Sunday, March 05, 2006


Picture 026, originally uploaded by Oldmaison.

Remember a few months ago when all Government employees went nuts when their money wasn’t in the bank?

Jeannot Volpe had to appear in front of the media to calm the situation.

Charles 04_07_05 056

Well? The same action happened this week but no one heard a whisper.

This is the time of the month when the poor people gets their monthly check.

It’s not much but it pays the rent.

The checks were suppose to come in on Wednesday but they never came.

Among the poor families, it was panic time!!!!!

Myself, I wasn’t too concern but the story was that two mail bags were directed to Moncton by mistake.

Thursday came and everyone was at the window waiting for their checks.

Picture 024

Hey? Some of them got bills also.

The caretaker came to my room and told me that everyone got paid but me!!!

I still didn’t get excited until Friday.

Late in the afternoon, I still didn’t get a check.

I asked around the City and there still a few who didn’t get their money.

So therefore it wasn’t someone from Family Services playing a dangerous game with this activist.

I walked into Family Services and once again, I was directed to the open cubicles.

Picture 047

I hate those thing!!!

It’s a place to degrade you that you don’t go there again!

Picture 048

My case worker knows exactly how I feel about those set up but she always tries to calm me.

She told me that the phone has never stop ringing since Wednesday from people wanted their money!

I reminded the case worker that I am a roomer therefore if I don’t get my cheque? I will be evicted because I have no rights!!!

She knows my caretaker but she gave me a card to give to the landlord if there’s any problem!

Now? Get this??? If I don’t get my check by Tuesday?

I will have to go at the Police station to fill up a stolen report!

I take it to my case worker and just maybe? I’ll get a check by Friday!

Question? The media is quick to cover a story about the rich not getting paid but when it comes to 1,000 poor individuals not getting their cheques?

It’s no big deal!

Sure makes a person wonder????

Picture 011
Picture 012
Picture 024


Anonymous said...

What a week for me as a caretaker. I have 25 people receiving social assistance checks. On Wednesday the 1st of March the hall was full of people watching the mail with me. There was only 5 people that got a cheque. It was so sad to see the faces of all of them. The rent has to be paid by 1pm, cause the owner comes around 2pm. I hollored to all rooms not to panic, that no evictions would be given today. I got on the phone and was told for each individual to call their case worker. I was then informed that 2 bags of mail went to Moncton by mistake. I then advised all, wait until Thursday and they all will be in. I said if anybody needed anything I would do my best to help. One guy asked me for food and I gave it to him. He was shocked that I did. I gave him enough for his supper. The owner came to pick up the 5 rents on that day. Thursday all cheques came in but Charles. Usually they all have come in at once. I double checked the mail slot and kept watching to see if the mail man would come back, but nothing. I felt so bad.Yhe owner came to pick up the rent again. I asked Charles if he needed anything, and he said no I am ok. I suggested he go call his case worker and he did. On Friday again no check, I then told him to go see his caseworker. He then came back and gave me a business card to give to the owner if there was any problems. I did not have to use it. The owner understood and I told him Charles is a good tenant and always pays on time. Today is Sunday, and I hope and pray he gets it Monday along with a few other income assistance recipients in other places. What a mistake on the postal service mix up. They all depend on that one cheque to live. I have been under so much pressure, with also doing renovations and moving myself and other people around. What a weekend!! I sure hope Charles cheque will be here tomorrow. I will be watching close Charles for you. God Bless you!!

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

Good comment Millie and I'll be ok. Thank God that we have a good Soup Kitchen down the corner.

I knew that I wouldn't be evicted but the point is that the Landlord would be in his rights to evict me because I didn't have the rent.

This is what I mean by roomers and boarders having no rights whatsoever!

Anonymous said...

Charles, what are you complaining about ? You have a computer, a digital camera, you smoke more than a stack at the Irving pulp mill in Saint John and, as I can see, you have cable TV. Not bad for a guy who's on welfare.ˆar