This guy was the eyes of the soldiers. He took many pictures behind the scenes and will be truly missed by his fellow soldiers.
He was always looking for the perfect picture...
My sympathy goes out to the family.
Wear red today in memory of our Canadian soldiers who gave the supreme Sacrifice
Go and buy a Support our Troops T-Shirt at Lasting Impressions at St.Mary's.

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supreme sacrifice....for what? what are they fighting for???
Oh my god Charles . . listen to what you are saying. .
These yellow ribbons really are warping our brains; can we please try to think about what this guy made a sacrifice for exactly? What the hell is this war all about? How many of "them" are dieing, and how come we don't hear about them? Why don't we care about "them" ? Why are they a "them" ?
I know we want to honor our family and friends death -- but that doesn't mean we have to support a war that has no reason other than to fuel fear, hatred, and the economy.
I support anybody to decides to go downtown to tear these "bloody" ribbons off of the trees. These ribbons are why "our" soldiers continue to come home is caskets.
Respect his death. Make sure no more people have to die.
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