While in Saint John this week, I was told that many buildings in the downtown area are being bought by people from China.
Hmmmmm...I wonder how the Irvings will handle the Chinese???

Then again, they run their papers like a system like China so I guess they will get along just fine!!!
China will buy up our infrastructure,then our Government and then we go too! They want to shut down the net to stop Sites and Blogs like yours where its really the People`s last place to get any truth anymore! The papers are all owned by one company(we wont say no names)and they only print whats usefull to them,just like communist countries ! Total State Control!
The Chinese have an entrepreneurial spirit & work hard to make their dreams come true. If they're buying up buildings, then it's because they have seen the potential to make money. The economic spin offs from those ventures means more $$ for uptown Saint John businesses not to mention growing a declining uptown population.
Can't disagree with anyone. All I know it can only get worse and who knows just how bad. We lose our right each day and we just won't be able to afford to live in this city. Our water, forest,land, fuel and any natural resource has been sold to him or given for very little money. Right now we should protect the Musquash water shed but now our city is slowing allowing the Irvings our water. Criminals have nothing on them!
I am not on the computer 24 hours per day. Sometime it takes time to post a comment.
A racist pig for asking a question?
I don't think so....
If you wish to write bad comments? Send me your real name at oldmaison@yahoo.com and I'll post them.
Don't be a coward!!!
Have a good day!!!
That wasn't a racist blog at all. It said nothing derogatory about the chinese. Your comment on the other hand...
Don't agree with namecalling, but, like Alison, I am troubled by this post. Of course "China" is not doing anything in or to Saint John, even if some people originally from China are buying some property there. The post struck me as xenophobic.
And, given Charles history, which has included posting a false note from an unidentified friend that there was a major infection at the SJ Regional (false) and that it had been caused by Chinese people "who do not use toilet paper", well, it's doubly troubling.
As much as I admire Charles in many ways, it seems sad but true that he assesses people based on their race at times.
I read the blog almost daily and I never saw the above mentioned blog. If he says something racist then its right that he be called on it. However, this wasn't it. What point is there for people to modify their behaviour if commentors are just going to keep throwing past behaviour in their face?
This is a worthwhile topic to discuss and it was presented without any prejudice or bias. What people are essentially saying is that no matter how it is framed, any story that has any hint of race in it should not be mentioned by Charles. Fortunately, that's not how he operates.
I respect what he does as well, and I'll save my criticism for when he actually does something contentious (I'm sure it won't be long:)
Race has nothing to do with what is going on. THe problem isn't Chinese it is the Mayor, all levels of government and Irving!
Most people don't care who comes here until we could be forced out if we can't afford the taxes. Bury your head if you wish or face the fact there is a problem but it is not race.
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