Certain individuals like myself? We will be transfer to the famous viewers hotline to leave our comments! I received this email. This is a huge step backwards for our democracy system!!!! I will fight thit Germany style MEDIA CONTROL till the end of times!

Charles :
Thought you may be interested in this :
Here's just another example of Rogers acting like their Media Gods, they come down here and other parts of the Maritimes insulting our intelligence by giving us Half Ass Service and operations :
To prove this, here is their big flag ship operation 680 CFTR in Toronto web site http://www.680news.com/
here are the web sites for their 3 stations in Saint John, Moncton and Halifax
http://www.news957.com/ Halifax
http://www.news919.com/ Moncton
http://www.news889.com/ Saint John
All of us deserve better than this.
Country 94 CHSJ has no web site what-so-ever
CFBC doesn't even have one either Charles on the MBS WEB SITE
100.5 FM
Saint John
98.9 FM
Saint John
930 AM
Saint John
Maybe some of your readers if unhappy with Rogers should visit the Rogers web sites, and e-mail the head honcho and tell him what they think of Rogers Radio General Manager: jim.hamm@rci.rogers.com
I thought their slogan was LOCAL MATTERS, If local matters, how come the Maritime Provinces don't get live Radio Like Toronto.
I'm so sick of them, I'm even cancelling my internet.
My cousin has cellular service through rogers.
Her 5 year old son likes to try and call numbers on her phone so she desided she better start locking it using that feature.
One morning she got up and tried to use her phone,she tried undoing the code but couldn't remember the unlock code.After a few unsuccessful tries the chip burnt up.
Now here's the catch,She called rogers to ask what she was to do to correct the problem.
Rogers told her it will cost 25.00 dollars,Her time and travel out to East Saint John to replace the chip.
They also told her they do not cover the cost they said the chip was designed to destroy itself after a few attempts to unlock the phone as it is also a security feature in case their phones get stolen.
My question is this, how many others does this happen to? and what else or other hidden costs are they making an unbelievable amount of money on? Due to these kinds of(features).
Charlie I don't understand the post above this one?
No story?No comments?
I believe that the reader was saying that Rogers is heading towards the same path as the Irvings. Only a select few will be allowed to to asked questions to the politicians of the Lord Government. These are orders from individuals from Ontario. Rogers is determine to deny democracy in this province! That's their goal!!!!!
If Michelle Wins Saint John Harbour will bernard lord play second fiddle to renaming the house???
I've heard he said if she can pull off a miracle like that she can name the house for 6 months only, Of which she agrees to.
Here is her choice for the people of Saint John.
Brought to you by the Progressive CON-cervatives of New Brunswick She's been heard to say, I hope they're not expecting anything more than that cause that's all I got.
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