Thursday, April 21, 2005


This morning Jackie Webster voice her concern the way the Irvings owns all the newspapers and this afternoon it was David Henley who used to own the Northside News and the Bugle in Woodstock!

He told the Senate that he couldn't compete with the Irvings because of the advetissement dollars! What I found distrubing was Senator Trenholme Counsell because we have such a small province that we should consider ourseleves lucky to have the Irvings as owners! I almost shouted- WHAT???? David continue to say that the Irvings never started a paper from nothing! In my view < charles > They always wait till the paper strives and go for the kill!!!! I am not too inpress with the Senator but lets see what's going to happen when it's my turn! Sorry!!! No time to spell check or paragraph!!!! I chatted with Mr.Henley and asked him if he could tell me how many Irving people are in the room! I confronted one of them and was told nothing! Yes!! The Irving Gestapo is all over the place but we don't know who they are but they are taking notes!!! to run!!!THIS IS BLOGGLING!!! stay tune for more!!!!


Anonymous said...

That a boy Charles your our on the spot reporter!!!Good Job!

Anonymous said...

Now there's a statement of the times isn't it????We should consider ourselves lucky to be held at bay on what we can say?? Only someone kissing Irving butt could come up with such a brilliant answer like that(Unbelievable)