bumped into Ministers after Minsters walking by and my question was the same - Since when is Trevor Holder a Bigot??? Trevor Holder is a liar!!!!


They knew the blogger was upset and many of them don’t have a clue how I would react once I get to a computer? Most of them never said a word.

You see? I know how the system works. The Legislature is a gossip place. Once I confront someone from either party? They quickly used their cell phone to spread the word. I’m certain that Trevor Holder knew that I was very upset from my straight forward chat on the talk show.

I let it be known that I would go door to door in his riding campaigning against the bigot Minister, Ohhhh??? Why I would call Trevor Holder a bigot?

Anyone who has shown complete dis-regard towards the Acadian population is in my book a bigot!!!

He will be label as a bigot for the rest of his miserable life.

Ok..calm down Charles....move on...

Hours later, I was told by some Liberal mla’s that the issue will be bought up in the Chambers of the House.


This is a portion of the debate between the bigot and Stuart Jamieson.-------

Mr. Jamieson: My question is also for the Minister of
Environment. Upon the approval for gravel
pit operations in Calhoun, even if people have access
to planning commissions, this government
does not seem to follow their recommendations. I am
just wondering where we are headed there. We
have to wonder whether the Minister of Environment has
taken his advice to change his own
statement when he advised the public that he would
listen to the Beaubassin District Planning
Commission. The planning commission has now been
forced to work in conjunction with the
Department of Environment, forced to make amendments
to its rural plan and to change what
previously protected the area from any further major
gravel pit operations. Will the minister explain
to the people of New Brunswick why he has gone against
the wishes of his own planning
commission and the people of Calhoun?

Hon. Mr. Holder: There was a process in place where
people in the community down in the area
in question—Memramcook—could have a chance to explain
their position and their point of view.
The planning commission was engaged. There were a
number of concerns that it had. Those
concerns were addressed before we moved forward.
Therefore, we listened, we made a number of
recommendations, and we took action on a number of the
suggestions that were made. I fail to
understand why the member opposite does not think that
the local community was consulted or
listened to, because it clearly was.

Mr. Jamieson: This spells out what many people in the
Memramcook area and in New Brunswick
suspected—that the planning commissions and the public
have no say in the affairs or direction of
this government. What is at stake here is the
difference between a democracy and a dictatorship,
when the views of the majority of any community are
overshadowed by the wishes of the few. One
has to wonder where this government is really headed.
Does the minister accept the advice of any
planning commission, or is there little to be said by
anyone other than the voices of big business
over the people? You have seen it before from the
previous minister. There is no difference with this
minister. Does this minister accept the advice of any
planning commission? Are the people of any
community able to be heard? Is it all about the
almighty dollar, and never mind protecting the
interests of the people in the area? because the
people have come out in force to say that they do not
want this third major gravel operation in their area?

Hon. Mr. Holder: I want to discuss some of the
concerns that the people raised. They were
concerned about the local environment and fish
habitat. I might add that the normal buffer zone
between a gravel pit and a watercourse is normally 60
m. We moved that to 75 m. We certainly took
some steps to pave the road in question. There are
going to be some spray bars used on some of the
dust areas. These concerns were the ones that the
residents down there brought to our attention, and
we addressed them. I fail to understand where we did
not act.

I was watching the debate from home and quickly walked over the Legislature to see if the media < especially the Irving ones!! > were going to question the Bigot Minister on this very shameful issue?

Once in the People’s House, I noticed two cops from the Fredericton Police Force giving me a very dirty look. < I wonder why? >

Once inside, I began questioning the media if they will cover the issue of Memramcook? You see? This is how the system works.... A worker from the Premier’s office comes out and asked the media which MLA they wish to chat with?

The media will decide what issue New Brunwickers will read or hear about.

Tim Porter came out and was soon followed by the Minister Trevor Holder. The media immediately questioned the Minister about he gravel pit in Memramcook.

I was certain that maybe the Irving media would change the subject. It never happen and Trevor was very ignorant in his comments.

He said - Anyone who’s concern about their health around the gravel pit can contact the Health Department.

Acadians are going to die and this bigot Minister don’t care.

I whispered in Tim Porter’s ear that it was very hard for me to stand here without saying one word!!! I knew that everyone was looking at me and if I said something? I would be evicted from the Legislature. There’s a thin line between myself and the Quebec security staff and I sure won’t cross that line.

Trevor added that the Beaubassin Committee didn’t deny the project!


