Monday, May 22, 2006


STB_3274, originally uploaded by Oldmaison.

Above is the building of the Education Department in Fredericton.

Last week, I just happen to listen to a panel on CBC radio and the issue was very interesting.

They were chatting about parents objecting to a school decision in Saint John that a special need child will return in the so call normal classroom.

By the way? If you find out what is the definition of the word - Normal? Please let me know?

Claude Williams intervened ordered the changes be stopped.

Now? What was very interesting about the debate was the issue of the bureaucrats.

They said that it’s the bureaucrats who runs the show and not the politicians.

These bureaucrats are always laughing of the politicians went they come into power because they know that they’re here but not for a long time.

These bureaucrats are appointed for life and they’ll do what they please.

Which makes me tcome down with this story.

I found out about ADHD went Camille Theriault was Premier of New Brunswick. I quickly confronted the Premier about the issue of Ritalin.


He set me up with a meeting over the phone with Robert Gerard who’s the Director of the English education Department in New Brunswick..

We had a little three way meeting over the phone but Robert Gerard made it perfectly clear that the issue of drugging our kids wasn’t a problem.

I was getting nowhere with this bureaucrat so once CamilleTheriault announce the election?

I set my eyes on Bernard Lord. I never expected Bernard Lord to be elected Premier. I wanted him as leader of the opposition to bring the issue of Ritalin in the chambers of the House. He told me that he received many phone calls to his office in Moncton East and once he's Premier? He will do a study on the issue.

Well? He got elected as Premier and he didn’t do anything about the drugging and the killings of our children.

Pierre Dumas is the Director of French Education in le Nouveau-Brunswick and Robert Gerard is on the English side.

These bureaucrats have there for a very long time. Robert has over 35 years of service in the Education Department..

These two individuals have the final say of the drugging of our kids.

Frank McKenna ruled with a iron fist and he let the bureaucrats know that he was the boss but in Bernard Lord’s case?


He walks around like he’s a figure head like a king or something therefore letting the bureaucrats do what they pleased.

This is not right.

Bernard Richard even suggested that a study should be done.


Now? We must asked ourselves one question?

What will Shawn Graham do once he’s in office?

Will he pay attention to Robert Gerard and Piere Dumas or will he let the bureaucrats know who’s the boss?

Now? I got another problem?

I’m certain that once the Liberals are in power? I’ll have to deal with this guy.


Dr.Larry Kennedy < Liberal Mla > Last spring he told his fellow MLA’S the standing committee of Education and Health shouldn’t study the issue of Ritalin.

Well? Trust me!!!! I quickly confronted the Liberal MLA and we had a long chat about the issue. I believe that I did mange to open his eyes on this issue.


So? Robert Gerard and Pierre Dumas should be fired or be offered a retirement package.

Bernard Lord is letting these two individuals get away with the killings of our children! Who has more power anyway?

Bureaucrats or our elected officials?

My answer? Bureaucrats!!!!

We need a Premier who’s not afraid of these appointed individual and will Shawn Graham be that person?

Time will tell!!!


Anonymous said...

How many readers have told you not to put that much stuff on the front. The page does not open properly. You can put all your idiotic pictures inside.

If you do not listen to your own readers then you really expect others will listen to you.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

Ver important issues like this one goes on the front blog!!!

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

May I remind you that the main goal of this blog is to educate the non-educated people like yourself of the drugging and the killings of our children?

You're very lucky that I have ADHD because I blog different issues but my main goal is the prescription drug issue.

Anonymous said...

If anyone needs education it is you. Your ignorance is incredible. Get some education. You actually may become useful to the society.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

If I was a bureaucrat like you? I would...

Anonymous said...

Here Charles,

As published on page B1/B2 on May 20, 2006

Decision to scrap classes put on hold
Education minister wants to hear from parents, hold forum

By Sandra Davis

A decision by school District 8 to scrap life-skills classes has been put on hold.

Education Minister Claude Williams has decided to hear from concerned parents before the classes are cancelled, says Saint John Kings MLA Margaret-Ann Blaney.

