Saturday, May 14, 2005


Charles 04_07_05 074

During my six months protest in front of the Legislature. I noticed many close calls between the citizens of the Capital and the vehicles are drives in front of the Legislature in a very fast motion.

On a daily basis, many politicians are crossing this busy street to do business at the Beaverbrook Hotel!

My God? We wouldn't wish the Lord Government to fall because an MLA from the P.C. Party got killed on this street? I wrote a letter to the editor about this issue last summer but nothing was ever done.

A crosswalk is indeed needed on this busy street! Why wait till a politician gets kill before the City takes action?????


Anonymous said...

Charles a crosswalk near the legeslator sounds tooo sufisticated for the Lord Government please try to stick to something a little simpler so their able to keep up with understanding the complaint as you know Mr.Lord gets confused very easily.Get him an A B C book and start from there ( SSLLOOWW DDOOWWNN )so he has a chance to keep up with what your saying.

Anonymous said...

It is about Lord government falls, period. Too many have been hurt by Lord’s ignorance and incompetence.

Tanker Malley or Ashfield they are all the same. They may play little humanitarian to show off but they are part of the same team. Malley should cross the floor if he cares. He is happy to be House leader for P.C’s. and Ashfield is happy to be minister. Not so impressed by them.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

I did tell Tanker to cross the floor for the issue of Ritalin and Claude Williams for the issue of Ritalin! Headlines across Canada- LORD GOVERNMENT IS DEFEATED BECAUSE OF RITALIN AND VLR'S! It's very funny or strange who this Government has manage to keep everyone together!!!!