Friday, June 22, 2007

Mommy...I was enjoying my ice cream until I saw the man with the camera......

Originally uploaded by Oldmaison


Anonymous said...

It looks you are taking private citizens' pictures without their knowledge and posting them. You have been harassing people in the downtown too long.

Remember you used to advertise Underground Cafe. People stopped going there because they did not want to put up with a lunatic like you. The Cafe went out of business. Are you doing that to other businesses too?

Someone should sit with Mayor Woodside and explain your lunatic behaviour and that you must be banned from the city streets or your stupid little camera must be taken from you. This is first warning to you.

Did this mother know that you were taking her picture and her child's picture?

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...



Anonymous said...

While some people may have an issue with having their picture taken, Charles is breaking no laws while photographing in a public space. Those in public places can have no reasonable expectation of privacy. Taking pictures in public is no crime that I am aware of so long as Charles is not gaining financially from the pictures (at which point their may be a copyright or perhaps a tort issue but that would be an entirely different situation) and from what Charles has said in this blog he makes no money from said images, case closed.

Anonymous said...

creepy, creepy old man.

p.s. underground cafe? out of business? utopian hippy dream doesn't pan out...nahhhhhhhh

Anonymous said...

He is making money. He has ads on his site. No matter how small the amount is. He is interfering with other people’s privacy. In due course he may be banned from the city too. How many bans can he take?

Anonymous said...

He is not making money directly from the images. I personally check in here to see if Charles has uncovered a news item of interest as I know full well that every now and again Charles does come through with a nugget of information that the local mainstream media has either not heard of yet or has completely ignored. The court has already said that what he does is akin to journalism and thus protected by our Charter Rights. For anyone posting comments on legal matters I would suggest doing a little research before hand. Perhaps even looking up the meaning of a word or two to make sure you are using the right words for the topic at hand. And if you really stand by your opinions on an issue and you are clearly in the right, why would one post as anonymous, with not even a first name, Anonymous posters are creepy indeed.

Anonymous said...

Charles already said he asks permission to post pictures from the parents.

There would be no photography industry if it was the case that you always needed permission.

I do miss the days when Charles used to actually write blogs about political matters, however, if the people of Fredericton had stood up for him when he was banned from the legislature then he'd be inside.

There are people who complain when he writes about issues, and people who complain when he doesn't, just goes to show he might as well do what he wants. As for the mayor, he's been interviewed by charles twice with dozens of pictures taken of him and he doesn't have a problem with it.

Anonymous said...

I would hope Charles is indeed asking permission to post pictures although some might not be as pleased with their decision once they saw the text he posts with them.
As to the mayor having no problem with his picture showing up in this blog, well that might be so but wouldn't it be best to ask the mayor that. Anonymous 10:15 also "suggests" had the people of the city stood up for Charles he would not be still banned from the legislature. What ever makes you think that the people of this city have not made the exact statement they wanted to on that subject?

Anonymous said...

A lack of a statement is not a statement. But if true, the statement was in favour of charles not being allowed in the legislature to bother workers. Which means, what you get is him on the streeets of fredericton, and as you say, that was the people's choice, so people shouldn't be complaining about it.

As for the Mayor, he signed Charles petition, and gave him two interviews. That would be odd behaviour for somebody who had a problem being photographed by him.

Since charles tells people where his blog is, and since we're yet to see any complaints, we can assume its not an issue for parents.

Anonymous said...

Mayor did not sign his petition and warned him that he may be banned from the city hall too.

Anonymous said...

If "A lack of a statement is not a statement" then I guess the same goes for two wrongs don't make a right? Bothering people at the legislature and bothering people on the streets both clearly wrongs, both clearly don't make a right.
Also, in keeping with the above in suggesting "since we're yet to see any complaints, we can assume its not an issue for parents" shouldn't we keep in mind the old saying about what happens when we ASSume things?

Anonymous said...

There have been numerous complaints that this lunatic has been taking pictures without permission and posting them, including the couple that he called bureaucrats.

There simply is no end to his lunacy.

Anonymous said...

Nice picture!nice to see a mother taking time out with her child to do a simple thing!

Anonymous said...

May be nice picture but I was talking to an official in the city hall and he said there are too many complaints against this moron. Chicken is coming home to roost. Soon.

Anonymous said...

Inside photographs without permission = ILLEGAL

Outside photographs without permission = CREEPY, IMMORAL, DISRESPECTFUL, IGNORANT

Anonymous said...

It seems you have a physciatric problem and you are mad at charles? It looks like you were in a picture that you didnt like? Bad hair day? also seems like you are charles number 1 complaint! I would sooner have 100 charles running around taking pictures and blogging it than these idiot newspapers who are no longer controlled locally and dont give us anymore real news other than what irving gestapo tells us we can read or see you stupid fools! No wonder charles is so popular on the net cause there is some truth here which does not exist elsewhere even if he is a big pain in the rear,rude and asks too many questions and hates quebecers and take way too many pictures! go charles go ! want your picture taken without your permission ,walk into any walmart and look up and take a good look around! charles is the last you should be concerned about but thats because your stupid and cant understand where real threats exist!

Anonymous said...

There are numerous people who made comments here who are appalled by his behaviour. Above comments are not by one person.

Walmart does not post these pictures in public. They are only used in case of a security breech.

You are advising Leblanc to dig a deeper hole for himself and jump into it and shoot his feet regularly. Good for you and for him.

Anonymous said...

Good for You and for Him? we know what side you stand on! You just cant stand a post like that so you have to jump in and take a jab,you must be a walmart and a security expert too?

Anonymous said...

I have been on charles blog several times I told charles a few years ago that I did not want to be photographed and I did not want to be on his website yet he had no problem posting them. Now where does the line get drawn in the sand, people have been very nice to charles and true some not but when charles goes against the wishes of those that have told him not to then the question has to bee asked do I speak to a lawyer, and no I am not a an MLA I am a common person with as many rights as charles.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

You must be the individual who wanted the picture remove which you were in a crowd of 1,000!!!

I would get a lawyer so I can see first hand in court who's these cowards are???

This City is full of cowards bureaucrats but those days are quickling changing.

There's bloggers everywhere these days...

Anonymous said...

Boys Charles you are being awfully rude and ignorant.

Oh yea I forgot you are always like that. I can't wait for the next time you get a slap on the face. I hope its harder this time.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

Bring them on!!!

Maybe I'll finsih the job right this time around!!!


Anonymous said...

charles I don't mind my pic on here, they can go to london where your everymove is on camera, this is a great place to live if you ask me..

Anonymous said...

charles can you put this link on your site -, I need internet radio, it helps me work everyday, but they are going to close it on july 15, unless everyone acts now...

Anonymous said...


You don't seem to be in a good mood I right?