I was volunteering at the Fredericton Soup Kitchen on Saturday. Eugene < Cook > asked me if I would go outside with him?
In the past, people would drop some food over and we would bring it in the back room.
This time around was a little different.
This young girl gave us some Christmas gifts. It was to be given to the poor on Christmas Day.

At first, I took the handful of gifts inside the Kitchen but I was told to come back because there were more presents.

Her name is Natalie and she works for the Canadian National Defence.

She received $300.00 as a Christmas bonus so she decided she would gave her bonus to the poor souls as presents.
I might add there were three garbage bags full of gifts. I made 5 trips inside with another guy.

She took the time buying and wrapping all these gifts. < I sure wouldn't! >Wrapping isn't my cup of tea.
The best part is the individual is not looking for credit from anyone.
She arrive at the Soup Kitchen, she gave the gifts away and disappeared in the darkness of the night.

Now? This is different because a blogger was in the area.
At first, she wasn’t interested having her picture taken but being Charles? I know a good story when I see one.
It’s nice to see there are very good hearted people around these days.
Question? How many people does the same good hearted gesture that we never heard of?
Joyeux Noel Natalie
P.S. For you nosy readers? No...I didn’t take a gift!!!!...lol
Let me wish Natalie a very happy Christmas too! She really did something good for the people who come to the soup kitchen.
One question for you Charles - is that you???????? Woooohooooo! You're looking very good! ;-)
I hope you didn't pressure her into getting her picture taken. Many people like to do things anonymously and once again if they think their picture is going to be blogged they won't want to. If I did something like that and told you I didn't want it blogged then I hope you would respect that.
bah! Humbug!!
What a nice gesture by this young lady. There is truly more joy in giving than receiving!
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