"Obviously, the parents do not feel that they've been consulted and he wants to do that," said Mrs. Blaney.

She said it makes sense to postpone the decision until a provincially sponsored forum is held at the end of the month to discuss Wayne MacKay's report on inclusion that was released in the spring.

"Why would we make a decision like this now, without having input from the parents who are directly affected and whose children are in those classes? And he agreed," said Mrs. Blaney, who said she has heard from several parents.

District 8 superintendent Susan Tipper is pleased with the news.

"I don't know what the outcome will be, but I'm very pleased that they're listening to the concerns of parents," she said."It certainly shows to me that the minister is very interested in parental input and in doing what he feels, in concert with parents, is good for the kids."

She said she has heard from about 20 parents who were concerned about the classes' cancellation. About 32 children attend the life-skills classes.

"I've been getting phone call after phone call all week long," she said.

Meanwhile, a meeting for parents concerned about the possibility of losing the classes will be held on Wednesday beginning at 7 p.m. at the Community Autism Centre, located in the Wooldlawn Alternative Learning Centre, 55 Westmorland Road on Saint John's East Side.

District 8 had decided not to offer the classes to students next year at the suggestion of the Department of Eduction because, according to a spokesman, they go against New Brunswick's inclusion policy.

Life-skills classes are offered to children with disabilities to help them learn to become independent.

Anonymous said...

Re: 12:44 P.M. May I please just agree in a pleasant way with this writer. Charles, yes there is too much stuff on your home page and true, it dosen't open properly. Even those of us with excellerated high speed internet, makes no difference. Info and photos take forever to load.
Other than that, all I can say is, I have been watching this guy/girl insulting you and your blog day in and day out. He/she must love it, they're here everyday. I don't understand that part of it. He/she thinks that you are an uneducated idiot with no spelling skills, well he/she must be a sucker for punishment, because they're always in here.
Enough said.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

Killings???? You darn right it's Killings!!!

These very intelligent kids are froce on drugs and I heard from some people that they would committ suicide.

In the adult stage? They turn to higher drugs.

As a child that are label as stupid and idiots because they're on Ritalin.

Mind you that the New Brunswick Human Rights Commission told the Government that as Adults these kids are close to mental retardation.

Killings? You darn right its killings!!!!

As for the loading of photos? We are trying to fix that problem so stay tune because I lost hundreds of readers because they have dial up.

Stay tune!!!!

Anonymous said...

Why do you constantly put 100% of the blame on the government? Some parents are to blame for the over-prescription of Ritalin due to lack of parenting skills of energetic children. The drug companies are partly to blame as well, along with some doctors who make commission from every prescription they give. Educate yourself correctly - distribute blame evenly.

Alternatively, there are some adults who truly do need the ADHD medication. I have known a few over the years - they weren't imagining their conditions and taking Ritalin allowed them to function from day to day. Are you trying to say Ritalin (and all of the other ADHD medication) should be 100% banned from use by anyone? What about other psychiatric medications? Are you going to blame all suicides that occur in this province on the government? If so, that's a coward's answer.

Anonymous said...

Well we need you around big times, Charles, so hang in there !! There wasn't even no Live at 5 on TV Tonight because of this dumb holiday, so all we have is this blog to keep us posted on news, etc.
We'D LIKE TO SEND A DONATION to keep the Blog going, but we don't know where to send it ! We realize there must be costs involved with running a blog such as this.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

I have never said that ritalin should be 100% ban. Some people do need it and I would be the perfect candidate for Ritalin.

As I said- Read on the left hand side of the front blog the verdict of the New Brunswick Human Rights commission about the way people who take medication should be treated like?

Now? In today's Gleaner there's a story about placing a system that all kids could hear in the classrooms?

Guess what? I have been saying this for three years now. There's too much noise in the classrooms.

Over 10,000 people signed my petition asking Bernard Lord to do a study on this issue but the Premier with the help of the bureaucrats agreed that the drugging and the killings of our children will continue!!!!

Anonymous said...

Charles, about the bureaucrats, the trouble with our government is we can change the head but a snake is still a snake. Neather party has the power to change it.Second thing Charles, we need people like you, keep up the great work.