This was printed in the French newspaper-

Pas de troisième carrière à Memramcook

Mise à jour le jeudi 16 mars 2006, 9 h 53 .

Carrière dans la région de Memramcook (archives)
La Commission d'aménagement Beaubassin a rejeté la
demande de l'entreprise Irving qui voulait une
modification des règlements du zonage afin d'ouvrir
une carrière de granit dans ce petit village du
sud-est du Nouveau-Brunswick.

La Commission a statué qu'on n'ouvrira pas cette
carrière à moins qu'on gère mieux les deux carrières
existantes et que le gouvernement établisse des
mesures strictes pour protéger l'environnement et la
santé des résidents.

Les voisins de ces deux carrières se plaignent du
bruit et de la poussière depuis de nombreuses années.
Ils craignent pour leur santé.

Laurie McGraw, membre de la Commission, a indiqué que
les carrières actuelles ne respectent pas les normes
et que l'ouverture d'une troisième aurait compliqué la
situation. La Commission recommande au ministère de
l'Environnement de régler tout d'abord les problèmes

Les citoyens qui s'opposaient au projet sont ravis. «
Nous sommes très contents parce que ça va dans la
direction qu'on souhaitait. Je trouve que les
commissaires ont fait un excellent travail. Ils ont
été à l'écoute des citoyens », a déclaré Paul Doucet,
président d'un comité de citoyens.

Une porte-parole du groupe Irving a affirmé que le
projet respecte les principales préoccupations des
citoyens concernés et que plusieurs recommandations de
la Commission visent plutôt les carrières existantes.

Les voisins des carrières de granit sont heureux de
cette première victoire. Ils souhaitent maintenant que
le gouvernement y donne suite.

Ok..what’s the bottom line here after much rambling? Well? I feel that our democratic system is KAPUT in this Province.

In the future people will not show up at meetings because they know it’s a total waste of time.

Why spent money on gas to travel when you know that the Irving bureaucrats in the Capital have the power to enforce the Irving interest?

That bureaucrat who successfully brainwash Trevor Holder into signing the papers to destroy the Valley of Memramcook must have got paid a lot of money from the Irvings for a job very well done.

The media will only cover this issue for one day only. Asa matter of fact? The only television media who covered this story was the CBC French television station.

Will the Liberals bring this issue again in the Chambers? Who knows? The session ends in a couple of weeks and they believe that the issue will be done in a few months? It might have to come down to this?


One thing is certain..... This blogger will remind the Public via the talk show in Saint John and my blog what Trevor Holder did and it wouldn’t surprised moi that he’ll be rewarded by the Irvings after he gets defeated in the polls.

This is one reason that Bernard Lord is facing certain defeat during the next Provincial election. He just refuses to pay attention to the voters of this Province.

Yes, it is sure nice to have a lobbyist in the Capital that goes on a ADHD campaign against mis-justice for free eh?

A free Lobbyist? How many Capitals in this country can say that have one of those?

Oh well? C’est la vie!!! If this is my task on this world? Then so be it! Nothing else really matters does it?



Anonymous said...

Times & Transcript | Metro Moncton
As published on page A11 on June 2, 2006

Gayton residents angered by quarries
Residents say provincial government has ignored their wishes and recommendations

By Kate Wright
Times & Transcript Staff

A group of Gayton residents are angry that the provincial government has ignored their concerns over the construction of a third rock quarry in the area.

A number of residents in the Memramcook Valley area, where two rock quarries currently operate, were opposed to the opening of a new quarry by J.D. Irving Ltd.

However, residents said they would have tolerated a new quarry, providing conditions put forward in a petition to the Minister of the Environment had been met.

But resident Paul Doucet, president of the Committee of Concerned Residents, said Environment Minister Trevor Holder has disregarded both the wishes of residents and the findings of the Beaubassin Planning Commission, which has been involved in the consultation process.

The commission put forward a number of conditions, including a recommendation that a health study be conducted and that problems with dust and noise be resolved at the two existing quarries, prior to the issuing of a permit for the third quarry.

Doucet said there was also a recommendation put forward that the quarry be located at least 900 metres away from residential areas, which has yet to be accepted.

Doucet said Holder has side stepped on the issue after signing the permit for the quarry last month without abiding by the commission's findings.

He said by ignoring the findings of the commission, residents have been left completely out of the decision.

"There's a lot of frustration," said Doucet.

"The conditions we've determined are not being taken into account."

The Beaubassin Planning Commission called a meeting on February 7 that was attended by representatives of J.D. Irving and the group of concerned residents.

