Saturday, February 04, 2006


Picture 018, originally uploaded by Oldmaison.

Friday morning, I received the replisal from the Government of me being label as a security risk.

There's are many damaging comments on there especially from the Common Clerk.

I don't know who she is but trust me? Everyone is going to know her name when I'm done with this issue.

I can't post the comments right now but stay tune.

Even the politicians from both parties labeled me.

It must have cost a lot of money to make this report?

What a waste!!!

Picture 017


Anonymous said...

Post it! Post the "evidence"! lol

Anonymous said...

For a 'security risk' one would have to actually 'threaten' or be a danger to an individual making the complaint. Of course we only know Charles view of things, so, yes, how about posting some of that. It would be interesting to know exactly how Charles has 'threatened' them.

I suspect the issues are no different than media people simply asking questions that politicians do not want to answer. It's becoming clear that politicians do not like 'dealing with the public' unless the public is an adoring fan. But unless you actually DO something, you shouldn't be labelled a security risk, that's just silly.

In fact, we'd really like to see the evidence in those reports, because clearly if they are not justified you have a legal case to sue these individuals for costing you that job. You should check the dates as well, because I have a possible suspicion that these could have been drawn up AFTER you lost that job. It shouldn't have taken them six months to print off a bunch of reports-all you have to do is click 'print'.

Anonymous said...

Hi: you are kidding? all that paper just to say that you are some sort of security risk? and what kind of risk is specified?

Get a copy of that report.

Preferably signed by a member of parliament or the
commissionaires, and get it to ???.

I want to see the actual thing or see if it is posted on a site somewhere, possibly the hansard?
and what information was contributed by the rcmp? any?

This sounds like a real fun thing to take to the media outside of new
brunswick and which civil servant actually compiled the report?

In 5 volumes!!!?

Is this the example of what we pay taxes for and exactly how many people are in this report?

just you or many persons.

What is the set of criteria for deciding the "risk", and what is "security risk" described and defined as being?

Let me know if it will cost money to get a copy.

I will arrange for it to be
paid thanks


keep it up, and have fun!!

Anonymous said...

It seems the paper was generated because government people needed to respond to Charles' complaint to the Human Rights Commission. When you're accused of something, you're entitled to respond.

And unless i am mistaken, Charles has copies of these documents, because the complainant gets a copy of responses to his complaints.

i'm just guessing, but i bet he's not posting them because he has paper copies, and posting the contents would require an electronic version.


Anonymous said...

gee it is not hard to change paper to disk

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

I made some contact and it's going to take a lo of time to go over these papers. Mind you 3/4 are cases from across Canada telling the Commission that they cannot interveen in the business of the Legislature assembly but I will say that it's a very interesting case. I can't say much in here but in person? I have lots to say. Stay tune...