Anonymous said...

If you think you would be a perfect candidate for Ritalin, why don't you get a prescription for it? Have you ever taken it before and if so, what side effects, if any, did you observe while taking it?

The group you should be lobbying is the NB College of Physicians (or whatever their official name is) to look at their rates of prescribing for ALL medications - antibiotics, anti-depressants, etc. There are many drugs that are being overprescribed. They could easily figure out which doctors are bullying patients into taking certain medications.

If parents choose to request ADHD medication for their child, then that is between them and their doctor. I don't see how it is appropriate for you to stick your nose in their business. Yes, obviously some parents are lazy, lack common sense, and want a quick fix to calm their children down and by all means, go ahead, make it your mission to educate those parents who don't know any better. There are some responsible, educated parents do their research and know that their child truly needs the drug to function and you should leave those parents alone to raise their children in a responsible manner.

How can you lump all of the children together and say that none of them should receive any medication?

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

I chatted with the head macho of the medical society and guess what?

He's not even a doctor!!!

He's a bureaucrat!!!

May I remind you that this is not only Charles LeBlanc speaking here.

Over 10,000 people signed my petition!!!

Enough said!!!

Anonymous said...

You keep harping about 10,000 signatures. That is good but what you do with it. Going around insulting people will do you no good. You have antagonized every body who can help. You are actually hurting the cause the way you conduct yourself. No civility.

Anonymous said...

This sort of blog posting is the best advertisement for the need for mental health medications I've ever seen.

Perhaps with the assistance of medication, Charles, you could get a job and contribute to society.

Anonymous said...

Etiquette and ambition can't be medicated into somebody.

He has some computer skills and he is more or less bilingual so there are lots of jobs he could get but he doesn't try. He chooses to use the excuse of having ADHD as a reason not to work.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

I let these last few comments go by because it must be from the bureaucrats who's trying to tell the public that I should be ignored at any cost.

As for the job?

Go read on the left side of the blog the story that I had a job but the Government labeeled me as a security risk!

The battle will continue till the end of times.....

Anonymous said...

"The battle will continue till the end of times....."

You truly are delusional, Charles.

Anonymous said...

We get a message every week and I thought that I would share it with
If you're going to win, win gracefully
If you're going to learn, learn by teaching
If you're going to fall, fall reaching for a goal

Anonymous said...

Charles I read in that Saint John Irving paper today that Fredericton is prospering big times and needs people to work. See Section C-1. "FREDERICTON APPROACHING AN ECONOMIC BOOM" , "Capital City Needs Workers, Says Chamber of Commerce" there you go, your chance to get off the dole and get out there and get work.

Anonymous said...

As a parent of a child with ADD I feel I must make a comment about your ideas.

Before making the very difficult decision to put my child on Concerta (ritalin), we consulted with his teachers, our family doctor, and finally, we had him see an independent child psychologist (who cannot prescribe drugs and therefore did not benefit in any way shape or form by his recommendation to put our child on medication). My son saw this person for 2 hours every week over the course of 2 months. A variety of tests were used to determine what our son's problem might be at school and home. He is ADHD, without the hyperactivity component.

The results can best be summed up by my 14-year-old son who, once he started his medication 1 year ago, said to me after about a week on the medication, "Mom, it is amazing, I can actually hear what the teacher is saying to me!"

His father and I have had to work very hard with other aspects of his ADD so being on medication has not made things any easier for us or his teachers. If anything, now that we understand him better, we are all working together even harder to ensure his success.

My first time here and probably my last because I feel from what I have read you are totally against medication for children and nothing will change your mind. I just wanted to let you know that it has made a world of difference to my son...who by the way continues to be a star soccer player, basketball player and all around athlete...the medication has not numbed him in any way except to help him focus on tasks at hand.

Anonymous said...

To 1:36pm, if you happen to return to check for any replies to your post:
You are an educated, caring, responsible parent - more parents should be like you. It's a shame that Charles won't listen to first hand experiences like yours. He has no experience raising children and should refrain from trying to tell other people how to raise their children.