Rod Malcolm, a spokesman for J.D. Irving, publicly stated that the company would pave the access road from the Renaissance Exit to the proposed quarry to eliminate dust issues.

However, Holder only required the company pave a section of the road.

"It's difficult for us to understand why Mr. Holder would want to add more pollution without looking at the existing problems," said Doucet.

Although dust monitoring devices are in the process of being installed at the two existing quarries, Doucet said it isn't enough to protect local residents who are concerned about the quarries being so close to their homes.

"Monitoring doesn't do anything if we're not looking at the problem. He (Holder) is not addressing the problem.

"Once again, nothing has been done to the advantage of the citizens and their health issues."

Liberal environment critic Stuart Jamieson raised the issue in the New Brunswick legislature yesterday. He said the minister hasn't lived up to his end of the bargain.

"When it comes to looking at this issue, it's no wonder the people have lost faith in the minister," he said.

"The planning commission has now been forced to work in conjunction with the Department of Environment, forced to make amendments to its rural plan and to change what previously protected the area from any further major gravel pit operations."

Holder said his department has accepted most of the commission's findings and are working on regulations for the area.

"We did meet all of them except for one," he said.

"One of them, they wanted a health study done for the area, we don't believe that is within our mandate."

Holder maintains he has taken the commission's findings into consideration.

"The planning commission listed a series of criteria that they wanted us to address before we moved forward, they didn't say yes or no to it," he said. "They just gave us a list of criteria that we had to meet."

Doucet said the minister dropped the ball by easing up on J.D. Irving's offer to comply with the commission's findings to pave the entire access road.

"The Irving organization showed good will, and to us, this just shows a message of weakness from the government," he said.

"They're tiptoeing around the issue."

Doucet said the minister's actions speak volumes about the lack of weight the Beaubassin Planning Commission has carried throughout the consultation.

But Holder said the government monitors all commission activities and feels the government has properly consulted the commission's criteria.

"(Beaubassin) are a local grassroots form of government," he said.

"We support local decisions. We support local input and at the end of the day we support that process. Can all governance models be made better from time to time?

"Absolutely, but I certainly at this point have no reason to believe that there is any problems there."

Doucet said the Committee for Concerned Citizens will take a zero-tolerance approach to all further disregard of commission findings.

He said residents were tolerant over the quarry's growing pains, but any further issues will be dealt with through formal complaints to the government.

Anonymous said...

Hi all,

Despite community opposition to the opening of a 3rd Irving quarry in
Memramcook, as well as a report from the Beaubassin Planning Commission
seriously criticizing the project, Environment Minister Trevor Holder
has issued a permit to allow the project to happen. Only L'Acadie
Nouvelle (June 1st edition) and CBC French and English (see websites)
have picked up the issue.

There are two issues at stake here.

First, the citizen's and commission's concerns aren't being taken seriously and second the concentrated Irving media network is not covering the issue!

The issue was not addressed in Irving -owned media in February when it started and it is not being addressed now that the permit has been delivered.

It is a clear case of how politics and lobbying rules over the will of
people and the impact of projects on environment!

It is not a regional issue anymore because it is setting the stage for other projects at the provincial level.

This is yet another example to use to demonstrate how the EIA process and Dept. of Environment are not setup to deal with such issues appropriately.

Anonymous said...

I have a couple things to say, first of all If Trevor Holder thinks its a big joke that you plan on going house to house he wants to call Michele Hooten to see what happened with her. Secondly, Would things work out the same way in any other Province? If not where are the Canadian watchdogs?

Spinks said...

Disagree with his politics but Holder is no bigot. That's just plain slander.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

Hey Spinks? Sounds like a bigot to moi???


n : a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his own

Anonymous said...

Mr Holder should not have been given the position and Lord and his friends need to be gone now. The Mayor and the puppets that Norm ran with should all go on a long trip to China and Lord too.

Nightmares are hard to take for these couple of years in Saint John. No words can express the grief!

Spinks said...

LOL. Charles. I disagree about Holder but I give you a lot of credit. You do practice what you preach.

Anonymous said...

THe Irving paper protects most of the PCs and that includes the Mayor and five or six councillors. They do try to put down the people who care to make a difference in the lives of average people. The Telegraph which is very much a ragg paper like the Inquiry or even worse. Nothing happens when a misprint happens.

Respect is not what you get in this paper. It is self promotion and propaganda at its finest especially with this LNG Deal. People are not as gullible as we once were.

Great paper for my wood stove!