Thursday, March 08, 2007

Who do you trust the most with the news????

Originally uploaded by Oldmaison.


Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Good one!

Anonymous said...

I trust anybody OTHER than Charles "the Fredericton Pest" Leblanc.


Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

I just added that picture the last minute as a joke.

So who's the best host?

Anonymous said...

The one i watch the most is Abbé Lanteigne but don't mind Steve Murphy or Allen Rowe but The cbc guy is a little boring (no offence)

Anonymous said...

I love Steve Murphy

Anonymous said...

It is not the different people that is the issue. The news doesnot get covered if the higher up choose to not allow or sometimes they edit what is released. Wake up the news from TV, Radio and Newspapers are all controlled and especially here in our province. Deny if you wish but we are censored, surpressed, ignored, not covered, misled and so many more ways to describe what news is relesed when it comes to alot of facts. Yes we still receive facts they want us to know and believe. In the mix comes some truth and some manipulation from alot of sources. Sorry you may think it is bleak or negative thinking. Can't paint an accurate picture of all is right and true and we are fed the real issues and that we are not always fed the bull. Guilting the public on so much when really we are not in control. We don't have control but they try to put all the troubles on us. We all want some fairness and that is not what we get on a daily coverage of the news. Spending more on tearing peoples private lives apart.

No one wants to hear the truth maybe but I think it is time.

Anonymous said...

Sad but no one does get the true news; just what big business will allow. Notice Saint John no longer has news for their area just a few sections on things they want us to know. People no longer have a voice and anything people may want to voice is not allowed. Irving I believe must have control of the air waves , radio and we know for sure the paper is in their full control.