Thursday, February 01, 2007

Do you wish to debate the French and English issue???

Originally uploaded by Oldmaison.
Click below


Have fun!!!!


Anonymous said...

No I don't want to start a debate. I am bilingual, I went to school in French and University in English. My mom's family is French and my dad's family is English. So you see I am bilingual.

I think all you want to do is start a noncense fight for nothing. I hope people don't give you the time of day on this topic because it is stupid and not needed.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Who would want to fight with the french? I thought.
So I went to check to see who would, and who won is they did.
So I googled "French Military Victories" and guess what.
It popped up "did not match any documents".
And then it went on to say did you mean "French Military Defeats". Seems there is 931,000 of them.
Go figure

Anonymous said...

Try "victoire militaire francais". You will 1.2 million hits.Why would the French note their victories in English. That's foolish.

Anonymous said...

Important French victories include the american war of independance, which was mainly fought by the french, not americans.

Try searching in Angola or anywhere in Africa or the Carribean and see where they still speak french.

Or ever hear of a guy named Napoleon? He only conquered most of Europe, not only that it was mainly the french that kept the british off european soil.

What an odd thing to write.

Anonymous said...

It's a "google bomb"

Seems some Yanks are still angry about France not backing them during their war in Iraq.
What someone did was make it so that when the words "French Military Victories" was entered in the search box their site always pops up first.
Then when you click on their site next the advice by google says "did you mean French Military Defeats"


is the home of the Google Bombers

But Napoleon was Corsican I think?
Who wants anyplace in Africa anyways?
Is it just coincedence that Haiti is the poorest country in the Western World and they speak some kind of French? Probably a French the French in France would be hard pressed to understand.
And wasn't it the British that died on European soil freeing the French from ocupational aggressors atleast twice in the previous century?
The British never wanted much in Europe as far as I have read. They were too busy building the known world with Monarchist Constitutional Democratic Societies of which we and all those under the same systems are blessed to live now.
And when the British were doing that, the French Kings were firstly starving their citizens to death, secondly cutting their heads off next, and thirdly then had themselves relieved of their own lives as a result of their French ways.
Napolean built his "Code" on the deaths of millions of people. Then only to Crown himself in a full circle kind of thing that eventually saw him possibly poisoned whilst in exile.

There. How odd is that?