Thursday, March 22, 2007

Serving with a smile at the Unground Cafe.....

Originally uploaded by Oldmaison.


Anonymous said...

They hired more slaves at that sweatshop? I wonder if they are allowed to go to meetings -- I wonder if the money that they make actually stays at the cafe -- I wonder if they know what they got into!

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

Slaves??? Give me a break!!!!

Anonymous said...

I see from the photo there appears to be a dearth of male servers at the cafe. I guess the men of the cafe must be off doing the manly things. Setting around their tables drinking coffee and discussing social morals and planning there next subversive actions against the establishment. Or maybe they just don't do women's work.

Anonymous said...

or maybe its not their shift genius.

Kira said...

Just Passing: No, they weren't scheduled to work that night. We all work different nights. Everyone is allowed to go to meetings and everyone has an equal say. One of the girls was scheduled to work, and her friends decided to help her. Why must you always think that there is some dark motive behind everything?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps its for the same reason you do what you do kira. Why must you always think there is such dark motives behind everything? Besides if what you say is correct then I was for the most part correct myself. See we are not so different after all, we just see our darkness in different places. Apparently the men were off planning there next subversive action....or meetings as you call them.
Now what I'd like to know is why anonymous's are always so they feel there being....watched all the time?

Anonymous said...


Joady just told me about these comments, and although I am *NOT* this "just passing" person, I do agree with some of the things that this person is saying; especially since I have experienced them firsthand.

But, just as a precautionary measure, mostly so that Kira and all the others at the cafe don't think that it is *just me* who *always thinks that there is some dark motive behind everything* (kind of like the dark motives the people at the cafe think hide behind capitalism, the state, and patriarchy), perhaps "Just Passing" just post their name.

If you feel comfortable anyways, considering you, yourself, ask why they hide behind anonymous comments (I do that too sometimes, I think it rocks!).


Duane Rousselle of Latterday saints.

Anonymous said...


Equal say maybe, but not equal decision.

Volunteers are allowed to go to meetings with no important decisions are being made and they cannot make decisions, prospective members are allowed to attend meeting but cannot make decisions (they will once they are voted into the collective) and only the collective members are allowed to go to meetings, make final decisions and be on the mailing list. So don't make it sound like its a freedom job, that is unless you've changed the entire framework of the cafe..

(*whispers* by the way, that is called hierarchy)

Anonymous said...

Is that surprising that only members can make decisions? Come on now, if that weren't the case you'd have people like this 'just passing' character show up and wash dishes once and then start a petition to shut it down.

Being a member is what its all about, so if you volunteer enough, you become a member, its not rocket science. It's not total bedlam though either, 'freedom' you have-just don't go. If you want to go and make substantive changes, then there of course rules like any organization has.

Go ask those people protesting for Albert Street or the ATV protestors, or any New Brunswicker just how many 'votes' they got as members of their society. Hell, the person most New Brunswickers voted to be Premier didn't even get the job.

If you think their actions (whatever they are) are so sinister, then by all means do some volunteering and then become a member, any 'actions' you try to take I'm sure will be welcomed -although certainly not all.

And just because one person or even several people go to protests,etc., doesn't mean everybody feels the same way about everything. Those three girls may have never protested anything in their lives. As for the claim that a 'protest' is 'subversive' people should know that planning a protest isn't necessarily subversive. This group has said publicly that they do not like the idea of 'atlantica' and will protest the next meeting. That's not 'subversive' because the Atlantica meetings are not 'governmental' meetings, they are private meetings where only specific people are allowed.

So protesting it isn't subversive, just like if there were a public organization that refused to hire minorities and people protested that's not subversive, its actually the group that refuses to hire minorities that is being subversive.

So to 'assume' what people are doing without knowing what they are doing is as dishonest as the claims that Charles is being a hypocrite, so as they say, look for the plank in your own eye first.

Kira said...

Actually, no they can make decisions. We've changed things. You don't work there, you don't know. None of you really know.

Duane, I know that you aren't "Just Passing", he doesn't write the same as you.

Just Passing, I have no idea what you just said....

Anonymous said...

Well if things have changed then I applaud you! and of course I wouldn't know since I don't work there...but I wonder why I left?

Anonymous said...

can i bring my dog to the underground cafe, he likes somasos.

Anonymous said...


I certainly hope that you changed things. You were all pretending to be something you weren't for a long time. That's why over 13 people left the cafe. I remember that the main reason I wanted to get involved in the cafe was because you pretended to use parecon. Turns out, most of you don't even know what it is -- you just know that its hip among the activist scene lately. Balanced job complexes? How about everybody does the exact same jobs, and some people have greater access to the resources than others. It's time you face that you are just another brick in the capitalist wall; a business that discourages stealing, while selling books on why stealing is revolution, a business that is more interested in making money, than on making sure that you are maintaining a space free from exploitation and animal abuse; a space that seems to be more interested in creating an image of a free space than actually creating a free space.

I do hope things are changing there.

Kira said...

