Tomorrow evening the New Brunswick Human Rights Commission will decide if the Poor in New Brunswick must die!
Am I far the mark? Of course not!
This will be a huge turning point for the New Brunswick Human Rights Commission in New Brunswick.
You long time readers know my feeling about the Commission. Go to the top left hand side of the blog. Go to search this blog and write - New Brunswick Human Rights Commission.
I’m proud of myself because I have been holding back for close to a year.
Thursday evening the New Brunswick Human Rights will decide the faith of the 20,000 people who lives in boarding and roomers houses in this Province.
I already receive a heads up from the commission.
A bureaucratic lawyer from the Commission will be in that room and tell the commission that the poor shouldn’t be allowed to wash themselves or can’t used
a washroom.
This is a case where a caretaker ordered a roomer to shit in a garbage bag.
This is pure discrimination against the poor.
This commission have said in the past that the Irvings are allowed to discriminate against the French and the Blacks.
It’s all on record.
This Commission have in the past thrown people out of their building for daring to voice a complaint.
Now? I’m going to be nice and just wait to see what the Commission will do?
If the Commission decides that the poor must die????
By dying? I mean they can be thrown out in the cold and nothing can be done.
I might add this will is going to be a very cold winter.
The Fredericton Police Force sent me to the Commission so lets see what’s going to happen?
One thing is certain.
I will organize a huge protest with tents and other issues with the Commission.
These bureaucrats DO NOT understand how it is to be poor!!!!
They come from rich family and are appointted to the Commission and will not protect the poor.
This decision will be a huge public relation nightmare for the Commission because I will blog them for years and years until the Commission is eliminated.
A commission who don’t protect human rights must be eliminated!
I might add that they are going to decide if Quebecois Dan Bussieres is allowed to single out New Brunswickers out of a job.
Stay tuned!!!!
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