This was a first for this guy because I don’t know much about the Party’s policies beside the environment.
Once there, I noticed that many people knew about my blog and that’s a good thing.
Word is spreading.
I decided to stick around for a few pictures but my ADHD kicked in.
I just can’t sit down on a seat and listen to the candidates speeches.
I was here and there....outside and inside taking pictures.... here and there.
Once the speeches were over.
I approached Mary Lou Babineau and asked - Parle-tu Francais?
Sure enough she did.
I predicted that she’ll win and she won by a landslide.
I noticed an Irving photographer sitting in front. He was a young guy. < Didn’t know him! > I told the guy to go home because the results will be on the information Highway in 15 minutes . . . lol . . . He never cracked a smile.
I believe that Mary Lou will be someone the other candidates from the Major Political Parties should watch for.
She’s very intelligent and will play a roll in the next Federal Election in the Fredericton area.
I’ll let the pictures do the blogging!!!

Tony Myatt, he was my Macroeconomics Professor!
Congratulations crazy poster, you make Charles seem absolutely normal.
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