This picture was taken by Jennifer Watson who used to work for the Irving's paper.

Can you imagine if I would had a camera during my six months protest?
Yes, how time flies?

Three years ago, I left the Capital and received a standing ovation in the Legislature after presenting a petition with 10,000 signatures asking the Lord Government to do a study on Ritalin. But nothing happen.

Both political Parties < Including Elizabeth Weir > stood up to congratulate moi. I believe they all stood up together because they were very happy to see me go back to Saint John!!...lol....

Eleven days later, I walked through the doors of the Legislature and they said - HE’S BACK!!!! ..lol...
One thing is certain? If they had known that I would love the City of Fredericton so much that I decide to move here? They would have made certain that myself and the tent would have been gone in a matter of minutes and not six months!!!...lol
I wrote a little transcript of my experience. More than 100,000 words but never found a publisher.
From Protester to blogger in three years. My God? Lots have happened during the last few years.
I am indeed the last of the true protester.
No one is allowed to pitch a tent in front of the Legislature.You can say that I am indeed part of history!!!
The only sad part about the protest was that Dan Bussieres stole Dorothy Dawson tent on August 19th and damage my part time home.

Dorothy never got her tent back.

Just because you can't camp out doesn't mean you aren't a protestor. Go tell that to the people at the Atlantica conference, if they weren't protesting I don't know what they were doing.
Good comment Charles, stooping to the level of posters I see.
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