Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Old man who used to live in this room died a couple of days ago.

IMG_6747, originally uploaded by Oldmaison.

The guy was always sitting on his bed without a shirt. It was just like he was waiting to died.

It was sad.

Lonely, old and nobody around. It gave me a scary feeling.

I asked him last week if I could take a picture and he said- No.

God bless his soul.


Anonymous said...

So what. We all have to go sometime.

Anonymous said...

12:31 PM. You are talking about a human being here. It is a very sad thing to die alone in a rooming house with no family. You sound like a very cold person with no heart, how very sad for you. I can tell you have no respect for anyone. And never say never, this could happen to you some day.

Anonymous said...

Don't you worry or care about me, I'm doing just fine and always will be, Thank you very much if you must know.

And I'd appreciate it if you would kindly keep your opinions to yourself please.

Hum Bug

Anonymous said...

This is a blog where you post your opinions, "really you post opinions here".

Anonymous said...

HUM BUG 10:32 AM

Anonymous said...

Well Mr. Hum Bug, I can say what I think and what I feel, if I please. You are not a very nice person, and I can see by your comment that the truth hurts. You are right about one thing, I don't care and believe me I won't worry about the likes of you. I'm sure many others feel the same about you also. The name hum bug suits you, at least I'm not ashamed to put my real name.