It all started on Thursday evening when Rogers television had the issue of Autism on the program.
The new host is Rich Crosby.

He took the place of Dennis Melanson.

Dennis was there for a few years and I would always call in to get the ball rolling and it was a great way to share views with New Brunswick.

I would always praised these open talk shows!
One minute before I was going to go on the air?
The producer cut in and in a very polite way told me that Crosby got the orders from someone not to take my call.

I was very surprise that a young host would demand that certain callers are not allowed on the air?????
I told the producer to let me know what’s going on?
I won’t go publicly with this one but that all change this evening on Voice of the Province.

I called from a pay phone and the woman told me to leave a message on a voice mail.
They call it the viewers hotline.
I quickly replied - Yeahhh right!!!! But I soon found out that she was serious!!!!
She explained to me that they are not capable of transferring calls from a payphone.
Only from a resident phone.
No problem, I walked down the hallway and used someone else phone.
I called and left my number but the guy taking the calls wouldn’t put me on the air!

So Rogers has joined the Irvings of denying freedom of speech to New Brunswickers????
I have been calling these talk shows for years and never cross that line.
I always behave.
I remember last year when Bernard Lord was on?
They wouldn’t let me question the Premier.

Why is that now?
Who’s giving the orders to Rogers not to accept my calls.
Did Rich Crosby accept a bride from the Irvings?

Who knows? You tell me????
Many don’t like this new guy < Rich Crosby > and I heard many sad stories about the new host on Rogers and I guess that from what I’m hearing? It’s all true!
Well? As far as I’m concern?
It’s Rogers lost and not mine but I will let anyone who cross my path including all the Ministers of the Lord Government that they must listen to the public concerns!
Germany all over again???
You tell me????
I’ll tell you one thing!
I will never lower myself to the standards of Rogers and the Irvings!!!

Shame on them but this issue is not done yet!

Not from a long shot!!!!!
Freedom of speech must remain alive in New Brunswick!
It was bad enough that we’re not allowed to write letters to the Editor but now this? Shame…Shame,,,Shame….as I said last winter---- Hiiiiiiiii Lord!!!!!!
By the way? The issue that I wanted to bring up with the Minister of Education was why are we giving our kids chocolate milk in the classrooms????

Maybe she gave the orders? Who knows but one thing is certain!
I will confront the Minister face to face.
I always like her and I was going to praise her but who knows what was said in the studio of Rogers?
What next? Will these same people tell CFBC talk of the town that Charles is not allowed on the air???? Once Rick Mantle leaves?

Maybe one day I'll come home and my computer will be in the garbage????

It could be very well possible! Nothing surprise me no more of the happening in this Province?
The Irvings and the staff at Rogers are acting like this guy!!!!!

There's never a dull momment in my life. Always something but this is what keeps me going! Thank God that I have ADHD because I would have took a heart attack a long time ago!!!!

