Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Originally uploaded by Oldmaison

Not fascist eh???? For you newcomers? This is a blog I wrote a couple of months ago. Of course many of you readers would believe that I make up these stories.

Click below for story -



Anonymous said...

No one believes you. So give up.

Anonymous said...

Lets see, your repeating a story that in fact you heard at best second hand. You never say if you even bothered to follow up with Mr. Campbell for his side of the story and this is your example of a Fascist? Sadly Charles it really sounds more like you just looked up a new word to try and slander your perceived worst enemy with. The thing is Charles you always like to claim how your getting under Dan's skin...but in reality he is so far under yours you can rarely think straight. I am fully expecting to hear you blame him for that heart attack your going to have some day if you don't get over thins soon. Its a shame that you can have such fine human interest stories here one day and become so irrational the next. Your just not doing yourself any good at all.

Anonymous said...

You can jump, kick and shout, none of that stuff will help. Learn some manners and be respectful to others and may be, may be they will allow you back in the legislature. It is a big MAY BE.

Anonymous said...

I think You must remember that Dan is just a tool of government,somebody is over him directing him to ! Hes paid and trained to be out front and to toss remove somebody off the grounds if need be or told to do it to,or run interference! I think your real problem is the legislature itself,someone or a group dont want you there? Facism maybe so?,as Canada US and Mexico come together We lose just like free trade was supposed to be a good thing till everything went south! Were gonna end up in a police state w just few types of employment,medical,social worker,Call center,Police or Prison Guard or the bottom job of prisoner? the rich become richer the middle class disappears and the working poor become slaves! All done by design!!!

Who you gonna call? said...

Do you have a third party link that supports the claim in the title? Some evidence that this bit of news is true would go a long way.

Additionally, I do not understand why you feel the need to constantly point out that Mr. Dan Bussieres is Quebecois. Does this fact have any relevance?

Anonymous said...

Have to agree. Hearsay isn't exactly evidence, and technically, as head of security being there all the time, it is 'his' house. That doesn't mean he can do what he wants though, and since none of your former liberal pals like Lamrock or Graham will give you the time of day then it seems pretty crazy to attack a guy who is only following orders.

He can't 'make' them ban anybody. They want you out, and as mentioned above, this clearly rattles you far more than Dan. He's got a good paying job and just goes home and doesn't have to deal with you. Sounds pretty win win from his point of view. With the constant attacks on him I suspect he even gets a lot more sympathy around town.

And clearly its the government that has your number. That scottish stubborness just means you don't think straight and leave alone all the people with power who made the decision. The government never has to deal with you anymore and you don't even talk about them, so once again its win win.

As mentioned above the site is great when you show causes and events in town, but apart from that its a far cry from the emails you used to send out and the blogs you used to do.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

To be honest with ya???? I wasn't planing to go back inside the Leg.....

Now? The Government made it official that Dan Bussieres will be allowed to turn the People's House into a Fascist system.

Here's the only hint that I will give on the ban.

Did you know that the reason I'm banned from the Legislature is because of a murder????

Far Fetch????

Stay tuned!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well at least aliens were not involved Charles,thats a relief. With so much secrecy I was almost certain aliens where going to be involved some how in your banning....are you 100% sure there not? Alien murder perhaps? Guess I'll just have to stay tuned.