Sunday, July 16, 2006

Poor familes cannot afford the rent in Frdericton!!!

IMG_5638, originally uploaded by Oldmaison.


Anonymous said...

Supply and demand. Yes, Fredericton (not Frdericton as you so often miscall it) is an expensive place to live for anyone, not just the poor, but if that landlord can get $800/month for that apartment, then so what? Affordable housing is the government's problem, not the landlord's. It's fairly common for people, middle-class or poor, to spend over 50% of their income on housing in this city. Saint John is a much cheaper place to live.

Anonymous said...

Yes Indeed Saint John is a lot cheaper. That's because it's a Dump, in addition to being a Dying City.

No wonder most of the people who work for City Hall, live in the outlying communities. Who would want to live in a City, with nothing but pipelines going through it.

Hey, if a landlord can get as much as he or she wants for renting an apartment or a house, then more power to them I say !!

Anonymous said...

I'd say the opposite. Why should an Albertan millionaire get more money just because of the market. That is true though, it is the governments job to create affordable housing, something they've stopped doing. Instead,they pay developers and hope for the best.

Here's something to chew on. One of the fastest growing, and most wealthy city's in the country is Waterloo, Ontario. They have two world class universities, and are the headquarters of RIM and other large software companies.

Here's where it gets interesting, according to the last census. Fredericton's average family wage is $39,000 for people who work full time year round, $28000 for all earnings.

In Waterloo, average earnings are $63,000, almost double.

Here's where it gets REALLY interesting.

The population of Waterloo is almost double that of Fredericton.

In Fredericton, there were approximately 10,000 apartments available. In Waterloo, there were only 8000.

Here's where it gets REALLY REALLY interesting.

In Fredericton the average rent was $750. Yet in Waterloo, the average rent was only $630. If you want to verify those numbers, just go to the community profiles at

So much for the 'supply and demand' theory. For those a little slow on the uptake, if there are fewer apartments available to a much larger population, the rents should be HIGHER in Waterloo, not lower.

Quite obviously there is something far different going on in Fredericton.

Anonymous said...

I'd say the opposite. Why should an Albertan millionaire get more money just because of the market. That is true though, it is the governments job to create affordable housing, something they've stopped doing. Instead,they pay developers and hope for the best.

Here's something to chew on. One of the fastest growing, and most wealthy city's in the country is Waterloo, Ontario. They have two world class universities, and are the headquarters of RIM and other large software companies.

Here's where it gets interesting, according to the last census. Fredericton's average family wage is $39,000 for people who work full time year round, $28000 for all earnings.

In Waterloo, average earnings are $63,000, almost double.

Here's where it gets REALLY interesting.

The population of Waterloo is almost double that of Fredericton.

In Fredericton, there were approximately 10,000 apartments available. In Waterloo, there were only 8000.

Here's where it gets REALLY REALLY interesting.

In Fredericton the average rent was $750. Yet in Waterloo, the average rent was only $630. If you want to verify those numbers, just go to the community profiles at

So much for the 'supply and demand' theory. For those a little slow on the uptake, if there are fewer apartments available to a much larger population, the rents should be HIGHER in Waterloo, not lower.

Quite obviously there is something far different going on in Fredericton.

Anonymous said...

Clearly more people own homes in Waterloo and that is not the case in Fredericton. Low incomes do not allow people to buy home here. Yes more poverty here than Waterloo.

Anonymous said...

As a percentage that isn't true. HOwever, the poverty is exactly the point. People are trapped in a closed market in Fredericton with relatively few owners. THat's NOT supply and demand, that's an oligopoly, which is the point.