This seems odd Charles. It's not like Rogers shows get so many calls, at least not usually, that they can't take your call. I'd understand if they were overwhelmed with calls every week. In that case you need to take your turn in the interest of fairness but that's just not the case. Anytime I've heard you on there in the past, you may be feisty but it's always with respect. I'd call one of the local Rogers General Managers in Fredericton and ask them why they won't take your call. It might just be a misunderstanding or some new person in the control room as opposed to someone out to get you...or they're out to get you. Either way let us know.
Charlie I must admit you do have a solid and valid point.
You have come very close to the so-called line but as you say, you have not crossed it.
As you I must agree we should all be treated fair and equal.
You have just as much a right to freedom of speech as the next person regardless of your demeanor rough as that may be at times.
The public reserves the right to think for themselves and to determine the validity of the point made by each individual.
The point to make here is today you tomorrow who's next? These shows are designed to get views from all people and from all levels of society.
If this is the new trend, this Province is headed down uncharted waters.
I firmly believe that Rogers owes you a public apology and an apology to the public, as this is not acceptable as an unbiased open format. I thought these shows have put a time delay in place to protect the public from unexpected outbursts that may occur but to make that decision before hand to a specific individual is just outright wrong. I truly hope this is not a sign of things to come.
This afternoon, I told a reporter and the individual quickly gave me the number from someone at Rogers. I didn't bother calling but I was very surprised that they treated me this way this evening. Nahhhhhh...I'm not calling the, I won't call there again. Hey? I'm stubborn!!..Duuhhhh....I told the Irvings that I will not write a letter to telegraph Journal again and four years later? I still didn't but this is too bad because I always like the staff in the studio but someone gave the orders and I will drive these MLA'S crazy all winter long!!!!! I believe in freedom of speech!!!!
Rogers television have a one second delay compare to talk of the town which have 10 seconds. Rogers don't wish to spent the money for a delay system so what do they do? Choose certain individual who will be allowed to call in! I will never watch that show again and I'll blog it to death! Hey bad plublicity is better than none at all!!...lol...I'm going to have a field day with this one....I'm going to start with talk of the town in the morning!!!! The public must know what's going on????
M.T.H.G- you get a f&*%ing life and take your crap somewhere else if anybody needs a JOB it definitely sounds as though you do.
It seems your ability to not associate with others has trapped you within the walls of your own hell in a small dark corner and your only means of communication seems to be to lash out at others because you've obviously ran out of friends to play with and if by some miracle you do have a job it must be in a morgue as your such a deadbeat.
You can be traced so in your face!
Thats probably Tiny Tim under a other name.
Looks like his style of writing
I just got here but thanks for the compliment on the writing skills though who ever you "r"
They dont want to hear what little irving has to say. period!
There not the allone. all the papers, radio show and tv shows.
So whats the big deal? Get over it.
Little hitler has burned way too many bridges. Its not like rogers are the only one that dont want to have anything to do with him. all sources of media and politicians dont want to have anything to do with him.
Hell most people that have met little hitler will try to avoid him when they can.
They probably fear you will say what you say on your blog. This would get them sued, beacuse you tell unfounded lies.
Charles I hate to tell you but your "freedom of speech" does not extend to Rogers TV...yep, you guess it, they are privately owned, and they can put who and what they want on the air.
Now, if you stand in the street and say what you want and Rogers is telling you to be quiet, then you have an argument, otherwise, you might just have to come up with a real point of view.
You can't go on tv saying anything that pops into your ADHA head, try writing down some coherant thoughts, say them in the mirror...but I wouldn't let you on my show (if I had one) unless it was for a joke.
You don't seem to understand....I have been on that talk shows as a guest on three different occassions. During the past 5 years? I must have called over 300 occassions. I have never cross that thin line. Rogers television have new blood in there and there are labelling certain individuals who will not be allowed to speak! This is a huge step backwards in our democratic system!
Charles has been on Rogers plenty of times without trouble so I don't see the problem now. I suspect it's more of a misunderstanding. As far as Rogers customer service goes, you're right jwcmq, it's bad. So bad some guy started up a website called ihaterogers.ca. It's funny if you've ever had to deal with poor Rogers customer service. To be honest I've had equally bad service from Aliant and Bell so I think it's more a case of big business not caring about the little customer at the bottom of the chain.
12:41 Could you please give a little details on your comment I would like to know what you mean as in what rogers did to right things with charlie???
I suppose I should explain I'm not being sarcastic about my question it's just that I missed it.
I am a frequent visitor here and I've read the posts so surprised I missed what you might know. Thank-you
12:41 PM???? Thanks....you reminded me of what Daffy Duck told Bugs Bunny!!!! I hate you.....lol...thanks for the memories!!!!!
No one has a "right" to be on a tv show. If Charles has been on 300 times, maybe that's enough for one person?
Personally, whether it's Rogers or CFBC talk shows or public meetings like Volpe on the budget, I get tired of hearing the same old voices repeat the same old complaints. Good for Rogers for trying to make room for new voices!
You can tell that this person is a P.C.. This individual mentioned the Volpe public meeting. Yes....They tired to tell me that I have only three minutes to speak and I lost it! I spoke for 10 long minutes and I have furious that they stop an old man from speaking out! The Lord Government have gone out of their way to deny the public from speaking out! The issue of Ritalin will no longer be mentioned on Rogers or the Irving Papers. Mathadone clinics will also be history! The poor families...etc etc... My god?? This sounds like a blog! I will surely bring the issue of Rogers to a public meeting. As Pierre Trudeau said- JUST WATCH ME!!! I met my first MLA a few minutes ago. Claude Williams < nice guy > and gave him an big- HIIIII LORD!!!!!
Lord government in co-operation with big corporations continues to usurp the rights of the people of this province. Lord government is slowly but surely killing free speech and democracy.
