I know it was only a joke but it may make an interesting debate for this blog.
As usual, I walked in the Legislature and went in the Library.
Once there, the Irving’s newspapers are all lined on the counter.

While glancing through the papers this commissionaire Andre tapped me on the back.

I asked - Yes????
He told me that he was only checking to see if I had my ID on me.
I found it strange that he would touch me but I didn’t pay any attention to his action.
I left the Legislature and once downtown someone asked me if I changed my attitude towards Quebec?
I was surprise by the question because I never had any use for Quebecers! < I’ll get to that later. >
Anyway, on my back was this sign…

Yes, it didn’t take me long to figure out why Andre touched me in the first place….lol
Hours later, I saw the Quebecer and said - You had your fun now I’m going to have mine with the blog….lol

In the past, me and this guy would always argue about Quebecers working in New Brunswick because we’re not allowed to work in La so call Belle Province?
Myself, I can’t stand Quebecers because they give us Acadians a bad name. Many people from the English population believe that a Quebecer and a Acadian have the same mentally?
This is far from the truth!!!
I didn’t have a clue what was happening in the Capital until I held my first protest in the summer of 2002.
Once I arrived at the Legislature, I was approached by this individual.

Him name is Dan Bussieres.

He’s the Sargeant At Arms of the Legislature.
He told me that he was from Quebec.
I will admit that Daniel is a nice guy and does his job well.
Afterwards, I went to the Library and met a guy name Jean Claude. He was also from Quebec.
Minutes later, I bumped into another Quebecer name Richard Tremblay. < now in charge of security at Centennial building >

The list goes on and on. There’s people from Quebec working all over the place.
My question is this?
How many Acadians working at Assemblee Nationale de Quebec?

The answer- NONE!!!!!
But what can New Brunswickers do?
I was in the army in Quebec and I lasted 8 months.
I spoke my Acadian language and they would tell me that they don’t understand English!

Very ignorant!!! It was terrible!
I always called myself a bigot because of my dislike of Quebecers.
Speaking of bigots?
This guy was at City hall yesterday.

This is the week the Anglo Society flag should be flown.

He told me - Why when I protest? You’re always around?

I don’t go in that part of the City town too often but I just happen to be there and of course I agitated the bigot for a while before I left.
He’s going in court on October 4th because he’s charge with assault.
I strongly believe that those foolish charges should be dropped because it only causes problems between the English and Acadian population.
But I must admit that he doesn’t gave up easily.
They have their Union Jack and shouldn’t demand the Anglo Society flag be flown at different City Halls around this Province.
I told the bigot that I would join him if he protested in front of the Justice Building to fly the Union Jack also.
For the life of me? I don’t undertand the reason the Union Jack isn’t flying beside the Acadian Flag? It just doesn’t make any sense.

I bumped into this Liberal MLA yesterday.

I asked Eugene McGinley of his view on the need to add boarders and roomers to the Rentalman act.
Well, I believe that I received a good political answer from this guy.
He said – I have to look at the whole picture before I give out my views.
What is there to look at?
One guy sh@t in a garbage bag because he’s not allowed to use the washroom.
There’s no place to complain.
Poor New Brunswickers are being mentally abuse big times and nothing can be done.
I’m not done with this issue yet! Not from a long shot!
I also noticed Elizabeth Weir yesterday in the Legislature and asked her if she had one minute?

She told me that she didn’t because she had to go to the Cafeteria and disappeared.
I don’t even know why I even bothered asking?
I never got along with her anyway.
Wouldn’t matter anyway if she had an opinion because the NDP will never take power in this Province.
Speaking of the poor?
These two guys were evicted from the building yesterday and I guess the Landlord is standing by the caretaker 100%!!!

He agrees with his approach and there’s nothing people can do about it!
What I found interesting is someone took my old room and the guy looks like the quick temper type.
Lets see what will happen if the caretaker goes right to his face?
It should be very interesting.
The building has little heat during the cold winter months.
The Lord Government must act on this issue.
I contacted the Irving’s newspapers in this issue but you don’t expect the Irvings to cover a story that speaks about the poor people rights in this Province right?

I wrote a good story for a column in the Irvings paper about the way the poor are being treated but it was denied by the Irvings!
This is what the Irvings do best!

