I was walking toward the Fredericton Soup Kitchen and this guy with an Irving winter Hat turned his back on me.
I found his action very ignorant.
I walked by him again and he once again turned his back on me.
I was going to ask the guy - What’s your problem anyway???
I was told that Danny has been in that spot for years.
The story is that he lost his family in a fire and he hasn’t been the same since.
Yes, the old saying is so true. If he or she has their health? They shouldn’t complain!!!
God knows what goes through his mind while he stays standing up in the same area all day long?
People like Danny just passed away and quickly forgotten.
I feel bad for the guy.

I think one or two pictures would have been plenty.
In this case? Nope.....The message is pretty clear.....
Yes charles, the message IS pretty clear.......he DOES NOT want his picture taken
Thanks Charles for posting this story. A person never knows what they have unil it's gone.
I also wanted to comment that I agree with you that multiple pictures were needed in this case. It shows him standing in that spot in the dead of winter and then shows him standing there in that very spot as the snow is disappearing.
If it weren't for you we would never know these people's story's. The people who are negative towards you are the ones who want to believe that there is no poverty in our area.
The above is true, but not quite fair. I'd like to think I"m not a complete idiot but I didn't notice the melting snow, I just kept scrolling down assuming there were a dozen pictures of the same thing. Charles has done that in the past so if readers jump to that conclusion its 'partly' his fault.
Also, there are other blogs where Charles sticks in pictures yet doesn't explain them (the McDonalds issue is a current example), so the criticism that Charles spend a few extra seconds even typing in bad english what he knows of the story is a valid one.
It's up to Charles whether he listens, but making those types of criticism is not 'being negative' or 'thinking there is no poverty'. It is doing what Charles himself does, which is call a spade a spade.
It is MY fault for not taking the time to really look at those pictures and understand what is going on, however, people's time is limited and every good blogger should know that the more information they give, the better able people are to understand.
In this case I apologize for misunderstanding the pictures, however, a simple sentence of explanation in the 'story' would have been all it took for dummies like me to understand the point. Heaven forbid I have to more carefully look through the thousands of dog photos because there is something in there I may have missed.
Its a tough call, though, sometimes people don't want their picture taken, but sometimes its important that they are. I believe this is one of those cases.
Does this story not also point out just how often Charles jumps to the wrong conclusions? Maybe the whole world isn't ignorant towards Charles after all. Maybe some people just do not wish to speak to him.
That's the same mistake anybody could make. If somebody always turned away you'd think they were rude too. Most people just wouldn't bother with the people again. I don't recall Charles ever saying the whole world was rude to him. When people are rude to him it goes into his blog, and those times seem quite rare. People from all walks of life and even well known politicians have sat down and been interviewed by him in a very friendly way. The cases of rudeness seem pretty few and far between.
I am not saying that I disagree with you Anonymous 9:41 however we are once again forgetting one certain little element.
This is CHARLES blog. He does this as a past time. Why take the time and pick, pick, pick at his every wrong move. I just read it and accept it for what it is. If sometimes I can't understand it..No biggie. I don't make rude comments. There is way to much negativity in the world already. If I have learned one thing about Charles about reading his blogs it's this...He doesn't care what you think...He does it for him. We are just guests in his thoughts.
Anonymous 4:38, perhaps you had best spend a little more time reading in here. But as Thank-you said Charles doesn't care what we think so let him defend himself if he wishes.
It is true that comments sections are often negative. I don't think "one or two pictures would have been plenty" is THAT negative. I read just about every blog Charles puts out, so I am familiar with most of the issues.
That's true, that more 'good job charles' posts could be out there so that Charles knows what is RIGHT as well as what is WRONG. However, I don't think being silent accomplishes anything at all. In the past I've often told Charles he should be like media or like some blogs and not allow comments at all.
To his credit he does, and even some nasty ones-which aren't from me. I can't apologize for the nasty ones he gets, but when people think criticism is warranted, they should be free to post them, that seems to be Charles wish as well.
There are very few decisions he makes I personally disagree with, but since we have freedom of speech then people should speak up. Thats when the responsibility is on posters to make criticisms without insults. I admitted I was wrong here, but when Charles takes pictures of average people who don't want their picture taken I will speak up with the rest. Those cases are becoming more few and far between.
Charles is very good at what he does, better than most institutions that have far more resources than the extremely limited resources he deals with, and people only know a little of the frustrations he faces. So again, that is a good point, perhaps we should be more vocal on blogs we like, as well as ones we don't. And a lot more supportive, so that Charles doesn't feel so alone in what he does. After all, a blog isn't much with no readers.
i'm pretty sure charles put that many photos on there because you can actually see the time go by, you see the snow in the first pics and then you see it gone, now long this person has been in this spot..
very sad..
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