When an organization declares itself to be public media then it cannot turn around and pick and choose who can express their views through such media. It is wrong and it is against democratic principles.
Private media cannot become spokesperson for government only. That will be dictatorship where all the media is controlled. Are we moving in that direction in New Brunswick? All the signs are that yes we are. Is Lord government contributing to it? Yes it is.
Should we not shut up Bernard Lord too. He has spoken to media more often then rest of us put together. Should we not tell him to shut up. We heard enough from him alreay.
How a government can be tolerated, in a democratic system, which is so bent upon hurting and silencing its citizens?
Um, Charles, I'm the 2:35 guy.
I'm not a Tory. I'm a guy who wanted to speak at the budget meeting last year, and didn't get to, because some people, including you, went on too long.
Minister of Finance or Minister of deficit or Minister of bunch of lies, it is all a disaster and too bad for NB.
I saw the hideous face of Bernard Lord on t.v. talking about daylight saying time. The only way we can save time is to get rid of this jerk.
Charles: The only way you can deal with Rogers is to get yourself a winterized tent and camp outside Rogers office.
That should make few headlines.
Um, Maurice, This blog Gets hundreds of unique visitor hits per days, and thousands of pages views by those users per day. That's an awful lot of people coming here to not listen to what Charles has to say. You claim "not to care" yet, here you are yet again today. Oh, I think you obviously care very much what he says. Charles has obviously touched some nerve with you and you are trying to strike back. Poor guy, must be a sad to be you. You are a very angry man obviously.
Have a nice day. :-)
PoliticsNB right on. Lord and boys are hurting and this is their way of strikig back. It is a sorry state of affairs that Bernie Lord has supporters like that. This shows the shallowness of Lord government. They continue to shoot themselves in the foot.
Lord government will attack anybody and everybody. Desperate to survive and hold on to power. God help us to get rid of these creeps.
After each comment
Tag it-
Thank-you, Maurice the moron!
But being the crowd that we are
Give credit where it is do, he did, believe it or not put an earlier post in and did not balk anyone?
He made his statement and left
Good for you maurice!
But just a quick one for him if he is working,Based on the times of his comments he must be working a very split shift because his comments seem to be at all times of the morning,noon,and night how bout it M?? are you working split shift??
to pay for the dead beats?
Dah! Maurice is working for Bernard Lord. His job is to harrass Charles or anyone else Lord asks him to. Lord kisses the ass of rich and intimidate and attack the poor.
How is Bernie's butt, M. Or is it Rogers butt. How many butts are you kissing.
Hurting Maurice, eh!
Bernie, desperate for support and getting none. How pathetic?
All you lazy loooosers will vote for me again like you did last time.
You all cry about everything then you vote for me.
thank you for your support
One has to give it to B.Lord. You are portraying your nemesis quite well. That is exactly the way jackass will behave.
Those fascists. I can't believe they hired someone to follow you around and stop you from saying what you want. Did you distract the guards to post on your blog??
i am tired of people beating up on charles leblanc. at least he has Balls enough to post his real name and take a stand maurice. i used to listen to voice of the province, and i appreciated charles phoning in his comments. he was alway respectful and made good points. i also listen daily for his comments on talk of the town. just because you're a chicken maurice and afraid of charles and his message, is no reason to try and pull him down to the dirt on your level. get a life. if you spent half as much time trying to make a difference in this world as you do whining about charles the world would be much better off. give it a break please so those of us who care can talk about the issues that matter.instead of listening to your constant whining and complaining.
Go play with your balls Maurice.
I see by the time of the post M. must be at(work)he,he rriiiggghhhttt on a coffee break no doubt.
Get it? Graveyard shift-Deadbeat lol,lol,lol,oh that was tooooo funny!!
Also we all know he doesn't visit the library too often and school must have also been a hugh struggle for him according to his spelling.
yea I guess if you had as many kicks in the face as he has you'd probably be writing hatemail too.
Maurice you should get out more and try making a few friends your seclusion is really starting to effect your ability to see clearly
Oh if your working the desk try to stay away from the paper work you'll give your weakness away.
Maurice the moron oh you guys are too good!!
Spelling Bee champion!!!OH STOP IT I can't handle the laughter my sides are splitting lol lol lol lol.
Hope when he's printing in his beaver camp book I hope the other kids((dont or wont))look over his shoulder and tell on him oh this is too much where is our buddy anyway?????????
I hope he doesn't try picking another nick name he might have to get the dictionary out but then again hey M. can you say, Index lol lol oh this is really too much!!!
I am not coming to the defense of Maurice < that's a certain > but those comments are uncalled for. There's many people including myself sometime have a fifficult time in grammar. I wouldn't wish the readers to condenm a person because he/she have problems with their spelling. Do ya no wat I maen? lets. tri too bee nise.
They are greedy, they are millionaires aiming to be trillionaires; while the rest of us are just trying to make end meet and keep what we now have.
They don't need a hand out or a hand up. We are sensored by the paper and that won't change until someone can go against them. The government gave them the resources for years, our land, trees , grants, subsidies, tax breaks and many more things that the public are not aware of or would I know. To start any new business they still want a hand out everytime. No other company could compete without help but we can't afford to help anyone else; Irving doesnot want the competition just the tax breaks.
"When an organization declares itself to be public media then it cannot turn around and pick and choose who can express their views through such media."
4:14pm - you just described CBC. That's exactly what they do. LOL.
Spinks, you are bad. LOL. I am talking about Rogers. You cannot help it, eh!
You're right, I can't. Who knows maybe Rogers will eventually become the voice of the Right as CBC has become the voice of the Left. It takes things too far in my opinion but at least there would be some kind of balance in the grand scheme of things.
Do not keep your hopes too high. Rogers will speak for itself. If there is an NDP government in NB tomorrow it will become mouthpiece for NDP to get business consessions. That is how it tends to operate.
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