I don't know why you left ENTIRELY, whether or not I agree is another story. I didn't really want you to leave, I was pretty bummed out.

Anonymous said...

Thats a shame that you didn't understand kira, you seemd to know so much about "dark motives". Simply put don't you think that there are many that view some of your actions (as a group that is) the same way?

Kira said...

Just Passing,

I know there are lots of people who think we think there are dark motives for everything. Lots of people can think lots of things.

I'm sure you'd much rather stay anonymous, but I'd kinda like to know who you are, cause you seem really familiar.

But don't worry about labour and gender at the cafe. I put the guys to work ;) ha ha! Battle Axe Kira!!!

I really don't know what I'm trying to say anymore ha ha!

Spinks said...

Coming in late (as always) but this thread has me curious. Why do so many university students hate capitalism and seem to desire some kind of socilist regime in Canada? Anytime there's a protest over pretty much anything (well short of ATV's anyway) it's almost exclusively university students or recent graduates. That's fine, it's a free country and anyone can protest whatever they want but I'm just curious. I suspect it's the far-left tilt so many university academics have and they're passing that along to the students but maybe its something else. Just curious.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

I rejected a couple of comment.....lets be nice.....

Anonymous said...

You may simply be thinking of one protest of a few weeks ago-to lower tuition.

Obviously there were mostly university students there, but lowering tuition is hardly a 'socialist revolution'. Free or almost free tuition would actually be a regression in Canada, since University was $500 a year in the late seventies. The 'revolution' happened in the late eighties and nineties which raised them to current levels.

There are now many american state colleges where you can attend for less money than UNB.

Virtually no protests have been about 'capitalism'. EI cuts got big protests, McKenna seemed to have protests there all the time, usually for closing or downgrading a hospital got a protest going. Changes to the educational system also had huge protests. Few of those were university students.

The other big protests worldwide have been against american imperialism. Once again that has nothing to do with capitalism, right after 9/11 there were practically zero protests against the states except the countries where they had nasty policies.

Obviously that changed, but nobody has been at a protest chanting "change the american capitalist structure". Maybe partly because its too hard to work that into a chant!

Even in the case of Atlantica you had labour groups and citizens groups protesting. Here it depends how you define 'capitalism'. For example, the main benchmark of Atlantica, according to the main people pushing it, is massive federal aid for Halifax's port. Now, there's nothing stopping Halifax from doing what Prince Rupert did and finding private backers to invest in Halifax. Trouble is, nobody in the private sector sees it as a worthwhile invesntment.

So AIMS wants massive federal funds to be used, rather than the private sector. If you think about that for a second you'll notice that that's the OPPOSITE of capitalism, its MORE government intervention.

People are protesting the fact that the group that wants atlantica won't hold public meetings, want to get rid of unions, lower the minimum wage, bring in foreign workers who will have no job protections, and use what little money is available not for social services but for business infrastructure.

The above have nothing to do with 'capitalism', most have to do with human rights, which will not only not be advanced, but will actually decline.

From the remarks above from Duane, it seems the opposite from what 'just passing' says, that the Underground Cafe's motives aren't dark enough! That they are just a regular business with some policies designed to attract a clientele. Thats pretty much a standard of captitalism.

Some, like Duane, seem to be outright anarchists. It would be pretty hard to operate a building if just because you sold books on how to steal you encouraged people to steal them. You'd not only be logically consistent, you'd also not exist without a way to pay rent.

Those of a certain age though have been trained to sniff out 'anti capitalist activities'. That's something thats supposed to be sacrosanct, even if its never defined. One could call it the religion of 'Irvingism', a strain of that presbyterianism that doesn't want government intervention-except where they are concerned.

They even have churches all over the place, and daily church bulletins:)

Universities are now far from being the 'leftist' institutions of the sixties and seventies. If it isn't about tuition you'd have a hard time getting university students to show up for any protest.

Most are far too busy working two jobs to try to pay for it, or have kids, etc. Even St. Thomas has turned into a training ground for journalists. Universities are now pretty much technical colleges, with some courses less technical than others.

'liberal arts' used to be what people took in order to work for government, but that's completely changed, now you take 'public administration', which is just a program in Business Administration. Universities are probably among the most right wing structures out there now.

Anonymous said...

Lets see "the Universities are Far Left Hot Beds of Socialist Philosophy meant to Undermine Society and the Canadian Way...(usually pronounced American way)". What page of "The Sky is Falling! The Sky is Falling! - The Big Conservative Book of Blame" is that on again spinks? I know its somewhere between "Left Wing Attempts to Steal Christmas" and "Same sex Marriage, the End of The World as We Know it. (My copy has yet to arrive from FoxNews.)
One could go into long winded explanations into why of course this is not true and our education system is for the most part very unbiased. In fact I know from experience there are some here that can be excruciatingly long winded so maybe one will explain the error of your ways too spinks, but I have house work to do this morning so it won't be me.
Simply then, if indeed universities are the bastion of liberal thought as stated, where did all those young neo-cons come from? No, not from the very bowels of Hell as some might think but from that same supposed liberal institution so much maligned by the right. University should open your mind to new ideas and thoughts, that is where progress comes from, that is how we grow. If the majority turn out to choose the light side instead of the dark side maybe that's because one is actually better than the other.

