This will be my first straight forward against the Shawn Graham Government since they took power.
I understand the old Bernard Lord Government didn’t do anything about the issue of Dilaudid in this Province but that’s not an excuse.
While in Saint John, I bumped into 555!
For you newcomers? Who’s 555???
Go read some past blog by clicking below.
Guess what? I landed in Saint John on election day and I bumped into Ed Doherty.
I said - I’m very disappointed with you with the case of 555?
She was still on the streets selling her body for her habit.
Ed Doherty said- Oh well.....
I wasn’t too impress but after what I saw last week? This is personal!!!
I bumped into 555 and it was like facing death head on.

She told me that no one contacted her to be on methadone.
I was so upset that I walked to Ed Doherty office but I got lucky because the office for close.

There’s a few issues that I’m concern about in his riding that I wish to chat with the MLA.
Myself and Tim Smith work very hard to get him elected and I believe we deserve to be heard!!!!

I also heard that bureaucrats will push their friends higher on the Methadone list.
Here in New Brunswick? If someone dies from heavy drug use? The Government will tell New Brunswickers it’s from heart failure.
In Nova Scotia they make the way they died public.
If it’s from drugs? They will tell the public the reason but not here in New Brunswick.
How many hundreds have died from heavy drug use?

I wish to make myself very clear on one issue.
If 555 dies? She will not become a Statistic.

I will post her picture in this blog < left side > and will hold Dr.Ed Doherty and the bureaucrats responsible for her death.
I will demand a public inquiry on this issue and this will cause a lot of money!!!
Her death will not be in vain!!!!
As painful as it is for you to accept Chalres, there is only so much government can do to help people, particularly those who have chosen to use drugs and have since become addicted.
No matter how much you rant and rave on this blog, you won't get much public sympathy for a drug addict.
It's sad, but it's a reality of life.
This is a sad but good story Charles. I don't blame you for pushing this situation to the limit.
Our politicians are always saying their going to fight, and do this and that and the other thing for people. But what do they do for any of us,once they get elected ?
And who are we supposed to believe whne it comes to weather. I was reading that other chaps web site, and a weather site in the States is saying we could possibly have a storm tomorrow ?
Does anybody here in Canada know what in the hell is going on ?
Especially when it's the Doctors who priscribes them the pills???
Sigh...what a world we live in....
I know I'm going to get a lot of boo's on this one, but that's ok. Everyone is responsible for his/her own actions.
How many times have I heard "Oh, hat's off to Mary, she finally beat the habit (smoking) after 20 years", or "Hurrah for Johnnie, he quit drinking and he's been dry for 10 years",
But you never hear anyone say "Oh look at that {Joanne}, she has NEVER smoked, drank or did drugs all her life, she should get a medal",
no, it's only it you QUIT something that you're the "hero".
My point is, 555 had to start sometime. She took that first hit back whenever. I could have started, you could have started. We chose not to.
555 has to take responsibility for her bad decisions.
Sure, the doctors are writing the prescriptions.
There's knives in every kitchen too, DOES that give us the right to stab everyone??
I don't know about being a 'hero'. When somebody tells me that they quit smoking after being addicted for years, or quit drinking after being an alcoholic (or even just drinking and driving) or even quit drinking coffee after guzzling down four cups a day of a product that causes more misery to the developing world than does marijuana and messes up their nervous system almost as much as any prescription drug-then I'm just happy. I'm happy that that person is no longer a slave to any external force. I'm happy that their body can regulate itself on the regular food and water that is necessary for survival.
I'm 'happy' because before they were in a state of chemical dependance, now they aren't. Just like if you had a toothache I'd feel bad for you, but once its gone then I'm happy for you-no more pain. For the others, I am happy when you haven't got a toothache. An interesting point is that lack of a national dental care such as Sweden has results in many chemical addictions. When I was broke I needed a root canal and was taking six ibuprofen a day just to stay sane. Then I got my root canal which then took me eight months to pay for and cost me almost all the money I had.
Anyway, getting somebody off drugs has nothing to do with responsibility. I don't mean to come down hard but its one sick bastard that looks at a societal problem and says 'you deserve your misery because you must have chosen it".
If all things were equal and we all had wonderful lives and our genetic structure was equivalent then perhaps there would be something to that, but this is reality. Many turn to drugs because of physical or sexual abuse, they turn to drugs because of poverty and hopelessness. If you've TRIED drugs then you know damn well why people use them, for the same reason many drink coffee 'just to get going' in the morning.
Once you've 'tried' drugs then its a different story. Once you are 'hooked' your body simply craves it like your lungs crave air. Thats reality and 'responsibility' has nothing to do with it. It's a term that people have made up so that they don't have to deal with the problem and feel justified in ignoring it.
If you want to think that way that's fine, but all you have to do is travel the world sometime and you can see how other places deal with their problems, and they are FAR different than NB. There is a certain point when legislation does more harm than good, at that point it becomes society's responsibility, like child poverty. You can pretend that its some 'natural phenomenon', but that's not even close to being true, and again just travel the world to see how its handled. Canada is rapidly slipping into developing world status, massive wealth and massive poverty.
These things are all tied together, you can't get somebody out of poverty or hopeless drug addiction with fairy stories. It takes money and it takes work. Ironically, both of those will be returned tenfold. It costs far more to use a criminal justice system and police state and massive regulation to deal with poverty than to deal with its root causes. Those are choices our representatives make, and they are as much our 'responsibility' as what leads others to drug addiction in the first place.
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