Saturday, February 04, 2006


This case is not done. The person who's investigating the issue talked to my cousin on three different occassions. She going to meet with him Monday. She asked me to remove all the blogs about Chico so I did. This case is not done yet. Stay tune for more.

Picture 069


Anonymous said...

Hopefully this will change how the system has been operating. Bottom line if something happens and you need the service no matter what time of day where do you go. Emergency are not certain days or 9 to 5. I pray common sense will prevail.

Anonymous said...

Lately you had to retrieve quite a few blogs. Why do you not think before you jump? Do not use the excuse of ADHD. It is plain foolishness.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

I should delete this but I won't. My cousin has a meeting on Monday and lets see what's going to happen? You must know by now that I don't give in once I get into an issue? Just asked the New Brunswick Human Rights Commission or Bernard Lord?

Anonymous said...

You did not go over board. Going over board are the comments of people who want to bury their heads in the sand. Keep going in a direction that will help people and their pets.

Anonymous said...

You say you won't give up on an issue but in the mean time you report lies and slander about people that have done nothing wrong. You are basing this entire story on absolutely false information and you should be made to answer for it. You make the rest of us adults with ADHD look like a bunch of idiots and it's high time someone shuts this site down! If it makes you feel better to stick it to the man...Irving, all means, because it really doesn't affect them anyway. But when you take a crap on a small business owner who is just trying to make an honest living, for no reason whatsoever, you are proving how ignorant you really are.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

So? You believe that I made all this story up eh? Yeah right. I'll know more about this issue at the end of the day.

I got a question?

What does ADHD has to do with this anyway?

Shut this site down?

I would rather go to Jail first.
Over my dead body!

I would rather go to jail first.

Anonymous said...

Charles and Cecile should really get their damn facts straight before they go and blame people who weren't even to blame for their problems!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I know for a fact that you have your facts incorrect. I never said you made up the story...I said the information was all untrue. Perhaps this actually did happen to your cousin, however the acused doctor had nothing to with this case and you already know it. You continue to slander.

Anonymous said...

Alright, so now you know the facts about an apology now?

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

Let the investigation take its toll....

Anonymous said...

What do you mean "let the investigation take it's toll"?? That doesn't even makes sense. You talk in circles just so you don't have to admit you were wrong. If you insist on having a site which attacks people at least be man enough and admit your are talking out your ass.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

The Veterian phoned my cousin and they had a good friendly chat. My cousin will explain later. I'm closing this blog for comments. She has to to meet with the person investigating this issue. Trust me....I'll let you

Anonymous said...

Trust You??? Like a fat boy at a candy store.

Anonymous said...

Such false slander on the behalf of Charles!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Like a fat boy at a candy store, buddy get a life.Charles is a good man with a good heart and he helps people, what do you do sit around causing problems for other people or what.Shame on you.

Anonymous said...

HELPS PEOPLE!!!!! He doesn't help people, he spreads false stories about people is what he does as in this story about this damn dog!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, who exactly has he helped in this case through his false information and slander toward a completely innocent person?

Do I sit around causing problems for I actually help kids with ADHD to try to ensure they will not grow up like Charles Leblanc.

Anonymous said...

Yes some people don't like to hear the truth but thank you Charles for trying to improve things. It happen and nothing can change that. To make things work better sometimes it takes a story like this to make improvements. No one would like to bring a pet to a vet or someone who we think should help us and have no where to go to save their pet. Get with the facts and slandering Charles who is trying to help.

Anonymous said...

Do you purposely have something negatively to say about Charles on every site? Still you can't cahnge the facts that something went wrong and talking about it to improve the system is a good thing.

Try to help instead of insulting people who care.

You must be very frustrated with life to make such comments that don't do anythings but add stress for yourself.

Anonymous said...

Yes I must say this site has gotten me to think what I would do in such a situation because accidents happen and there is not alot of time if a pet is critically injured; never thought if you got hold of someone they would turn you away. Pets that are in the family for years and years are part of the family. I hope bringing this to light that a solution could come out that makes things better.

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU! I'm not saying anything about the issue of emergency service for your pets...of course it should be there. The problem is Charles is slandering someone's good name which is going to affect his business. The fact is he had nothing to do with the case!

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

No one is slandering nobody but some people in this blog seem to want it this way.

The issue is not dead yet!!! Not from a long shot!

My cousin have to meet with the investigative individual and we'll see what's going to happen?

Stay calm and relax!

Trust me...Chico's death will not be in vain!!!

I haven't asked the Government to investigate yet.

Lets see what's going to happen?

Anonymous said...

Charles, you know the truth now...your just bullshitting around it!!!!!!!!

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

Trust me...the whole story will come out during the next few days.

My cousin has to meet with the investigator.

Anonymous said...

Are you ready yet to admit that you and your cousin were wrong in this case and you should of looked into it further before slandering people who had nothing to do with it?

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

ready to admit??? Of course not!!! This case is not over yet!!! Stay tune!!!!