It is my humble opinion that aliant/bell or for that matter any utility service such as Rogers or NB Power (A so called Public (meaning for the people Utility)) not charge people who’s income is less then what is currently considered to be the poverty level ( according the Canadian Council on Social Development current lists the poverty level for a single person at $17,895 per year in a city with a population of 100,000-499,999) miscellaneous charges for hooking up the service especially if a service call is not required.
Take for instance my circumstance: I live in a rooming house (do you remember the time you did a story on my being evicted from a rooming house for being gay?)
Well I found another rooming house to live in. In any case cable is included in the rent, however digital cable is not.
So I bought a digital box from Rogers hooked everything up and everything was fine. At the time I was working and I was able to pay the bill in full every month.
In October however I lost my job but continued to live in the rooming house; my doctor placed me on a medical as I suffer from GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) for a period of 9 months. During which time I was to take it easy and try to reduce my stress levels. In any case, my Rogers bill kept piling up until it reached a maximum of 115 dollars.
During Christmas I received in gifts enough to pay off the bill. So two days ago I went to my nearest Rogers Payment Centre and said here you go and handed them the 115; sure enough they said to me we are sorry Mr. Steele but because you were 3 months behind on your payments we have suspended your account and on top of the 115 that you owe us, if you want us to restore your digital service, you will have to pay a $25.00 “re-activation fee” .I said “Re-Activation fee”? What is there to re-activate?
I’m already getting cable as part of my Rent so what is there to “RE-Activate” they responded “if you want your digital cable channels (G4Tech TV, Discovery Health, and BPM) you will have to pay $25.00 in addition to the $115 you already owe us”. I said forget it and left. So now I owe Rogers 115.00 that I refuse to pay out of spite of their $25.00 “RE-Activation” fee.
See a service call isn’t required but I still have to pay $25.00 for someone to type a few commands into a computer . These are the fees and penalties I am talking about.
Chris Steele