I guess they were getting a little tired of me asking some hard core questions about the way the poor are been treated in Saint John by the Police.
This is a huge step backward in a free society.
But what do you expect from a bunch of appointed bureaucrats who don't understand the issue of the poor?
So? The New Brunswick Police Commission refuses to investigate the way I was arrested in Saint John.
I'll write more on this issue tonight.
Stay tuned!!!!
Don't you get the hint? First you are banned from the Legislature now this? There has to be something that you are doing wrong. Are you being rude to the people there by calling them bureaucrats? Are you always demanding? What is it? God there has to be a reason? Maybe you are not telling us the reason.
Yeah, that's pretty bad.
Legislature has banned you, Human Rights Commission does not want you, and Police Commission has locked you out. Some people run when they see you. Are you not getting the message? Are you so dumb? Do you not understand that something is wrong with you?
The Commission couldnèt or wouldnèt understand the letter from my lawyer.
These people ' bureaucrats " have no sense of whatès going onÉ
If they believe that cops can assault the citizens of Saint John then something must be done.
Ièll write more on this issue tonight.
the real reason charles is snob by the government and their peers is that he is not afraid to stand up for his rights unlike most other CANADIANS
They're probably all Quebecers, right Charles?
Why do people make light of real issues and problems? People don't really understand the hardship of others who never experience the problems each day. Stop knocking Charles ans others.
When someone is banned it still doesnot make it right.
NB Police Commission seem to be a very understanding helpful bunch of people,if youre a millionare?
I wonder what they really do in that office besides twiddle thier thumbs and get paid very well for it!
Concidering anonymous 7:17 admits he has no idea what they do all day its equally obvious he has no idea whether they are over paid. The only thing then we really know from anonymous 7:17 is that he infact actually knows nothing at all.
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