Tuesday, September 19, 2006

A point of concern for Tanker Malley from Tim Smith!!!

Originally uploaded by Oldmaison.

I truly hope he doesn't go into a deep depression over all of this and possibly go back to drowning his sorrows by slipping into his addiction to Video Lottery Machines.

It would probably be a good Idea for his Family and Friends to keep a close eye on him for a while through this coming Winter.

I know he came out with his story on vlt addiction but he has said as of yet he has NOT sought professional help for his addiction.

Those of us who care deeply about this issue really know just how volnerable Mr.Malley is right now.

He will be going through some very rough days ahead and his emotions are obviously going to be quite shakin up but as long as he takes it one step at a time and tries to keep himself busy this winter along with a suggested once a week visit to ridgewood if and when nessesary he should be able to come through this and once again find a few sunny days ahead.

Good Luck Mr. Malley.....And please try to remember this is NOT the end of the world.

Maybe you were not meant to go back to the peoples house as a representative but as a spokesperson on the serious issue of VLT addiction from the outside.

Along with a few other effective Voices try to remember YOU can make a difference.

Tim Smith

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