They will print stories that makes this province looks good especially the ones about themselves.
Ok…close to 1,000 words??? Way too many!!!!
Of course favourite politicians. Lord gave Irvings over $100 million in tax breaks that we know of. There must be other grants too. He is also fighting with his life against LNG off of St.Andrews so Irving have no competition.
By the way Jean-Claude is from France and not Quebec, I think.
JWMCQ - you can submit an op-ed piece to the paper. They can be longer as long as they're focused. Letters to the Editor have to have a limit on length because there just wouldn't be space if everyone wrote super-long letters and few people would read anything really long anyway. The best letters you'll read in the paper are short and to the point.
On the Anglo Flag, I've stated my opinion already but after seeing the pictures you had of the Communist flag, Charles, I no longer see any need for any opposition to the Anglo Flag in the legislature at the very least. At least the hammer and sickle weren't flying outside. At least I hope not.
Jean-Claude told me that he was from Quebec...
Spinks, now giving advice on how to write letters to editor. Any other advice, sir. Have you ever considered that if opinion does not quite match with that of the editor it does not get published. But as a spokesperson for Irving paper you would not know or understand that.
Sorry man. That's how papers work everywhere. That's just the way it is. If you want something longer, you have to write an op-ed piece or you won't get published or worse, they'll cut your letter down, possibly leaving out your main points.
op-ed???? only the ones who dedicate their lives and souls to the Evil Irving Empire will be granted a column! Trust me I know!!!
Don't try to pass the Gleaner off as the same as other newspapers. Irving newspapers are notoriously amateurish, more like small town newspapers. They are filled with grammatical and spelling mistakes, and letters to the editor rarely get printed. The average newspaper gets around two hundred submissions a week for letters to the editor and only a few get printed. It's always interesting because NB papers always have printed letters by 'average' people who support the policy of the newspaper (so that we know they aren't alone).
If the newspaper has a very contentious editorial stance then only ONE letter opposing it will get printed, even if the paper receives 500 stating that opposition, and only 10 supporting it. Although it's clear where the majority stand, the paper wants to give the appearance of 'objectivity', so they'll often print one of the letters supporting the paper 'to give both sides', even though almost nobody does. It's also an old practise in the newspaper game to simply get an employee to write one of those letters, then sign it "Bob Upchuck, Tweedle Brook" or something, or just get staff to make up a name-it's not like there's police for that.
NB papers are among the worst for editing restrictions. I know lots of people in volunteer groups who have long given up trying to advertise environmental issues, or political issues. Most newspapers will print press releases as they come in, but Irving papers rarely print press releases unless they are from Irving companies.
Charles was in the army??
That must have been something!!
Charles having to listen to someone and not give his opinion.
2:19pm - The Telegraph on most days seems to run quite a few letters - ten or so, the Gleaner about six and the T and T about six. Right or wrong? I don't know but it seems about the same for similar papers of that size in other communities. I don't find them amateurish. They seem to have some decent reporters who try. I don't blame the individual reporter for not going hard at the Irvings. That's where they get the paycheck from. The newspaper editorial board however should be given more autonomy to do whatever the story is, even when it involves the Irvings.
I'll agree they're like small town newspapers but that's because they are small town newspapers. We're no Toronto or Ottawa. They're pretty similar to newspapers in cities like Kingston, Brandon, Kamloops, etc. If you're looking for national or international news, you're picking up the wrong newspaper. That's not what they're supposed to be.
I would hope you're wrong that some of the letters are coming from reporters or newsroom employees from within the paper. Maybe that's happened in the past. I would hope it's not happening today. That's a pretty serious accusation and I find it hard to believe. If they're caught, and be assured somebody would squeal sooner or later, heads would and should roll. I just don't believe it. Does anyone else here believe this or know this practice to be true?
New Brunswick is larger than Halifax, and one company owns all the papers in the province, so there's no need for the complete absence of international news. Ask somebody even a general question about Maine, Nova Scotia, PEI, etc., and they won't have heard about it in the Irving Press.
Amateurish means, as I said, inattention to detail, spelling mistakes, etc. Irving papers are replete with them. The blue collar line doesn't work when it applies to reporters, it's well known that Irving hires their own PR people before journalists.
As for the final remarks- what planet are you living on?? Heads will roll?? Whose head? There isn't even a law against doing what I mentioned, so who exactly is trying to do the chopping? A senate committee? That naivete is truly hysterical. What's serious about it? It's been going on since there have been newspapers.
The idea of getting good news when you KNOW who owns the paper really is just that - naivete. Irving at least is 'better' than other media enterprises, they state up front that they own the press and will print what they want. Then it becomes the fault of the idiots who read it and think it's 'unbiased'.
5:43 PM be careful. Soon you will be labeled "Spinks-hater". That is his strongest line that he can come up with, in his mind.
Spinks does live on some other planet. No question about that.
Maybe 5:43pm. Maybe it is naive of me. I'll pay closer attention to the names of those writing pro-editorial letters and try and check them out.
As for Irving hiring Irving-PR people and not journalists for the paper as reporters, I can't think of any off the top of me head. Lisa Hrabluk was in PR but it was at UNBSJ not Irving. I'm curious who these PR plants in the newsroom are. Can you provide further info? I would definately pay more attention to reports about Irving written by former Irving PR people. If true, I'm with you that that is not right.
Mike, penpals finally meet may seem to you like a dud story. Heck, doesn't do much for me either but those are the feel good stories a lot of people do like to read. I'm taking this to the extreme with this example but look at the National Enquirer. It's not worth wrapping fish in but it exists because people buy it. I hardly think the TJ is even in the same category as the Enquirer but they're giving the paper buying public what they want. Local stories, even if they're folksy.
Who do you think is one of UNB's biggest supporters $$$$$$$$$$$$.
Starts with the letter I and ends with RVING. LOL.
Sit around your local Tim's and talk with the people who are reading the paper. It's the stories you and I and others may view as goofy or trivial that people are talking about. Why water-skiing squirrels and the like become bigger topics of conversation than where a person's tax money is going, I don't know but they do.
I do not understand the point of this. "..water-skiing squirrels" are you saying we should take such stories seriously.
Gee Mike, I haven't seen you this feisty in a while.
That's merely an observation. I'm not sure whether it's right or wrong, I'm not going to argue that but the quirky stories are ones people talk about. I'm all for the reporting of stories which are relevant to people. I believe we had this argument about CBC a while back and that's my big beef about them that they're not relevant to the majority of people who pay their bills. So, I'm with you media should report on relevant stories, BUT I'm simply pointing out that people do enjoy the quirky stories as well. Human nature I guess.
BTW, no one remembers the water-skiing squirrel story?
What you mean by quircky stories? You should read National Enquirer? That type may be satisfactory for you.
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