Spinks said...

When I can unite just passing and anon, I've done a pretty solid job. :)

I used to have a pretty liberal point of view when I was attending post secondary school too since that's what was shoved down your throat and to think any other way was greatly frowned upon if not shown downright disgust. Then I started looking at things from a wider array of views to form opinions and attempt to understand things from those different points of views. I doubt that's encouraged in the university setting today anymore than when I attended which wasn't very long ago. Still just pasisng your right, despite the liberalism there are still folks who choose the light side instead of the dark. They just have to find their own way. ;)

Anonymous said...

My housework got done early so I can be long winded:) But for a message on bias at universities, simply do a test. One of the most prevalent business organizations in the province is obviously the 'co-operative' organization. Go to the University of New Brunswick's faculty of Business Administration and count how many courses have anything to do with co-ops.

The co-op movement has a different legal environment, different shareholder environment, different history, different marketing, different issues from corporate or family forms of business, but Business programs overwhelmingly ignore these.

Even the new emphasis on entrepreneurship in their courses completely ignores co-operative forms of business organizations, which would be the closest thing to 'left' that would exist in our society.

Anonymous said...

I think Spinks just went to a crappy university and didn't want to ask questions. Easier to just say they'll frown on you.

Anonymous said...

Being set firmly in that large middle area between the far left and the far right allows one to agree and disagree as vigorously with either side. Frankly I think we (the middle) have been silent far too long. I just happened to have gotten tired of listening to the two shouting back and forth at each other over my head.
The extremes are amazingly similar you know. Both are always right of course. Both are so nauseatingly self righteous and self-centered to the point that sometimes it actually hurts.
But most of all, while they can use pretty much use every pejorative remark known to man when describing the actions of the "other side", They scream and howl like some wounded beast at the slightest criticism of one of their own "profound" pronouncements.
The only significant difference I have found thus far between the two is that its much, much easier to be banned from a Right wing blog or forum than a left wing one. Maybe that's simply a function that there are a lot more right wing ones out there and they have been around longer.

Anonymous said...

I would agree with 'Just Passing' when he says that Universities are hotbeds for liberalist political philosophies. Unfortunately liberalism, not unlike marxism, has become such an accepted (coopted) part of academia that it no longer challenges the existing systems of domination. Simply put, 'Just Passing' is correct to suggest that Marxism is taught in virtually every classroom, Anonymous is incorrect to assume that Universities are far Right institutions.

However, Anonymous can be forgiven because, in this day--like any other--, "Left" and "Right" are different sides of the same bloody coin.

Spinks said...

JP, I like to think someone wouldn't be banned simply because of another point of view but I'm probably being naive. I'm sure it depends on the blog. I know I've had to ban two people but that was due to profanity and rudeness not expresseing a well thought out viewpoint such as we're seeing in this thread.

I tend to agree with you thought that there are more conservative type blogs out there than liberal ones (although New Brunswick tends to buck that trend). The conservative ones like Michelle Malkin and Small Dead Animals are also the most popular. I suspect that's because that point of view is seldom in the mainstream media so people looking for it gravitate there for another viewpoint. The Left don't need blogs as much since the MSM lean that way anyway.

Anonymous said...

'Liberalism' is not the same as 'left', and conservativism is not the same as 'right'. 'Liberal' democracies and liberal economies are pretty much accepted, but that's not what was being discussed above.

Universities may be 'liberal', but they AREN"T 'left'. YOu will find as many 'young conservatives' in there as young liberals.

What was mentioned by Spinks is that universities were 'anti capitalist' and that is pretty far from being true. Again, go try to find reference to any other economic system and you'll have a tough time.

That's not the same as 'right' and 'left', whatever those mean. Universities are not hotbeds of ANY political activity, they can barely even get students to vote in any type of election, within the university or without. Not only are they not anti capitalist, they are not anti ANYTHING.

Some professors may have a political view, but that rarely comes out, in fact its incredibly tricky because students are far more likely to complain nowadays when professors try to bring their political views to class.

About the ONLY 'anti capitalism' that I hear anywhere in New Brunswick would be....well, Duane! Whether he considers himself a 'hotbed' or not is another question.

If you look at 'anti capitalism', as mentioned above, you can at least pin some of that on the cooperative movement. That's pretty week at universities, farmers are the biggest proponents of that.

We can't quantify it, but I've also noticed that people who run blatantly conservative blogs are much less likely to 'tolerate dissent', which worries me far more than Harper's policies. However, ideologies are not shrill or unyielding...PEOPLE are.

Anonymous said...

There are twice as many conservative blogs than liberal ones here. There are more conservative ones out west because conservatives do more complaining. Everybody else is busy working