While walking from Church this morning, I noticed a woman with her head down standing against a building near the sidewalk.

I said - What are you doing? Panhandling?
She told me that she was sad!
I replied - What for?
She told me that the Fredericton Soup Kitchen has been broken into and they stole $10,000!
I just couldn’t believe it!
Afterwards, a few people approached me asking if I heard the news?
Many people were very hurt by this break in.
Myself, I don’t go at the Soup Kitchen at noon but this time around I flew to that area.
I know how stories can change and like a good blogger? I had to get all the facts!
Once there, I noticed more people than usual standing outside.
I guess anyone who heard the news came rushing to the helpful site.
Once inside, I confronted the cook with my questions?
He wasn’t in a good mood. He looked tired and was really hurt that some people would break into a Soup Kitchen.
He was puzzled that I heard $10,000?
From what I’m told?
They broke into this window.

They went on to force this door open.

Once inside, they made a hole through the wall and continue in the back!
Once there, they pried open a little safe.
They weren’t done yet. They ripped the two surveillance Cameras off the walls and broke into an office.

I guess this morning he was really upset with this break in and who can blame him? Bad weekend for George and the poor.
One worker told me that he has been around for 7 years and this is the first time this ever happen!
One homeless guy shouted - The police would catch the one
responsible before tomorrow night.

If those Jerks used the Soup Kitchen in the past? Well? If I was these individuals? I would leave town fast! How much money was stolen? I’m not sure but there’s thousands of dollars in damages.
The poor are being help a lot by this organization and some jerks go out of their way and breaks in to steal from the less fortunate poor.
We do indeed live in a very sad world.
Since this is the Information Highway and God’s knows who reads this blog?
If you care to help in this shameful act?
You can call George at 1- 506 - 457-1788.
Any outsiders wish to help?
Fredericton Community Kitchen
65 Brunswick Street
New Brunswick
E3B 1G5
FAX 506-453-9680
It would be very much appreciated. I’m sure!!!

Just when I think things can't get any worse... I look outside my horrific bubble and I see that my life really isn't that bad! I'm hopeful that I'll save my home, I have much support which I am very grateful for, however I know exactly what I'm eating for supper tonight... HOW COULD ANYBODY TAKE FOOD FROM SOMEONE'S MOUTH? That is horrible... absolutely horrible. And it reminds me of how truly blessed I am. Charlie if there's anything I can do to be of help... Please let me know!
It is indeed sad and I noticed more police patrol on the streets.
I had a good laugh a few hours ago. Some individual told me that they won't comment on this sad story until it's in the paper!
I replied- You're waiting for the story to be in the Irving's papers until you have a comment?
I found that one very strange because I was there! I saw, talk and heard all the stories.
Of course, I'll never mentioned any names until the individuals or individual are found guilty!
But I don't have to wait for the Irvings to speak out before I blog a story!
That's a fact Jack!!!!
By the way? Any outsiders wish to help?
Fredericton Community Kitchen
65 Brunswick Street
New Brunswick
E3B 1G5
FAX 506-453-9680
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